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Tenderly Kissing Clarice 2092

* * APOLOGIES FOR SQUASHED FORMATTING * * * * * PERHAPS POETRY SOUP DISALLOWS SPACING WHEN USING PHONE. * * * - - - - Tenderly kissing Clarice's compliant cheek, Whit switches her to stand by mode. - - - - Sultry check of sleekness in mirror glances ensure people will appreciate the effort he made. - - - - Rooster spruced, proudly displays his profiles - - - - - - Clarice's glass eyes glint approvingly. - - - - Whit will lament a comfy night with her, though wishing to be too busy - - - - 'Out Side' night has arrived! - - - - Diligent dosage administered. - - - - The once a month chance to be explorative. - - - - One of twelve occasions in a year. - - - - To mingle with intoxicated women. - - - - ... " See you after Gov Groove, " Whit bids motionless Clarice. - - - - Swarming skyscraper buzz shifts mindset - - - - Sprawling infinity of 'Toowoomba Got Lots' towers among rusty roofed rural city. - - - - 45 restaurants, 20 bars, 10 nightclubs, -a wanderer's paradise! - - - - One of a thousand similar venues around Australia. - - - - Anticipation plays piano on Whit's neck. - - - - Lights, sights and sounds shudder with tunnelled potential. - - - - Overloaded senses embark on montrosity's offering. - - - - - - - - - His velcro hand hairs are caught by square edged lacquer nailed greeting. - - - - Huon pine scent, eyeliner, hoop earrings swing into Whit's cheek. - - - - Yellow caterpillar tight top, chest enhancing. - - - - Exchanging exclamations, layers of rough recollection, he tilts phone to boost memory. - - - - Liberty correspondeningly tilts her phone, beams sunnily, " Single. Marvel!" - - - - Whit nods his satisfaction at duplicated answer on his screen. "You too." - - - - Glossy lips reveal, "Not up with romances." - - - - Manufactured yellow lights bounce off her shaken silver earrings, "Can't even getta monkey in the jungle!" She declares, disco arms. - - - - Grunt of laughing agreement, Whit asserts, "Lemme OOEWH, OOEWH, ooewh?", scratches his ribs endearingly. - - - - Sunny Liberty's open response dazzles white hot. - - - - Hooking his arm decidedly, " Let's eat!" - - - - Mayhem of around 5000 people arriving at 'Got Lots' between six and seven pm is subdued by design bearing fifteen entry points with efficient scanning capabilities. - - - - Alotted dates of required attendance are scheduled and sent to citizens six months in advance. - - - - Around half the nights of the month formatted for families with kids, sectioned into similarly aged kids per group. - - - - Seven nights per month sees 'Got Lots' open to couples without kids, divided into participant age brackets. - - - - Remaining eight weekend nights of each month - the all nighters - are allocated to singles and 'Tee Dubs' - - those who have a romantic interest, but haven't intensified their status to commitment. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Popular view and government policy have resisted genetic engineering. - - - - It meant that people remained in existence 'as were' intended. - - - - A reproductive problem of the mid 21st Century was an increasing proportion of kids being born with significant disabilities. - - - - Predominant factors were deemed to be - drug and alcohol abuse by perspective parents. - - - - Babies born to considerably older parents who'd used I V F assistance. - - - - - Accordingly, the government imposed strategies to ensure those scenarios seldom occurred. - - - - Society has been encouraged to enter long term marriages. - - - - Incentivised married couples receive tax payer funded $50 000 per year. First and second born children attract $5 000 per year, with another $5 0000 per year deposited to their University education fund. - - - - - - - - - Seemlessly Whit and Libery are seated at Lute, Portuguese restaurant. - - - - Luck saw them seated on the fourth floor of Lute's narrow footprint, permitting view of Toowoomba's south eastern hills, intermittently glinting behind mature trees' brush strokes. - - - - Spritely string music accompanies strawberry wine. - - - - Plates of salted fish fillets, spicy spinach leaf rolls, steaming baked potatoes are despatched deliciously via hatches in their booth's wall within circular seating arrangement. - - - - - - - - - Whit's intentions of which portions to party at, diminish compared with Liberty's extravagant mapping out of drinks and dances. - - - - He grants logic to her eagerness within the limited schedule. - - - - Ten hours per month mean planned efficiency is key. - - - - Adrenalin strobes behind his eyes, as courage surges, " What's my prospect of fulfilling you finding your Ultimate? " - - - - After being given a light hearted rejection speech from Liberty, an equal part blunt and tactful presentation, they continue eager conversation during dinner. - - - - - - - - - Routinely as robots, they emulate emotion written into standard departure hugs. - - - - Liberty sends him a flamboyant hand flung blown kiss before disappearing. - - - - Longingly surveying the scene inside 'Chirp' Bar Liberty is lost in, Whit admits the women who attend expect a gym junkie type. - - - - Through the darkened glass wall, Whit detects the hulk of male advancers. - - - - Forearms 'nailed' to tables, impaled impressively on stools. - - - - Susceptible to be swept away by inaccurate first impressions. - - - - - Swallowed 