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Jumping Pin

“Jumping Pin”


a flyspeck of a tinny bobs

like a champagne cork

swallowed by

lemonade waves

in aquamarine glass

froth all around foam cresting

like the manes of spectral

white brumbies running wild -

there, the aluminium,

flimsy like tin foil,

stills silent amidst

the rays of a fierce burning golden orb

and the lilting screams

of spirited seagulls; there,

Our story floats, a classroom of sorts

there, with an ancient teacher

chaperoned by a large school of

small slick pale grey stingrays

nonchalantly dancing lessons in life

an inch or two below the surface crystal sheets

where lessons swim like words written

leading us to the point

where two ends meet

and the larger waits;

diminutive and graceful

the barbs of their tales

pointing like compasses

magnetic we watch

electric tails like rulers

stroke an open board,

they are pale shadows

witnesses through other worldly dimension

rippling wraiths through frosted glass sea green

they are cream bellied and

“soul full” he says,

like they have swallowed

something mystical

something important like

some gold treasure box

full to the brim with

pearls, precious jewels and maps,

here they are arriving just for us

gracefully gliding

silent grey ghosts

minuets in regiments

confederates in a lost

ocean far away

under the bottom

of a flimsy tin vessel

chaperoning us into

deeper waters

far away from

the muddy shore and

skeletal bony fingers

of the rooted mangroves

pungent with fecund primordial life

where somewhere way

past the sandy beach back road

in a busy city stinking bitumen street

Death is waiting in a sterile corridor

somewhere austere and impersonal

where busy nurses shoes

scurry silently, strangers

to those floating by them

out of rooms, through walls

and windows

clocks tick like time bombs

metronomes marking


But we,

we are far from that

we are escaping


the Pin

I trail my fingers in the ocean

“take care kid” the ancient one says,

“best bring those hands on board”

and he slides a small bucket of bait

towards me over crab pots, messy ropes

a hamper of sandwiches, fresh white bread, butter

and the prawns caught with the crabs and boiled

in a big pot on the beach at Cabbage Tree

earlier that morning

in briny ocean water

the blue-green crustacians

now pretty pink and dead-eyed

salt 'n pepper sprinkled

above concerned brow

concentrating under

a beat up old hat

falling apart at the seams

a couple of tins of

Kirk’s Sarsaparilla

sitting in chipped ice

bought at the bait shop

perched majestically in

a big pale blue foam esky

waiting for a thirsty

buccaneer to plunder

fast, not delicately

the ice, now a small pond

in a small blue box

sliding from side to side

in a lilliputian boat

in an elephantine

byzantine blue ocean, here

in this kingdom

Nimrod casts his line over the side

where, lurking sabre toothed Leviathan’s

their stripes concealed,

follow a nightmare in a child’s mind

looking for signs of triangles

breaking the surface

the bait sits next to it all

slithering slickly

watching, waiting

The wind bites my face

perfunctory plumes of saltwater spray

me, stinging my skin,

I lick my lips, present tensed

now tasting like

Samboy Salt’n’Vinegar chips,

and he says,

“here slap this sunscreen on ya kid,

nothin’ bites harder than the Sun

‘cept a Shark,

there’ll be hell to pay tonight

you come back to Sammell’s Drive

looking like a broiled tomato

skin peeling”

and he throws me a

Sunny Boy from the esky

melting and cold to touch

it is kissed with my parched lips

Orange, syrupy, slushy and sweet to taste

He pierces the end of the hook

with a big fat blood worm

between his index finger and thumb

I follow his lead like the

Sorcerer’s Apprentice

and pierce the wriggler,

like I’m threading silver thread

through the eye of an elf’s needle

then hitting bone

my finger drops

wet fresh scarlet,

instead of howling,

I suck my blood,

the taste of iron

undertone of earth

with ocean buoyant and bottomless

between a flimsy inch or so of nothing

where my bare feet splay,

I soothe and swallow

my small pain,

here is Heaven and

complaints aren’t brave

echoes the Sargent Major

who guards sentry

somewhere back on shore

Here, bravery was being birthed

Here, on a choppy ocean

one year off a decade.

In a hospital ward

far from a pin

facing sharp teethed monsters

she sucks on ice

“radiation burns inside;

it kills everything kid”

that’s what She told me.

When we make it back to shore

he swings his old legs over

the small bow, “saltwater is

good for the arthritis”, he says

and with his bare feet touching the sandy bottom

he pulls the burning aluminium tinny

into the shallows dragging crab pots

in its wake full to the brim with

dark green and blue pinching claws

begging for freedom

The trevally mouths now open

and breathless gills stationary

gaze upwards eyes glazed

and distant watching

something bigger we cannot

see or imagine

a future

without bedtime stories

from a stolen and lost Queen

Luminescent pale aqua jelly fish

wave to us in slow mo

like solitary battalions,

beckon hypnotically,

entrancing me -

here IS magic -

“come back out”,

they seem to

send their soundless

but loud message

to me like a siren call

the tide pulling the sand

under my feet back out to them

Kind of Poe, haunting

remote and complicit

as if they, only they,

know the need in

a child to grow wings

like theirs, to

flee, escape

to cast line

and grasp onto

some kind of


I stare back out to

deep horizon

so far away

the call is calling

ever so seductively

the boat has returned

and is moored

gently sighing

in muddy “safe” harbour

“here kid look at this,”

he holds aloft above his head

in the large hands of a builder

it is all but three feet in length

shiny and sleek, a head built

for hammering nails,

he says, “dead baby Hammerhead,

don’t go swimming out deep today

Mama’s out there

big sharp teeth

somewhere on the prowl

searching for a lost baby”

respect for a mother

“yeah grandpa,

bet her Mama’s hurting bad”

He picks up the tiddler

and throws the baby out to

her mama who is frantic

in her silence somewhere

out there with

sharp teeth

hurting bad


prowling the deep

“story to tell your mama

when she comes home”

he says, his eyes as watery

as an open Ocean

“take these oysters,

and this knife,

be careful, don’t cut yourself

see if you can find us

a pearl”

I smile,

“I’ll find the best one just for Her”.



“more than all the stars in the sky

more than all the pearls in the sea”

“Cry Baby Cry”/The Unloved

1. Jumpinpin /


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  1. Date: 12/1/2019 4:01:00 AM
    Australia is a place of Magic, Schmidt.
  1. Date: 11/1/2019 10:29:00 PM
    Such fabulous story, you have a way with words.
  1. Date: 6/21/2019 4:29:00 AM
    Well this is the 2nd attempt. So there may be a repeat ... the response went something like this - "Thanks Tom. The gift is a blessing and a curse. It has been one hell of a ride. LIFE is a ramble. LIFE is a rumble. Lx"
  1. Date: 6/21/2019 4:06:00 AM
    Thanks Tom. It's been one hell of a ride...LIFE is a ramble. LIFE is a rumble. The gift is a blessing and a curse. L x
  1. Date: 6/20/2019 8:49:00 PM
    Ugh. I meant bow. I was having trouble entering these blasted comments and no way to delete so there ya go
  1. Date: 6/20/2019 4:57:00 PM
    I now to your brilliance. A bit of a breathless rambler but oh, what a ride! You have a true gift Leanne

Book: Reflection on the Important Things