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Famous Tool Quotations

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Quote Left Anger is a tool for change when it challenges us to become more of an expert on the self and less of an expert on others. . . .If, however, we do not use our anger to define ourselves clearly in every important relationship we are in--and manage our feelings as they arise--no one else will assume this responsibility for us. Quote Right
Quote Left Children look for grown-ups to show them how to live; When we try to fool them, they see through us like a sieve. We recognize the problem now; that's wonderful to see; The answer may well plague us 'til new values come to be. Volunteers are wonderful and will help to meet the need, But we must change the literature on which our children feed. We must teach and model absolutes of love, and justice, too; Prove to them that what we say, is just what we will do. There is one book, and it alone, will help attain success. It is the book, our fathers brought, to tame this wilderness. They used the Bible as their guide, the written Word of God; And found the wisdom written there, the greatest on this sod. Whether it was in the home, in public, or in school, The bible was the blueprint that became their greatest tool. Let's trash the recent literature before it is too late; Teach again, the basic values, that made our nation great. Surely it is evident, without a single doubt, That truth and right mus be invoked to help our children out. So, let's scour all the nation, and get folks to volunteer That believe the principles our precious kids should hear. If they are dependable, and use the proper tact, Volunteers can help to get our children back on track. Quote Right
Quote Left ...a sword never kills anybody it's a tool in the killer's hand. From Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, Letters to Lucilius on Morals, Letter 87, c.63-65 Quote Right
Quote Left E-mail is a tool that many people now use to deepen and improve their ties to family and friends. Use of the Internet actually enlarges and enriches most users' social worlds. And that is particularly true for women. Quote Right
Quote Left Race is a lazy mind's tool for identifying culture. Quote Right
Quote Left The metaphor is perhaps one of man's most fruitful potentialities. Its efficacy verges on magic, and it seems a tool for creation which God forgot inside one of His creatures when He made him. Quote Right
Quote Left The shipment of our 400 000th development tool is proof of Microchip's leadership in this market. It reflects our commitment to going beyond simply offering silicon to providing engineers with a 'whole product solution' comprised of sophisticated development tools, field application engineer support and comprehensive technical documentation. Quote Right
Quote Left The conception of worth, that each person is an end per se, is not a mere abstraction. Our interest in it is not merely academic. Every outcry against the oppression of some people by other people, or against what is morally hideous is the affirmation of the principle that a human being as such is not to be violated. A human being is not to be handled as a tool but is to be respected and revered. Quote Right
Quote Left Fear is, I believe, a most effective tool in destroying the soul of an individual--and the soul of a people. Quote Right
Quote Left The mug is a tool. My ace in the hole. To have looks is the bonus on top of what motivates me to be an actor. Not to realize they're an asset would be counterproductive to the cause; they serve the common good. Quote Right
Quote Left One of the great reasons for the popularity of strikes is that they give the suppressed self a sense of power. For once the human tool knows itself a man, able to stand up and speak a word or strike a blow. Quote Right
Quote Left The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool. Quote Right
Quote Left Every contrivance of man, every tool, every instrument, every utensil, every article designed for use, of each and every kind, evolved from a very simple beginning. Quote Right
Quote Left It was when Lucifer first congratulated himself upon his angelic behavior that he became the tool of evil. Quote Right
Quote Left I am concerned about the whole man. I am concerned about what the people, using their government as an instrument and a tool, can do toward bu... Quote Right
Quote Left A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use. Quote Right
Quote Left Nagging questions remain Where is the line between making the most of one's potential and reaching for the unattainable Where is the line between education as a tool and education as a kind of magic The line is blurred and that is why when education fails, disillusionment is so bitter. Quote Right
Quote Left I think most Americans believe that although it's better not to use military force if you can avoid it, that the world simply doesn't provide us the luxury of giving away military force as an important tool of foreign policy. Quote Right
Quote Left Many of the civilian bomb squads in the United States use this particular model. It's a multifaceted tool in that we can do chemical, biological, nuclear, explosives, assist the SWAT team, remote communications - it allows us to do remote entry kind of things like that. Quote Right
Quote Left A worker may be the hammer's master, but the hammer still prevails. A tool knows exactly how it is meant to be handled, while the user of the tool can only have an approximate idea. Quote Right
Quote Left Celestial navigation is based on the premise that the Earth is the center of the universe. The premise is wrong, but the navigation works. An incorrect model can be a useful tool. Quote Right
Quote Left Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it's who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment. Quote Right
Quote Left Only as you do know yourself can your brain serve you as a sharp and efficient tool. Know your failings, passions, and prejudices so you can separate them from what you see. Know also when you actually have thought through to the nature of the thing with which you are dealing and when you are not thinking at all. Quote Right
Quote Left Science is one thing, wisdom is another. Science is an edged tool, with which men play like children, and cut their own fingers. Quote Right
Quote Left The standard carcinogenicity bioassay, which involves treating two rodent species for a minimum of 2 years, at a range of doses, is acknowledged to be an insensitive tool because of the background `noise' of spontaneous disease. Most strains of rat used in such studies have high incidence of pituitary and mammary tumours; some inbred rat strains frequently develop leukaemia or testicular tumours; mice strains show high incidence of malignant lymphomas and liver tumours. Quote Right
Quote Left The monopoly capitalists - even while employing purely empirical methods - weave around art a complicated web which converts it into a willing tool. The superstructure of society ordains the type of art in which the artist has to be educated. Rebels are subdued by its machinery and only rare talents may create their own work. The rest become shameless hacks or are crushed. Quote Right
Quote Left Mind is the Master--power that molds and makes, and Man is Mind, and ever more he takes the Tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills--He thinks in secret and it comes to pass; Environment is but his looking-glass. Quote Right
Quote Left When the debate is over, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Quote Right
Quote Left The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity. Quote Right
Quote Left When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Tool

Quote Left "If you don't have the right tool to do the job, - improvise." Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry is an excellent tool for communication, allowing people to connect on a deeper level and understand each other's experiences and perspectives. Quote Right
Quote Left Goliyan tekay ya goliyan bullets gunshots? Mein qareeb ul Marag maqtool Mirza right? Quote Right
Quote Left Conservatism is a tool box with only one wrench in it; if that don't fix your problem then tough on you. Quote Right
Quote Left Variety of thoughts with in and around, the perceptions resulting and leading to oozing emotions, the reactions and plans to handle the perceptions and emotions continue and multiply until *we stop* . The silence, the listening power is the only tool which can bring respite in form of proper SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats )analysis and postive growth. Quote Right
Quote Left Life is like a game with many rules . . . when played fairly it can be built upon with many tools. Quote Right
Quote Left Technology is a tool used for life. Technology is not your life. Stay real. Stay human. Quote Right
Quote Left Faith is a spiritual tool that is used by all the higher forces of this life. Quote Right
Quote Left If you yearn to reach for the top, look for the tools to build the ladder that will take you there, for God will give you those tools to check whether you have enough talent to build a ladder and go up yourself. Work hard to prove yourself that you deserve to be on top. K.S.Lakshmi Quote Right
Quote Left I've often held the belief that money is a tool . . . yet all to often, my tool box is empty. Quote Right
Quote Left "Every man sharpens first his most profiting tool" By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left In life, there are no redos. it's like artworks. all errors can be corrected but residues of the past still remain. Don't shut yourself up for one past mistake, pick up your tools and begin to redecorate because in everything beautiful there is an imperfection. Quote Right
Quote Left Law and justice in a democracy should be very strict, transparent and upright for one and all. otherwise democracy becomes a book of rights and crimes in disguise. It becomes a lethal tool. Quote Right
Quote Left A tool was meant to ease our labour but not every tool is applicable for any condition Quote Right
Quote Left The analysis starts in the mind, is enhanced by the tool or equipment its findings are communicated to make more meaning to a broad spectrum of end users. Quote Right
Quote Left The question is our most effective learning tool. Quote Right
Quote Left The aroma of a flower is from within, a gardener is just a tool... Quote Right
Quote Left Let the unkind words and lack of affection from others be tools to fix the part of ourselves that hold us back from being the best, happiest, and most successful versions of ourselves. Quote Right
Quote Left 'A writer writes, always!' Write for ANY reason, just write! I believe we are special tools for the Creative Conscience, and learning to hear that voice begins by just articulating or activating, and staying attuned to what happens. Put the pen to paper - or fingers to the keyboard - see where it takes you, and apply those results to your puddle of wisdom... swirl it, dip your toes, taste the sweet and bitter. Yes - just DO it! Quote Right
Quote Left Sadness is the best tool of a poet Quote Right
Quote Left Materialism is putting quantity before quality. What most people fail to realize though, is that at the end of the day, how many cars you have, or how big your house is, how much money you earn in any given year, doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Money is a tool, that often gets in the way; blocking our beautiful view of the life laid out before our eyes. If only more people could enjoy the view like I. Quote Right
Quote Left If you meet a fool, pool your wisdom to cool your emotions as an important rule and save your tool as he may wrongly ridicule to spoil your whole schedule due to his being a typical adamant mule. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry Poetry is words of power, incantations of the hour, magic for the fool, a facination tool, before the grapes go sour... Don Quote Right
Quote Left language is nothing but a tool, of hide your real identity' Quote Right
Quote Left Love is not just an antonym of hate, but a tool in one's heart... an inner drive that controls you to become a lover Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things