'valour pill', (drink) priming them to become part of exhibitionist eight hours. - - - - Whit's saunter through vast glass walked corridors covers awkward misgivings. - - - - He's had some hellishly frustrating nights of 'Out Side' in his past. - - - - After twelve years of adulthood, it's tempting to give away attempts at finding a suitable partner. - - - - He tries not to slot all women into the 'tease' category, but repeatedly it seems they gain such joy from the flirty taunt. - - - - Egsamples of people who've admitted defeat to blatant meat market presented, feature in corridors, drip into venues, in pairs or alone. - - - - Rebelling from Gov's objective, they prefer the predictability of remaining single. - - - - Whit feels twine wrapped around his lungs as he observes them while walking. - - - - Glimmers of recognition spark his sadness for their plight. He has had sixteen brief sexual relationships. - - - - Five or six became serious . - - - - He has recovered (somewhat) from three heart breaks. - - - - - Returning to the 'wrestle' is essential, given the limited minutes to forge new rounds. - - - - Hefty fines and in rare cases, incarceration, result from non attendance of singles, if more than three 'Out Side' events are missed or skimped in any twelve month period. - - - - - - - - At moodily lit, melancholy music pelting portion, 'Crow' Bar, Whit claims a stool and scopes the scene. - - - - A few dozen people feign relaxed stance, masking their frantic battle of rationing. - - - - Whit vaguely recognises almost all in attendance. - - - - Within a few years of him in age, their searching demeanour holds harrowed eyes, lips which tighten immediately after laughter tricks them. - - - - - - Despite the common presumption that every person here has an 'Inti Virtch' (Intimate Virtual partner), patiently waiting for them at home. - - - - - Whit carries thought scenario of himself and Clarice. - - - - Breaks his focus with its haphazard tendency. - - - - - - - - None the less, folks' chasm for authentic intamacy cries incessantly. - - - - Regular relations with a human is the dangled sugar cube. - - - - Drinks delivered through stem of mushroom resembling tables are diluted versions of old fashioned alcoholic beverages. - - - - Bar Order App. mixes them according to users' tolerance, based on accumulated behavioural data. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Server bots weave invisibly, information compiling, cleaning. - - - - Human security officers are deployed instantly when volatility arises. - - - - Vast majority of people have only this once monthly chance to imbibe. - - - - Those in the top few percent of earnings, are known to be in possession of alcohol, and flout other social restrictions. No doubt bribery is rife. - - - - Whit's Grandad had relayed to him the gradual limitations placed on alcohol purchase in the late 2050's. - - - - Months of demonstrative protests were eventually shut down with police brutality and bulk incarcerations in 2061. - - - - A couple of generations into alcohol prohibition propels feeling of inequity. - - - - Narrow social opportunities draw a frenzied reaction, lead by standardised disadvantage. - - - - - - - - Whit grits his teeth and commits to the manic spectacle. - - - - - - - - In each part of dramatically lit Bar, conversations flood from grateful deprived young adults. - - - - Donned in relief from loneliness respite, cloaked in vibrancy. - - - - Comfort of several sipped drinks quells the raw panic of apprehension. - - - - Punished by scarcity, night appears milky with far galaxy remote collisions. - - - - Gov. allowed actual meetings only with friends registered to each other. 'Inro' friends were forbidden fruit for a sixteen hour period after having left 'Out Side' night. - - - - Though registering a new ' Intro' friend was straight forward, it came with a fourteen day period of initial prohibition. - - - - The ploy of enforced waiting periods was to eliminate casual affairs in the form of one night stands. - - - - 'Inro' friends were permitted in each others' company for no more than one four hour block in each forty eight hour period. - - - - Application for progressing an individual to 'Extra' friend included a commitment to marry them within six months. - - - - Upon changing their minds, sets of 'Extra' friends were precluded from 'Out Side' events and had contact with all Intro friends halved in time allowance for the following six months. - - - - Unapologetic propaganda was an 'all or nothing' idea, thereby encouraging marriage t between consenting adults. - - - - - - - - Propped up against edge of pedistool table in Crow Bar, Whit imagines time's tail vaporising like a meteorite, shower of trailing racing rocks, disintegrating upon smashing at high speed into Earth's surface. - - - - Through treacherous image, approaching wide hipped sashay gains his attention. - - - - Adorable shapely chickie, duck lips darkened in paint, leaning close to fragrantly air kiss his ear. - - - - Tilting his phone to scan her - single, Vera, - she takes one stiletto staggered step back. - - - - Eyes beneath tassled tar dark eyelashes busily assess him. - - - - "H'ware you, Whit?" - - - - Whit grins, spinning immense tapestries of their inability to resist lust. - - - - - - - - - : : : : : * * * * *END PART ONE * * * *


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things