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Round Quotations

Round quotations. Find, read, and share Round quotations. These are the best examples of Round quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket--safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable. Quote Right
Quote Left Follow your inclinations with due regard to the policeman round the corner. Quote Right
Quote Left I am the Turquoise Woman's Son, On top of Belted Mountain beautiful horses--slim like a weasel! My horse with a hoof like a striped agate, with his fetlock like a fine eagle plume: my horse whose legs are like quick lightning whose body is an eagle-plumed arrow: my horse whose tail is like a trailing black cloud. The Little Holy Wind blows through his hair. My horse with a mane made of short rainbows. My horse with ears made of round corn. My horse with eyes made of big starts. My horse with a head made of mixed waters. My horse with teeth made of white shell. The long rainbow is in his mouth for a bridle and with it I guide him. Quote Right
Quote Left A slumber did my spirit seal;/ I had no human fears:/ She seemed a thing that could not feel/ The touch of earthly years. No motion has she now, no force;/ She neither hears nor sees;/ Rolled round in earth's diurnal course. . . Quote Right
Quote Left Look you, Doubloon, your zodiac here is the life of man in one round chapter. To begin: there's Aries, or the Ram -- lecherous dog, he begets us; then, Taurus, or the Bull -- he bumps us the first thing; then Gemini, or the Twins -- that is, Virtue and Vice; we try to reach Virtue, when lo! comes Cancer the Crab, and drags us back; and here, going from Virtue, Leo, a roaring Lion, lies in the path -- he gives a few fierce bites and surly dabs with his paw; we escape, and hail Virgo, the virgin! that's our first love; we marry and think to be happy for aye, when pop comes Libra, or the Scales -- happiness weighed and found wanting; and while we are very sad about that, Lord! how we suddenly jump, as Scorpio, or the Scorpion, stings us in rear; we are curing the wound, when come the arrows all round; Sagittarius, or the Archer, is amusing himself. As we pluck out the shafts, stand aside! here's the battering-ram, Capricornus, or the Goat; full tilt, he comes rushing, and headlong we are tossed; when Aquarius, or the Waterbearer, pours out his whole deluge and drowns us; and, to wind up, with Pisces, or the Fishes, we sleep. Quote Right
Quote Left People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin When I say that I'm o.k. well they look at me kind of strange Surely you're not happy now you no longer play the game People say I'm lazy dreaming my life away Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me When I tell them that I'm doing fine watching shadows on the wall Don't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding on the merry-go-round I just had to let it go Ah, people asking questions lost in confusion Well I tell them there's no problem, only solutions Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind I tell them there's no hurry I'm just sitting here doing time Quote Right
Quote Left Our civilization has decided that determining the guilt or innocence of men is a thing too important to be trusted to trained men. When it wants a library catalogued, or the solar system discovered, or any trifle of that kind, it uses up its specialists. But when it wishes anything done which is really serious, it collects twelve of the ordinary men standing round. The same thing was done, if I remember right, by the Founder of Christianity. Quote Right
Quote Left He that is giddy thinks the world turns round. Quote Right
Quote Left When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. When all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown; And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels run down; Creep home, and take your place there, The spent and maimed amoung: God grant you find one face there, You loved when all was young. Quote Right
Quote Left His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge. Of contemporary literature, philosophy and politics he appeared to know next to nothing. Upon my quoting Thomas Carlyle, he inquired in the naivest way who he might be and what he had done. My surprise reached a climax, however, when I found incidentally that he was ignorant of the Copernican Theory and of the composition of the Solar System. That any civilized human being in this nineteenth century should not be aware that the earth travelled round the sun appeared to me to be such an extraordinary fact that I could hardly realize it. You appear to be astonished, he said, smiling at my expression of surprise. Now that I do know it I shall do my best to forget it. To forget it! You see, he explained, I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones. But the Solar System! I protested. What the deuce is it to me? he interrupted impatiently: you say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work. Quote Right
Quote Left Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round Quote Right
Quote Left I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute; From the center all round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute Quote Right
Quote Left If everybody minded their own business, the Duchess said in a hoarse growl, the world would go round a deal faster than it does. Quote Right
