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When I do it I love me
When I don't I hate me

I am beautiful lying upon my bed
Open like a flower
But I'm dirty
And I won't reach heaven
How did I go bad?
Why did I go bad? 

My curves resemble a goddess
Painted in watercolor
Worthy of museum
Then I’m nothing but a sinful woman
Slave of herself
Slave of a thought 
Thought like a parasyte

I can't stand the burning
My legs shake as if it were winter
But the atmosphere is suffocatingly warm
Like the cup of tea I forgot to drink

No matter how connected to paradise I feel
I have assimilated that I will never get there

When I do it I love me
When I don't I hate me

Copyright © Yui Yui | Year Posted 2024

A Living Dead I'm

?? A Living Dead I'm ??

©?Abdul Qudus Olamilekan Yisa.


Like an appearance of a full moon's fall,

the light of her love illuminated my heart,

in the presence of no light, which was once nightfall.

and like a grumble of a thunder, it awakens my feelings and weakens my lion's heart.

She made me tasted the sweetness of love,

and me, thought that my story had ended up like that of bitter-leaf.

Unknown to me, she is a serpent; and like the devil she should be shoved.

for she traumatized me with a sheaf of arrows and planted in me unbearable grief.

Alas! my heart, which was locked like a door, opened wide like a sea.

for a devilish woman who disguised like an angel,

Oh, what a pity! My nose couldn't smell a serpent nor did she write it on her face for me to see.

and I must say, my nose and eyes are wicked. If not, I'd have known if she was a devil or an archangel.

Had I known, she's who she is,

I wouldn't have drowned in an ocean encapsulated with the sweetness of emotion.

Therefore, every woman without intrinsic beauty is nothing but ashes.

whence, they deserved not to live under roofs but in the forest to be abandoned.

My blood circulated with sorrow,

emotions ran thru my head like electricity.

where is that bimbo?

who will takes me out of this eccentricity.

She promised to stand by me in thick and thin,

Unknown to me, she would fade suddenly like the moon.

to turn to sorrows and griefs, my grin;

and made my happiness far from me; and attuned.

A new beginning for the tranquility I felt when I met her.

but suddenly, the light of her love turned to a knife which stabbed my heart.

without telling me before, my err.

and her sweetness turned to bitterness in my heart.

I thought I've found my Juliet but all of a sudden turned to my bullet,

I thought I'd found my world but all of a sudden turned to ordinary words.

O' world, look at someone whom I loved dearly giving me a gauntlet!

Is it a crime to love? Please, give an answer to that question in a word.

She turned me into a Livin' Dead. Like a fish without gills.

gruesome pain Ihave been feeling since she left me alone in the deep and dark ocean of love.

and if it dries, I'm able to fill it with tears, the rill.

but nevertheless, I won't quake with fear even if the wind shoves.

Though, the fate and will of God shall come to pass.

For man's purposes, God disposes what we desire might be the best in our sight.

but God knows the best, let's dance to the beat of his bass

and I believe at the end we will be delight.

If we try to change the will of God, we will regret our actions.

what was destined is already written in book of the holistic,

when something happened we shouldn't be craven,

because God has kept for you, the one that's aesthetic

—The Noble Versifier ??

  Qoys ????

Copyright © Qudus Yisa | Year Posted 2024


opaque icicle
hanging from an ornate tap
a bird tries to sip 


Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015


It’s not the fact that I can’t hug you that bothers me. It’s knowing that I have all the freedom too, but only in a place of confusion and pain. 

Copyright © Maelyah Wade | Year Posted 2024

Pain hits hard

My partner and I were never prepared,
for what the specialist doctor said, 
We hoped the chemo worked but dread,
to tell you that the cancer spread, 
Our palative nurse tried to dull the pain, 
But time after time it was bad news again, 
I just had enough of the pain being raw, 
My impulse was to punch the sitting room door, 
I needed some space to digest the bad news, 
My love of my life I was soon to lose,
How do you deal with such a dialema, 
Love will grow strong even when not together. 

