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Sensory Color Poems

These Sensory Color poems are examples of Color poems about Sensory. These are the best examples of Color Sensory poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Daystar 2
Dream peep of early gold rim halo 
August riser gleeful in exalted chant
Yield to dulcet chirp from ornate winger
Sunburst orange red splash of heaven
Taunt and...

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Categories: color, august, blessing, celebration, cheer

Premium Member Song of The Agrias Butterfly No 10: ABAB
The whole world down, to our floaters of love,
be the Agrias Butterfly, from South
and Central America. In awe of
their mystique hues and mid-sized, word-of-mouth
spreads 'neath...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: color, allusion, analogy, beautiful, butterfly,

Premium Member Just a Little Hint of Color
Aspects and expectations of color,
be amethyst, be the best, reenlist,
sensory seizes sparks stimulator.

Be lavender and sweeter, forever,
be cerise and release your masterpiece,
aspects and expectations of...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, analogy, appreciation, color,

Premium Member Pumpkin Spice Pandemonium
Its sun is brilliant bright and bonny bold,
a lustrous light, largesse in satin sheen.
Intake of breath sensory manifold,
for a warm, welcoming autumnal scene.

Aurora-colored leaves paint...

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Categories: appreciation, autumn, color, god,

Premium Member Feminist Ecolory
When Yin was growing down
and into belonging
still in EarthMother's warm wet womb,
she followed her interdependent 0-wheels
of enscripted color and sound octaves,

Appreciation for multicultural sensory integrity,

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Categories: color, earth, health, humor,

Premium Member Multisensory Sanctuary
True and trusted octave colors
of and for HerStoried Earth
unfold again
for those who listen
with new eyes
for over-filled mouthfuls
of Indigenous Systematic Theology

With sensory experience roots
in sacred ecological...

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Categories: color, culture, health, integrity,

Premium Member Restoring Sacred Grace
Redistributing Natural Karma

Therapeutic economies of multicultural grace
regeneratively push through
Punitive politics of retribution for monoculturing sin,
degenerative harm,
victimizing fellow Earth residents
of grace
and positive Earth karma.

In Genesis
we can...

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Categories: color, community, earth, health,

Premium Member Language Development
We populate our LeftBrain language with nouns.
We populate our RightBrain relational verbs with objects,
with objectives,
cooperatively positive
and competitively mistrusted
as notnot double-binding negative.

We populate this bicameral life...

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Categories: birth, color, creation, health,

Premium Member Cocktail Hour
Winter's early evening breeze
feels and smells the same now,
as when sixteen,
except less promising
because more consoling,
contenting rather than regenerating contentious breath
of future hopes and dreams,
knowing we...

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Categories: beauty, color, humor, longing,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things