Quote Left Ah! on Thanksgiving day, when from East and from West, From North and South, come the pilgrim and guest, When the gray-haired New Englander sees round his board The old broken links of affection restored, When the care-wearied man seeks his mother once more, And the worn matron smiles where the girl smiled before. What moistens the lips and what brightens the eye? What calls back the past, like the rich pumpkin pie? Quote Right
Quote Left Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold. Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne; Yet did I never breathe its pure serene Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold: Then felt I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken; Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star'd at the Pacific--and all his men Look'd at each other with a wild surmise-- Silent, upon a peak in Darien. Quote Right
Quote Left Taught from infancy that beauty is woman's sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. Quote Right
Quote Left In the small circle of pain within the skull You still shall tramp and tread one endless round Of thought, to justify your action to yourselves, Weaving a fiction which unravels as you weave, Pacing forever in the hell of make-believe Which never is belief: this is your fate on earth And we must think no further of you. Quote Right
Quote Left Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast, Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round, And, while the bubbling and loud hissing urn Throws up a steamy column and the cups That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each, So let us welcome peaceful ev Quote Right
Quote Left Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening. Quote Right
Quote Left Lord, with what care hast Thou begirt us round! Parents first season us; then schoolmasters... Quote Right
Quote Left It is easier to sail many thousand miles through cold and storm and cannibals, in a government ship, with five hundred men and boys to assist one, than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one's being alone. It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar. Quote Right
Quote Left Whenever, at a party, I have been in the mood to study fools, I have always looked for a great beauty: they always gather round her like flies around a fruit stall. Quote Right
Quote Left The world only goes round by misunderstanding. Quote Right
Quote Left The dancing pair that simply sought renown,By holding out to tire each other downThe swain mistrustless of his smutted face,While secret laughter titter'd round the placeThe bashful virgin's side-long looks of love,The matrons glance that would those looks reproveThese were thy charms, sweet village sports like these,With sweet succession, taught e'en toil to pleaseThese were thy bowers their cheerful influence shed,These were thy charms -- but all these charms are fled. Quote Right
Quote Left Ricky Here's what I'm gonna ask of you... We're going to be spending the night in New York, so it worked out well for all of us. I want you to take it back to the business class, I want you to round up a couple of honeys... At our hotel room we're gonna have kind of a pool party. California gangster-style, you know what I mean Kick ass pool party thing. Quote Right
Quote Left Thy treasures of gold Are dim with the blood of the hearts thou hast sold; Thy home may be lovely, but round it I hear The crack of the whip, and the footsteps of fear. Quote Right
Quote Left I can entertain the proposition that life is a metaphor for boxing—for one of those bouts that go on and on, round following round, jabs, mi... Quote Right
Quote Left We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. It was very quiet there. At night sometimes the roll of the drums behind the curtain of trees would run up the river and remain sustained faintly, as if hovering in the air high over our heads, till the first break of day ... The dawn were heralded by a chill stillness; the wood-cutters slept, their fires burned low; the snapping of a twig would make you start. We were wanderers on a prehistoric planet ... But suddenly, as we struggled round a bend, there would be a glimpse of rush walls, of peaked grass-roof, a burst of yells, a whirl of black limbs, a mass of hands clapping, of feet stamping, of bodies swaying, of eyes rolling, under the droops of heavy and motionless foliage. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Fenced early in this cloistral round Of reverie, of shade, of prayer,... Quote Right
Quote Left Maybe you're right, boss. It all depends on the way you look at it. Look, one day I had gone to a little village. An old grandfather of ninety was busy planting an almond tree. 'What, grandad' I exclaimed. 'Planting an almond tree' and he, bent as he was, turned round and said, 'My son, I carry on as if I should never die.' I replied, 'And I carry on as if I was going to die any minute.' Which of us was right, boss Quote Right

Member Quotes About Round

Quote Left "One Penny on the ground is overlooked by even the loliest of passers by. But a room full of Pennies create Bills that prevent the dinagration of the One." "(Browned-Cents)" Quote Right
Quote Left We want to die surrounded by thousands of people that love us, in honesty few people get that. So cherish everyone in your life that does care, even if it's only one person. Quote Right
