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Of dreams and promice ( A story of YHWH (God) speaking to me.

16 March 2024 8o:47 am

This is a story of a dream that YHWH ( God ) gave me many years ago.

As a teen I had heard that a family member was into witchcraft. I did not know much about it at the time so I was worried. That night I dreamed that I was in a white room. The purest white one could imagine. It was bright and undecorated and unfurnished. I was standing in the middle of the room and YHWH ( God ) was standing behind me. I was not allowed to turn and see Him and I was not allowed to speak. As I stood there His presence behind me I felt no fear and no worry. From the right corrner of the room an ordinary looking man came walking along the wall and he turned left directly in front of me. He was not imposing looking he was not tall and was wearing a tannish suit that looked out of fashion. His hair was thin and dark and balding and I was not afraid. He walked toward me and got so close that if he had gotten any closer our noses would have touched. He then backed up a few steps and bared his teeth which were sharp and pointy and roared really loud. Then the voice of YHWH ( God ) came from behind me strong and commanding and said " He can't touch you!"
After that I woke up and have not been afraid of such things anymore.

In 1 Peter 5:8 1599 Geneva Bible
We are told to: 8 Be sober, and watch: for your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:It says that he is as a roaring lion. Not that he is. And it says that he is seeking whom he MAY devour not who he will. He can not touch us unless we give him permission by giving into the temptations that he offers. Do not be afraid of him. Do not give him credit. He has no power over you unless like adam and eve in the garden, we give it to him.

I later went to a library and got an instruction book on witchcraft and read the first couple of chapters. It basically said to take what you would do for God and do the opposite and that was the bases of witchcraft. It also said ( and this is where I stopped reading) that "witchcraft will not work on a TRUE christian so do not waste your time on them." Now the reason it said True christian is just like there are men who pretend to be women and women who pretend to be men and other people who pretend to be what they are not. There are people who pretend to be a follower of Yeshua ( Jesus ) and they are not. Some think that they are and they are not. Make sure that you are not pretending or just convinced in yourself. Read the bible, study it and build your relationship with Yeshua and work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Because when you stand before Him you do not want to hear depart from me I never knew you.


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