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Venting Crow

One day goes by and you would think my luck sustained from before would carry over but erupt goes the bad luck and my emotions run amuck 'till it's time to go home It's simply easier to quit, take me home I admit this isn't for me but this would be the part where I say my rant is a joke I'm only blowing smoke yet the smoke in the air is the only one I'm choking on In a lie, I'm alive and kicking breathing in success, pouring out excess sweat I'm a champion, capable of superhuman feats jumping 20 feet from buildings onto concrete without the bones in my knees breaking skin In a lie, I'm at home where I am but in truth, work always make me absolutely miserable No matter the good company I seem to attract the good company I keep I always find myself perched upon something surveying the scene laying out in front of me staring out at the many faces, my eyes becoming microscopes to study, to observe, research the people walking among me and at times it terrifies me Am I a villain, a criminal or have the tendencies of the obscene for I know the lengths, limitations, boundaries I won't nor never dare cross but this story has been done before so it seems, so I believe I'm not sure anymore myself, they all sound the same anyway THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME???!!! They all sound the same... so does that mean I'm the same as everyone else a selfish protagonist in a fictional story I'm not feeling it, feeling this I'm finding more things falling apart at my touch than finding a way to the finish line I'm finding more reasons to say: "Life is tragic, I'm not having it" than I'm able to exclaim with magnificence "Life is magic, I'm enamored with it let the new days roll, flow with ever-radiating elegance and good fortune" If only I was trapped in the age of lords and kings then maybe my vernacular, my verbal accompaniment would resound that of true mesmerizing exuberance instead of declining like that of a slow cascading snail down a window sill; slow like a sloth, slow like a turtle I envy you turtle, your home is mobile while I have yet to discover mine I envy you universe you question nothing, answer nothing; all you are is what you are There's no self discovery to explore whereas anchored to my feet are the boots equal to weighted steel as I try to discover the parts of my own universe discover my own components that make me who I am to find out of this is who I'm meant to be or just decayed remnants of a falling star

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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