Quote Left Quote: The thought of giving up is easy and tempting But why throw your efforts away, When the rewards are just around the corner. By Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left It's only when we start walking, we realise that journey is indeed more beautiful than what we seek as destination. The fact is that, when it rains, vibrant umbrellas come to rescue. When we slip, holding hands clutch sturdy. When we rise, the fireflies surround to make the win a legacy....... It's all in the journey. I am glad, I am blessed.... I am walking. I am glad, I am blessed..... Angels surround me. Quote Right
Quote Left Seeing death and despair all around us, we are deduced to a state of hopelessness; we must believe that hope will become light through our darkness. Let's pray fervently and cast our anxieties on Christ. Quote Right
Quote Left I pick up my phone and dial.. Hello, love???" i say. "Who is this???"  she asks from the other side. "ouch?? has it been that long that you even forgot?" "it's me Gerishon ??" i answer. "aww??Shon? How have you been?" She asks... In the background i hear a baby crying ???? Quote Right
Quote Left Live life like the waters of a river, it never stops flowing because of the obstacles in it’s path. It adjusts, going over, under or around continuing its journey. by Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left “Music is heard in the background. As the movement becomes sharper; the many dancers acting but as one. She is one with her secret. As the time draws near, the woman's body begins to push. With the rhythm of the music and the beat of the dancer's feet; her secret almost revealed.” ? Lisa C. Miller, Godly Inspirations For The Troubled Soul Quote Right
Quote Left I wonder if Lady Ga Ga will endorse President Ga Ga this time around? Quote Right
Quote Left “There is an unexpected richness and beauty in living an ordinary life most people miss because of all the noise surrounding them.” ? Lisa C. Miller, Nightly Inspirations from the Heart of God Quote Right
Quote Left sometimes Ignorance is beauty like a child filled with ignorance breaking its surroundings still enrich its surrounding with bliss for the people around it Quote Right
Quote Left walk alone, dap handshakes; cheer those around n move on. Walk in group if you want a fast roller coaster ride, walk alone if you want to walk far. Quote Right
Quote Left "Words make the world go round." Quote Right
Quote Left Appreciation and acknowledgment for the job well done are not grounds for improving skills and abilities to perform our task very well. Even no one appreciated you, look forward, work to the best of your ability because someday and somehow, you will remember not how many works you have done, not how fast you are, but for the consistency of your efforts and sacrifice you put into your works. Quote Right
Quote Left As biology meets technology, biotechnology emerges as the architect of groundbreaking scientific innovations: from cellular mastery to societal progress. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Some times hold thyself to see how simple this life is! Some times give your touch to the leaves n petals around! Some times breathe in the fog and levitate! Some times admire simple things in people around! Some times give accountability to your own self n get thru with complete responsibility! Some times be the courage to support others! Some times....... Just be what the Lord wants you to be! Quote Right
Quote Left The life is generally restricted to people around us. Our thoughts, targets, vision every thing is restricted to the boundaries created by our barriers but, Life isn't about just horizontal axis, look up at the vertical axis.... The sky is the limit. Quote Right
Quote Left Do not underestimate a man whose back is on the ground,for he has naught to lose except his life. Quote Right
Quote Left Believe in yourself And others will believe in you Because you only come around once In this lifetime Make it shine Make it yours! Quote Right
Quote Left What I love most about autumn is the golden-crimson leaves blanketing the ground signaling rebirth to come, death in all its promising grandeur —I Am Anaya Quote Right
Quote Left Imran Khan cricket ground me hero aur siyasat Kay medan me zero hai nill sifar. Quote Right
Quote Left "Fresh rain a gift it leaves, a blending of primary colors on a canvas of blue background. God's blessing." Quote Right
Quote Left And as I leave for the last time I turn around to see the faces Faces I loved Faces I hated And most regretfully those I never had seen long enough to do either. Quote Right
Quote Left Innocence dances in the playground of childhood memories. ~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left "Here's to poems and to their writers. We make the world go round and round." Quote Right
Quote Left Compartmentalize your life around your dreams, hobbies, goals even your grief and hurt and you will grow as a person. Quote Right
Quote Left I am lost in the jungle surrounded by beasts Quote Right
Quote Left Edison Medical [EM] is an additional to Ritter implant system line of premium quality dental implant products used by dental professionals around the world. EM’s extensive inventory is uniquely manufactured for use with more than 70 of the market’s implant brands. Quote Right
Quote Left I listened to the sounds around me not as an annoyance but as evidence that the world is still full of life. Quote Right
Quote Left "Dreams make the world go round. Knowledge can bring it down." Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs