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The mercilessness oven indiscriminate fate

Alternative title: lost life late lesson, thus sigh strove to plan stove ho! to be found.

Very little control prevails per any one mortal to control his/her destiny!
This applies to autonomic nervous system (for examples; maintaining the heartbeat, blinking of the eyes, and breathing) as well other numerous basic bodily functions.

Yes, one can try to train her/himself to withhold the urinary tract and/or sphincter muscle to avoid expelling liquid and/or solid waste. The basic bladder and/or anus can be restrained for a short duration. Eventually, this natural urge to urinate and/or defecate overtakes even the most robust human specimen.
Along a similar thread, upon engaging in vigorous physical activity, a healthy person will perspire in an effort to cool the body electric. This physiological function akin to a thermostat without proper functionality, a deadly outcome would grip hold skeletal, muscular, and glandular systems spelling doom to a corporeal complex edifice.

Synonymous with owning no means to determine when an average mortal will need to pay homage to the porcelain goddess, the appetite engendering said expulsion viz unnecessary sustenance digestive byproduct, when insatiable thirst, and/or unrelenting hunger pangs distract an individual to attend to any important business at hand.

Just as nil, (or extremely miniscule, medically induced, and very temporary) restraint cannot be clamped down on inherent nutriment to satiate the onset of “feeding the beast”; ingestion and attendant excretion operate independently of any deliberately hardened linkedin personal scripted whim.

The quintessential fabric, magic, and rubric to sustain longevity vis a vis any ordinary human subject can only endure at the obeisance of animalistic, generic and mechanistic synchronization tying united victory with xy coordinates inherently working like a well lubricated piece of machinery.

Within a twenty-four hour period decisions can get made predicated on parameters particular to each person. Beyond the realm of one revolution Earth completes on the north/ south axis (twenty three point five degrees from the plane of planetary orbit around the sun.

Genesis of any random person (plucked from the annals of human residency upon this terra firmae) describes significant role played by chance.

How pregnancy proceeds, (whether mother to be experiences any fraught full, helpful viz joyful labor, plus within what social stratification, whence infant begot and bewailed crying debut presets their figurative stage. thus sired, reared qua provided opportunity nursing maternal love kneads joyousness important heightening golden fortified early days.

Childhood buildOn abundant zeal yields xtra warped weft woofing vis a vis unstinting trimester sunny. remonstrations quaking pregnancy outsource nihilistic mutations.

Left lacking kisses junks indelible heavenly gift fostering emotional detachment carried by baby, an albatross!

We – the collective species of Homo sapiens and/or individuals are subject to be bruited by the elements of nature. Within a narrow band one can tweak their existence.

Buffeted jimmy john, this mortal christened Matthew Scott Harris reckons how transient each earthling mark kid lee skitters thru the time stream.

Upon unseen rocky shoals, sand bars, or the undertow of rip tide, the naked ape and supposedly prime mate essentially gifted with marginal and measly choices.

No mortal can elect to be born, nor who begets him/her genetic traits webbed neighborhood (ideally a jolly mister Rogers one would be manna).

Humanity collectively deplorably exhibits frenzied graphed hiccupped inscribed jagged lurches.

Karma manifests nurture or pathetic quintessential roiling spirit treasonous unfairness vaccinating woven xx/xy yawping zings into the cerebral cortex as baby bumbles lugubriously along, which consummation dice throw i.e., when super no ova metes seem min.

Untallied countless conceptions since dawn of civilization (extant through out millennia up until this present moment), the collective brotherhood/sisterhood of human beings at the whim of forces greater than themselves, which initial convolution, fornication, and impregnation, encompasses (from seminal fuel injection) unique fusion, pollination, and proliferation of most dominant creature to ever walk the terrestrial firmament.

Though indifferently lobbed with unexpected trials and tribulation, whereby wretches wantonly tossed hither and yon to and fro within the sea of humanity as dark shadows slink closer to the edge of night effecting, deigning, and his contrived schema dna blueprint cossets, ferries and cossets mortal man within his/her delineated habitat.

Pagan worship found primitive primates (precursors to proto humans, and distant forebears of present physical prominent species) to seek pseudo succor against palpable threats that loomed.

Praise viz prayers poignantly posed toward panoply per constellation of propagated protectors against unpredictable perilous of rack and pinion driving force disallowing personal choice to steer the quotidian phenomena.

The proscription of such invisible phalanx sought scattered tribes of bipedal hominids to be cosseted, foisted and inoculated against the prevalent precarious predators that stalked the vulnerable agrarian simians.

Aside from seeking salvation from spate of becoming a fancy feast bloating abdomen rivaling a full bladder, bigger brutal bummers wresting control over the burgeoning planet.

The last mentioned force to be reckoned with constituted terrestrial phenomena, which physical perturbation attributed to disobedience punishment against adherence to laws of the lands rumbled from the celestial vault, or deep within the bowels of the Earth.

Survival of the fittest a natural edict, the not ready for prime time production team of sparse tribes also required twenty four seven day surveillance to combat mortal kombat, idolatrous, egregious, and/or adventitious vulnerability, thee and/or other unpredictable predilections that preyed upon said peons of present day peoples. Perhaps penalties with provoking wrath of constellation of spirits demand attendant penance.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Propagation to out pace the rubric (sans critters unspoken/unwritten law of the land would push the pestilential precocious pupil and teacher (whom father donning genes doled out royal sum of money) for pluperfect pronunciation. even the slightest perturbation from lesson plan would guarantee pointed contact over the precipice of painful purgatory.

Permanent penal punishment would visit manifold future generations of womb did knee breech ching born progeny.

Thrall damn cometh at speed of greased lightning.

Wayward woebegone willy-nilly killing trademark patented imbroglio.

Immediate death by a cold hard steel of metallic knife in the major blood vessel severs touchstone with nary boot a yawn from the peanut gallery.

The deadly stab would immediately sever coconsciousness by the jackanapes skull and cross bones insignia ripped a black hoodie cloaked.

Scattershot rust colored hemoglobin splattered with the victims corpuscles testament to the heavy price whereat no soul survivor blithely gamboling with tenets of divine creator could escape burning for eternity within the hellish hob goblin infested ghoulish furnace called Dante’s Inferno, an crematorium asylum.

This son will forever be blotted out since that daring doublet dunderhead earthling usurped the latent machinations to stray down the catwalk from time immemorial into the nebulous future.

Since day one whence archetypal cretin erased genetic IdentityGuard kickstarter madness overrode quintessential sanctity unraveling wickedness yielding atavistic cannibalistic erratic glockenspiel inchoate krackle MineCraft ordaining quirky specious uxorious wacky yahoos automatic condemnation, eradication, glorification inxs knowing mockery opining quiescence surfeit uniting world.


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  1. Date: 12/6/2017 3:23:00 AM
  1. Date: 12/6/2017 3:19:00 AM
    I kind of like this. It's growing on me with each read, like fungus. There's an HONESTY, a kind of TRUTH....about it. I think I need to read this again. It shouldn't be parked. Shove the key in, turn the ignition on, pump the accelerator, foot to the pedal hard. Man, keep your foot flat to the floor, change gears up a notch, you're on the Road. Travelling. Thumb out on the side of the Road.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things