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Short story about Sir Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire. At the time of birth, Einstein had a fat head his mother thought that the baby is deformed. But the doctor said, his body would catch up. As he grew, the head slowly turned to normal size. As a child, Einstein rarely ever spoke he uttered the words in his mouth before speaking. When Einstein was 5 years old & ill when his father gave him a compass that compass sparked his interest in science. His parents were fearful that the boy is retarded even the family maid nicknamed him 'The dopey one'. By the age of 9, Einstein began speaking clearly. Einstein's teachers didn't consider him a good student and didn't recommend him to study further because he didn't like the way of their teaching. When he was 16 he wrote his first research paper in which he investigated ether hypothetical matter that fills the entire space. In 1954, Einstein wrote a letter to Eric Gutkind in which he expressed his feelings about God. Einstein said, "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and a product of human weaknesses." Einstein didn't believe in biblical beliefs and never attended religious prayers as a teen. Einstein didn't like the idea of a personal god a god that listens to all your room prayers and rewards or punishes people accordingly. Even on death, he denied the traditional burial because he didn't want people to pray and make him a god. So he asked his family to cremate his body instead and scatter the remaining ashes, which they did. Einstein denied being an atheist his whole life but he wasn’t a religious person either. Some inventions and contributions of Einstein are Avogadro's number, the Quantum Theory of Light, the General Theory of Relativity, the Special Theory of Relativity, The Photoelectric Effect, Wave-Particle Duality, Brownian movement, the relationship between mass and energy, Bose-Einstein Condensate, and many more.
Inventions he did – gas absorption heat pump & the Einstein refrigerator
Nobel Prize in Physics – 1921 (theoretical physics)
During his college years, Einstein skipped classes and his professors never took him seriously. He did so poorly that he nearly decided to drop out so that he could sell life insurance. In 1900, at the age of 21, Albert Einstein graduated from Zurich Polytechnic. For the next 2 years, he struggled to get a job and worked at small jobs to support himself. He eventually found a job at the patent office and worked as a clerk there for 7 years. Einstein was so efficient at his job that he wrote several research papers at the same time. In 1905, he published the Theory of Special Relativity and the most famous equation ever, E=MC^2 (Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared). In his life, Einstein published 300 scientific papers and received a Nobel Prize in Physics.
Some of the most intelligent people had strange habits. Such as, Nikola Tesla loved the toe exercises. Every night, he’d squish his toes, 100 times each. Tesla claimed it helped stimulate his brain cells. Newton died a virgin at the age of 84. It's common knowledge that sleep is good for your brain, but Einstein took this advice more seriously than others. He reportedly slept for 10 hours every day which is 1.5 times more than an average person. Apart from that, Einstein loved walking he'd walk a mile and a half at Princeton University daily.
Shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. Einstein publicly criticized Hitler's repressive policies. In protest, Einstein gave up his German citizenship and moved to the coast of nearby Belgium. The German media called him an Anti-National and his scientific works were publicly burned, some wanted him hanged. Hitler's government sized his & wife's bank accounts his summer villa near Berlin was searched for arms. They said he was spreading foreign propaganda. On 30 Aug 1933, one of Einstein's associates was shot. Extremists said, Einstein was the next in line and even placed a $5,000 reward on his head to which Einstein said, 'I had no idea my head was worth all that. 'In Belgian, Einstein by provided security by the royal family but he knew that will not be safe for too long. Einstein decided to secretly leave Belgium for England. He crossed the English Channel in a boat and reached England, where he was finally safe.
Before death Einstein asked not to research his body he wanted his body to be cremated and ashes scattered secretly. On April 18, 1955, Einstein passed away in Princeton, New Jersey, US. A pathologist Thomas Harvey was called to examine his body. But Harvey stole Einstein's brain and ran away. He kept it in jars in his basement and studied it for 40 years. After 40 years Harvey decided to show up and gave the brain to scientists. When scientists studied Einstein's brain they were shocked to see that Einstein's brain had 17% more neurons compared to a normal person. This means more synapses were being fired giving him more brain power. Further study of his brain showed that Einstein's brain was missing a wrinkle called the parietal operculum due to which the size of the parietal lobe was increased by 20% the area of the brain is responsible for math skills & mental images, as a result, his ability to imagine things boosted...


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  1. Date: 1/4/2023 7:41:00 AM
    Sir Albert Einstein is an Intelligent scientist, i like to share with you all

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