Copyright © Erich Von der geest | Year Posted 2024

She lived

Harmorhage of blood, Midnight had seen her eyes, swollen by the custody of evil and the lies

Cravings in her heart that beated in, exuding through her mind, manifesting insecurity essencefully, with delirium of veins in grind.

The day was tinted darker than the worst poisons spell, with lack of choices left between The heaven or the hell.

The skin flaunting the hides of the burns of the age, every crease drew potraits, of memory that engaged;

The body was the body, the soul had seen the time, when excitement whispered stories to where anticipation followed the rhyme..

Nor the bonds of irons were there, Neither she was tightened through the copes, when knives described their sharpness, She showed mercy on the ropes.

The rope nor ordinary in colour or structure, It weaved the haunts of blame, each time the question asked her worth, She preferred selling herself for the game.

No one knows which era she lived, No one knows her name, Its said when freedom knocked her door, She said she'd fell in love with the cage

Copyright © Krisha Vadher | Year Posted 2024

I saw God but now what

I saw God, I swear I did, was it a chimera or just me being absurd?
Who knows? I was awestruck.
I looked again and He wasn’t there, 
I closed my eyes and He was everywhere. 
And then I’ve smiled, embracing this all encompassing connection;
It felt like wholeness that was guiding me towards ascension.
I’ve surrendered to the scorch of vibrations in my deepest being,
Unheard cosmic gospels were piercing my Self;
Couldn’t understand a word but I could feel what it was said. 
It was like magic, now you see Him, now you not.
Forgotten knowledge that now I knew, reminded me, that I was you.
I took a breath and I was shedding ego, fear and everything that dread.
A veil of understanding was lifting before my eyes,
It was God and me, just playing hide and seek.
Look within and have a peek.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

It all Starts With a Thought

It starts with a thought, a quiet voice that turns into a silent whisper
A gentle words spoken, a conversation sparked
Passion ignited movements of hope, courage, and determination
Movement sentence by a monumental change
Movements, which collectively become part of the great love exchange
It starts with a thought
Your desire to dream your hunger to defy the odds, your feel your fibre and your food
It starts with a thought
But have you ever stopped to ponder to reflect to wonder?
What is about a thought that causes a delicate home to grow into a rippling Thunder? 
By the age of five, 90% of our brain wiring has formed
Our ability to perform, inform, and instigate reform
It’s all wired together, like a bowl of string, wanting and willing us to find the end
What will we do once we find the end?
Well, in all honesty that will depend
Maybe will decide based on what we’ve been taught, maybe will act to avoid being distraught – but ultimately it would depend on a singular thought
I thought to act, to keep the ball intact, I thought to be abstract
Why is this thought so precious?
God gave us thoughts not to harm us, but to bless us
But be wary, we must guard our thoughts
Filter the filth, FILL with fruitfulness, fight for fair 
Our thoughts matter,
Our thoughts have power,
Our thoughts are very foundation of why we care
Lean on truth, lean on understanding, lean on love
Not the superficial love, we see on Valentine’s Day, not a love that ends on a Monday and returns on a Friday, not I love on display, better love that goes all the way, love that doesn’t decay
I love that is boundless, limitless and pure 
Our tribe needs this love
Our community needs this love
Our world needs this love
But most of all we need this love
We need this love to spark a conversation
We need this love to ignite passion
We need this to fuel movements
But it all starts with a thought

