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Famous Prince Quotations

Best famous Prince quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Prince. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Prince.

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Quote Left They say Princes learn no art truly, but the art of horsemanship. The reason is, the brave beast is no flatterer. He will throw a prince as soon as his groom. Quote Right
Quote Left The prince had provided all the appliances of pleasure ...: buffoons,... improvisatori,... ballet-dancers,... musicians,... Beauty,... wine. A... Quote Right
Quote Left At last is Hector stretch'd upon the plain,Who fear'd no vengeance for Patroclus slainThen, Prince You should have fear'd, what now you feelAchilles absent was Achilles stillYet a short space the great avenger stayed,Then low in dust thy strength and glory laid. Quote Right
Quote Left All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman; and however we deceive ourselves, as dear unto God is the poor peasant as the mighty prince. Quote Right
Quote Left Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! Quote Right
Quote Left I have known a German Prince with more titles than subjects, and a Spanish nobleman with more names than shirts. Quote Right
Quote Left You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales, that fantasy of what your life would be, white dress, prince charming who would carry you away to a castle on a hill. You would lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close you could taste them, but eventually you grow up, one day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But the thing is its hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely cause almost everyone has that smallest bit of hope, of faith, that one day they will open their eyes and it will come true. Quote Right
Quote Left Put yourself in Hamlet's shoes. Suppose you were a prince, and you came back from college to discover that your uncle had murdered your father and married your mother, and you fell in love with a beautiful girl and mistakenly murdered her father, and then she went crazy and drowned herself. What would you do? Go back for a masters? Quote Right
Quote Left Prince Charming is very nice and very honest and very confident in who he is and funny and knows how to have a kick-ass fun time. Is willing to melt away so that nothing else exists in the world except himself and his princess and loves food and cats and every life form except human beings which is not necessary. Quote Right
Quote Left Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! Quote Right
Quote Left Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince:
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!
Quote Right
Quote Left As an anti-American, I thank you for your rotten article devoted to my person. Quote Right
Quote Left Cinderella and the prince lived, they say, happily ever after,... Quote Right
Quote Left Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest Quote Right
Quote Left I don't have any doubt that he is very sincere about his Christian faith, ... There are some differences in interpretation. ... I have a commitment to worship the Prince of Peace, not the prince of pre-emptive war. I believe that Christ taught us to give special attention to the plight of the poor. Quote Right
Quote Left For the perfect idler, for the passionate observer it becomes an immense source of enjoyment to establish his dwelling in the throng, in the ebb and flow, the bustle, the fleeting and the infinite. To be away from home and yet to feel at home anywhere; to see the world, to be at the very center of the world, and yet to be unseen of the world, such are some of the minor pleasures of those independent, intense and impartial spirits, who do not lend themselves easily to linguistic definitions. The observer is a prince enjoying his incognito wherever he goes. Quote Right
Quote Left John 14:30: I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me (NIV)

I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.](AMP)

Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. (KJV)

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Quote Left Among the New Hollanders whom we were thus engaged with, there was one who by his appearance and carriage, as well in the morning as this afternoon, seemed to be the chief of them, and a kind of prince or captain among them. Quote Right
Quote Left A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise. Quote Right
Quote Left The biggest waste of water in the country is when you spend half a pint and flush two gallons. Quote Right
Quote Left Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. Quote Right
Quote Left Fear God, and offend not the Prince nor his laws, and keep thyself out of the magistrate's claws. Quote Right
Quote Left There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Quote Right
Quote Left Daniel 9:26: After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. (NIV)

And after the sixty-two weeks [of years] shall the Anointed One be cut off or killed and shall have nothing [and no one] belonging to [and defending] Him. And the people of the [other] prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be war, and desolations are decreed. [Isa. 53:7-9; Nah. 1:8; Matt. 24:6-14.](AMP)

And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. (KJV)

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Quote Left It's a very valuable function and requirement that you're performing, so have a great day and keep a stiff upper lip. Quote Right
Quote Left Prince Humperdink: To the death! Westly: No! To the Pain! Prince: I don't think I'm quite familiar with that phrase. Westley: I'll explain I'll use small words so that you'll be able to understand you wart-hogged face baffoon. Quote Right
Quote Left A prince should therefore have no other aim or thought, nor take up any other thing for his study but war and it organization and discipline, for that is the only art that is necessary to one who commands. Quote Right
Quote Left No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be; / Am an attendant lord. Quote Right
Quote Left If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty, and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous if, in serving his parents, he can exert his utmost strength if, in serving his prince, he can devote his life if in his intercourse with his friends, his words are sincere - although men say that he has not learned, I will certainly say that he has. Quote Right
Quote Left All's pathos now. The body that was gross, Rank, ravenous, disgusting in the act or in repose,... Quote Right

Member Quotes About Prince

Quote Left Every crazy woman deserves a man who spoils them with princess treatment.. Quote Right
Quote Left "We're both stuck in a tower, princess; the only difference is that you didn't build yours." 8 October 2023 Quote Right
Quote Left Zafar Bhai I am your little princess. Quote Right
Quote Left Because I am a Jew as was Jesus, I'm so grateful for His message of eternal life in the light of love. Truly a prince of peace—Robert Gorelick Quote Right
Quote Left 'The Biggest factor For Childhood Success is it's never I.Q, it family Meals' By Christen Kuikoua Ft Prince Ea Quote Right
Quote Left 'Never Compete with Artificial intelligence but instead focus On developing Unique human Intelligence' By Christen Kuikoua ft Prince Ea Quote Right
Quote Left 'In the future we will need more passion and compassion, people with inspire heart and wisdom to uplift this planet' By Christen Kuikoua Ft Prince Ea Quote Right
Quote Left Being a goblin is better than being a princess. Princesses have responsibilities and people telling them what to do. Telling a goblin what to do might end with a missing finger. Be a goblin: collect bones and shiny rocks, devour your food, hiss at people from the shadows. Life is too short to let others keep you from having fun. Quote Right
Quote Left Recognition and care only exist in the world of luxury And there is no friendship in the time of plenty. -Prince Henry Nibenang (The Northern-Shakespeare) Quote Right
Quote Left "Many girls want to be a princess; I have raised daughters who want to be a dragon." Quote Right
Quote Left "Today's woman knows Prince Charming is not coming." Quote Right
Quote Left "Am I still the princess if something happens to Mommy or am I then Queen?" Quote Right
Quote Left Every Girl is A princess but there's only one Queen among the stars at a time Quote Right
Quote Left We are children of the Almighty. So we are inborn prince or princes. We are not beggar. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs