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[n] the act of putting two things together with no space between them; "at his touch the room filled with lights"
[n] a distinguishing style; "this room needs a woman's touch"
[n] the feel of mechanical action; "this piano has a wonderful touch"
[n] deftness in handling matters; "he has a master's touch"
[n] the faculty of touch; "only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us"
[n] the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"
[n] a suggestion of some quality; "there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone"; "he detected a ghost of a smile on her face"
[n] the act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan); "he watched the beggar trying to make a touch"
[n] a communicative interaction; "the pilot made contact with the base"; "he got in touch with his colleagues"
[n] the event of something coming in contact with the body; "he longed for the touch of her hand"; "the cooling touch of the night air"
[n] a slight but appreciable addition; "this dish could use a touch of garlic"
[n] a slight attack of illness; "he has a touch of rheumatism"
[v] have an effect upon; "Will the new rules affect me?"
[v] dye with a color
[v] comprehend; "He could not touch the meaning of the poem"
[v] make a more or less disguised reference to; "He alluded to the problem but did not mention it"
[v] touch, as of food; "She didn't touch her food all night"
[v] be in direct physical contact with; make contact; "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point"
[v] make physical contact with, come in contact with; "Touch the stone for good luck"; "She never touched her husband"
[v] cause to be in brief contact with; "He touched his toes to the horse's flanks"
[v] tamper with; "Don't touch my CDs!"
[v] affect emotionally; "A stirring movie"; "I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy"
[v] perceive via the tactile sense; "Helen Keller felt the physical world by touching people and objects around her"
[v] deal with; usually used with a form of negation; "I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole"; "The local Mafia won't touch gambling"
[v] be equal to in quality or ability; "Nothing can rival cotton for durability"; "Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues"; "Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents"
[v] be about; have to do with; be relevant to; refer, pertain, or relate to; "What's this novel all about?"; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"
[v] to extend as far as, "The sunlight reached the wall";"Can he reach?"

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things