Copyright © Ella Stone | Year Posted 2024


by Doug Stoiber 
Out walking on a mindless errand, lost in thoughts of this and that
I came upon a bleak tableau, cruel Nature in its direst test.
A battered bird with broken wing, amid the weeds had come to rest.
Within three paces, coiled to spring, a hungry feral cat.
I gave the matter scarce concern; the bird was doomed, it seemed to me.
If not the feline’s prey, it looked unlikely to survive the day
As trembling, hobbled, flightless, on unsteady legs it could but sway.
But turned to see me witness, in its eyes a mournful plea.
The moment touched within my soul an instinct unexpected there.
I bellowed, charging at the cat, who snarling, turned and fled the scene.
Though just as startled by my rage, the bird froze right where it had been,
Unsure if death would conquer it within the human’s snare.
My errand placed on hold for now, I slowly knelt to grasp the wretch,
It fluttered wildly, ‘til at last, within my palms it settled back.
I sought a haven for the injured bird, a shelter from attack
‘Though in its wounded state, a quite immobile prey to catch.
A shadowed ledge at window height, I placed the bird to rest awhile.
With bottled water I had carried, poured a capful for its thirst.
On cracker crumbs from in my pack, the wounded casualty I nursed.
It ate, then seemed to sense a respite from its fearsome trial.
And though near death, still found its voice, at first a purring warbled note,
But soon burst forth with raucous air a symphony of trilling tones
That stood my hairs on end and sent a thrilling shimmer to my bones.
        	This music from a wounded bird became the poem I wrote.

Copyright © Douglas Stoiber | Year Posted 2024

She wrote

With a pen she wrote a story,
Stretched across her old notebook.
About a girl who wanted to be noticed,
And a boy who refused to look.
And she wept and wept and wept,
Leaving an inky, tear-sodden page,
But she swept the issue under a rug, 
And brought it all down to their age.

With the same pen she wrote,
This time on a newer, nice notepad.
About her dropping, declining grades,
And how her parents were so mad.
And she tried and tried and tried,
To hold her emotions behind her eyes,
And she realised she would never be good enough.
No matter how hard she tried.

With a drag and a puff of smoke,
And something alcoholic between her lips,
She wrote drunkenly on a piece of paper,
About how her life had come to this. 
And she winced and winced and winced,
At the messy drawings on her am,
How some were faded, how some were fresh.
How she could cause herself such harm.

With her crimson wrists the subject, 
And a piece of broken glass.
She wrote her final story,
Before her body would finally pass.
And she stayed silent, silent, silent.
She was a stature laying in red.
She thought
“What use to words on paper have
When I am already

Copyright © Alice Southern | Year Posted 2024

I Lost

I lost what i can't have,
I lost everything I wanted to have,
I lost someone because I didn't see,
I lost everything that would mean the world to me. 
I lost you to someone great, 
I lost me because I lost my faith, 
I lost hope in any future space, 
I lost you ever being in each other face,
What I would give to show you once more how you were great. 
What I would give to have back everyting that was so great. 

Copyright © Nicholas Soto | Year Posted 2024

Tangled up

How much my wish is for you to believe. 
        Your place in my heart that those eyes couldn't see. 
        Predestined obsession of hurts, hopes, and dreams. 
              Anti-stain fabric, our hearts on our sleeves, 
           Cold water wash only, our hearts and our sleeves. 
           Both torn and undone in their own hellish ways. 
     Untangle tangled up beauty, from where do you hang?

Copyright © Russell Smith | Year Posted 2024

nobody kisses that anxious mind

I think i made a terrible mistake,
i didn’t think it could be true
but who did you tell about me and what did i say about you
because it was going ever so perfectly, i was happy at the start
i told my friends your’re ever so handsome
you told your friend’s i’m so smart
and both of us were in it
we both wanted to be
i said my favourite thing about you is how you treat me
because it was so beautiful
so gentle so kind
you wiped tears from my eyes and you kissed my anxious mind
i said “oh i met this boy…”
im convinced he put stars in the sky because every time he looks at me
im a psychological sigh
i’m fun to be around and my only baggage is a purse
i said “he’s better than i could have ever imagined”
and then everything got worse
and i remember the moment distinctively i told a friend “look who i found!” they said you were perfect for me
that their jaw fell to the ground
i said how well it was going
how beautiful you talk about me
how you were “the book boyfriend that i never thought in real life i would see”
my friend probably thought i was just crazy
you were after all a guy i just met
but both of us i would have so easily bet because you were so funny
and oh darling
in the same sense of humour as i… alway’s texting me to hangout
you struggled to say goodbye
you struggled to speak around me, swooned when i wore a dress
i wanted everything to be perfect
instead i made it such a mess because they weren’t really my friend
i learned that too late
because days after, you pulled back said that for you “i shouldn’t wait”
and i stepped into my apartment , purse fell to the ground
it suddenly felt to heavy again when i remembered your laugh’s sound
and you weren’t around to wipe the tears
nobody kisses that anxious mind
i said “look who i found!”
you heard “better , you should find”
so now i don’t talk about it
now i don’t talk much at all
because you never know who’s hopes that you tripped, when you talk about your fall

Copyright © lila slusarczyk | Year Posted 2024


My dearest son, I hope you understand and know how much I love you.
Your Mom and me live to only see you
Before you were born trust me I didn't know
Just how much, how much I would love you so,
I had decided your name When I was nineteen
No one agreed at that time but I stood by and everyone had seen.
When first I looked at you
Not me everyone was filled with joy too

A father's love really is hard to explain,
Not everyone I am sure will feel the same.
Now that you are growing I felt the need to open my heart with you
Just how much really how much I love you so.
Time will pass day after day,
But trust me the love I have for you grows volumes with every day

Inder Bir Singh

Copyright © InderBir Singh | Year Posted 2024

In Memory's Embrace

In Memories of dead

Many questions arise-
Where does he reside now?
Are we in his sight?
Oh! Where have you gone?

You were once among us ,
And yet alone.
If only I could met you once more,
To ask and understand.

But now , you're within nature,
And yet, to be found nowhere.

Copyright © Aarav Sharma | Year Posted 2024

Demon Radio

Embroiled in
Pre-dawn delusions
Assuming the
Cloud covered moon is
Destroying its symbolism
For my own amusement
As the parking lot becomes
Mystical, enlightened
Full of
Ambient apparitions 
Of the eternal type
With the coyotes barking
And my
Inner self yawning
I see an old radio
Centered in the prosaic grass
I am told I must
Change the station
I am afraid to touch it 
Even if the angel Gabriel came
To force my hand
I would scream like a
Ferrell cat
Dance like a madman
Like the saint known as the
Fool of Christ
Drunken, with glass in hand
Fooling the townspeople 
With disguised piety
Hidden within his hermitage 

Back to the
Vision of an
Old radio
Against my own fear
I turn it on and
Tune it to the first station
I can hear an old man
With a
1920's type
Radio host's accent
Like Pathe news
All over again
In wartime England
And in his dialogue
Thru a slight crackle
I can hear him disclose my 
To what I assume to be
A company of demons
Yes, this is a predicament 
Too long and
Exhaustive for a
Simple poem
Tune in for the
Next installment...

Copyright © John Severino | Year Posted 2024

If only I knew how to stop dying

If I knew not to die in life,
For I have died so many times,
I would turn to stardust,
To be forever immortal.

I would turn into darkness
Not to see my shadow anymore,
And let my eyes be the moon
What lights up the heavy night.

I would change into pure water
To flow downhill from the spring,
To kiss the sea at dawn
And then to rise to the clouds.

I would become a grain of sand,
For the wind to carry me away,
And finally eternity
To turn me back in to a human

Copyright © Vasile Serban | Year Posted 2024


The month we both  fell, 
Like the leaves
The month you entered my life,
Like the breeze 
The month we hummed our favourite new song,
Like the tidal waves crash against the sea 
The month we held each other,
Like a promise unspoken
The month of our sleepless nights,
Like wanting to never let go
The month we kissed,
Like the beginning of a new season

The month of our final goodbye, 
Like a clock waiting to be stopped
The both of untold confessions,
Like the change of the month. 


Copyright © Vani Sant | Year Posted 2024


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Quote LeftPoetrySoup is a home for the homeless that have no place to go when it comes to poetry writing. Thank you. God bless in expanding this website for a promising tomorrow-place for straving artist to become rich in hope & desires.Quote Right

Comment By: M. H.

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Book: Shattered Sighs