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Planet Quotations

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Quote Left The animals of the planet are in desperate peril... Without free animal life I believe we will lose the spiritual equivalent of oxygen. Quote Right
Quote Left Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea... Quote Right
Quote Left The system -- the American one, at least -- is a vast and noble experiment. It has been polestar and exemplar for other nations. But from kindergarten until she graduates from college the girl is treated in it exactly like her brothers. She studies the same subjects, becomes proficient at the same sports. Oh, it is a magnificent lore she learns, education for the mind beyond anything Jane Austen or Saint Theresa or even Mrs. Pankhurst ever dreamed. It is truly Utopian. But Utopia was never meant to exist on this disheveled planet. Quote Right
Quote Left Much have I travell'd in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen; Round many western islands have I been Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold. Oft of one wide expanse had I been told That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne; Yet did I never breathe its pure serene Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold: Then felt I like some watcher of the skies When a new planet swims into his ken; Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes He star'd at the Pacific--and all his men Look'd at each other with a wild surmise-- Silent, upon a peak in Darien. Quote Right
Quote Left One summer night, out on a flat headland, all but surrounded by the waters of the bay, the horizons were remote and distant rims on the edge of space. Millions of stars blazed in darkness, and on the far shore a few lights burned in cottages. Otherwise there was no reminder of human life. My companion and I were alone with the stars: the misty river of the Milky Way flowing across the sky, the patterns of the constellations standing out bright and clear, a blazing planet low on the horizon. It occurred to me that if this were a sight that could be seen only once in a century, this little headland would be thronged with spectators. But it can be seen many scores of nights in any year, and so the lights burned in the cottages and the inhabitants probably gave not a thought to the beauty overhead; and because they could see it almost any night, perhaps they never will. Quote Right
Quote Left After the planet becomes theirs, many millions of years will have to pass before a beetle particularly loved by God, at the end of its calculations will find written on a sheet of paper in letters of fire that energy is equal to the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity of light. The new kings of the world will live tranquilly for a long time, confining themselves to devouring each other and being parasites among each other on a cottage industry scale. Quote Right
Quote Left Agent Smith I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure. Quote Right
Quote Left When I Grow Up When I grow up, I wonder if people will be more afraid to cry than they are to die. Will I be able to see a rainbow in a small-filled sky. Will there be any trees left, if not how will the planet survive. Will there be a website at When I grow up, if I got bored and had nothing to do and me and my son built a canoe and water that was once blue would be so poluted it would give us the flu. Will a thousand dollars be enough for a shoe. Will I have to be like you, letting money make the decision for everything that I do. When I grow up, will the existance of dolphins and whales just be a story I tell, starting with Once upon a time and ending with where did we fail. Will adults be the hammer and nail. Will schools be next door to jails. Will the truth be illegal for sale. When I grow up, will people be on the news for anything besides killing. Will those drug dealers still be outside of my building. Will they ever learn how to love or are they still afraid of the feeling. Will tv and music videos still raise America's children. Will students go home from school in a bullet proof bus. What if children had no one to trust, that would hurt me so much and i just want to be happy, when i grow up. Quote Right
Quote Left Appreciation of life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being alive, on this planet, can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle. We come awake to such a realization when we recognize our connection to a spiritual dimension. Quote Right
Quote Left As we become increasingly aware of the finite limits to the carrying capacity of the planet, the inefficiency of converting eight or nine kilograms of grain protein into one kilogram of animal protein for human consumption would by itself be sufficient argument against continuation of our present dietary habits. When one adds in the abuse of animals inherent to factory farming methods, the depletion and contamination of aquifers, the intense use of grain crops and grazing areas, and the release of methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the case against our meat-eating behavior becomes overwhelming. And that is before we factor in the effects of animal fats - an inescapable component of meat and poultry - on human health. Quote Right
Quote Left Ask ten different scientists about the environment, population control, genetics and you'll get ten different answers, but there's one thing every scientist on the planet agrees on. Whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand years or a million years, eventually our Sun will grow cold and go out. When that happens, it won't just take us. It'll take Marilyn Monroe and Lao-Tzu and Einstein and Morobuto and Buddy Holly and Aristophenes .. and all of this .. all of this was for nothing unless we go to the stars. Quote Right
Quote Left I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark would burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. Quote Right
Quote Left A friend of mine once sent me a postcard with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, Wish you were here. Quote Right
Quote Left I would like to suggest that the history of science is the history of an enlarging understanding of the universe, its evolution, its history, and its structure. We have engaged the universe at the very limits of our capacity. We have explored the world of the microcosm and the world of the macrocosm. We have found at both extremes incredible complexity. The universe, beginning from an unimaginably hot and dense singularity, evolved through a series of stages, each producing the condition necessary for the succeeding stage. Our sun, our solar system, our planet, our own beings are all late stages of this evolving universe. The insights of cosmology and theoretical astronomy have served to tie us ever more tightly into the emerging story of the universe itself. The history of the universe is our history. We emerged from the same vast processes that created galaxies and suns and stars and planets. We are all of us recycled stardust. Quote Right
Quote Left I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years. And it really was due to the reading that I did. And they explain so that you understand why it's important for the planet's survival along with compassion for animals. It certainly made it much easier for me. I lost weight really fast. My mother died from cancer so this is all very personal to me. And I just would like the planet to be a better place. And I think you'll find a vegetarian diet to be really incredible these days. Quote Right
Quote Left By his machines man can dive and remain under water like a shark; can fly like a hawk in the air; can see atoms like a gnat; can see the system of the universe of Uriel, the angel of the sun; can carry whatever loads a ton of coal can lift; can knock down cities with his fist of gunpowder; can recover the history of his race by the medals which the deluge, and every creature, civil or savage or brute, has involuntarily dropped of its existence; and divine the future possibility of the planet and its inhabitants by his perception of laws of nature. Quote Right
Quote Left A lifeless planet. And yet, yet still serving a useful purpose, I hope. Yes, a sun. Warming the surface of some other world. Giving light to t... Quote Right
Quote Left Is the human species a cancer on the planet?' American Anthropology Society's Symposium Organizer, Dr. Warren Hern, physician and epidemiologist, said that aerial and satellite views of urban centers taken over a period of years bore a striking similarity to images of cancerous tissue invading the healthy surrounding tissue. He added that in many parts of the world the increase in human numbers is rapid and uncontrolled, that it invades and destroys habitats, and that by killing off many species it reduces the differentiation of nature.' Quote Right
Quote Left The modern age has been characterized by a Promethean spirit, a restless energy that preys on speed records and shortcuts, unmindful of the past, uncaring of the future, existing only for the moment and the quick fix. The earthly rhythms that characterize a more pastoral way of life have been shunted aside to make room for the fast track of an urbanized existence. Lost in a sea of perpetual technological transition, modern man and woman find themselves increasingly alienated from the ecological choreography of the planet. Quote Right
Quote Left After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say I want to see the manager. Quote Right
Quote Left We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. It was very quiet there. At night sometimes the roll of the drums behind the curtain of trees would run up the river and remain sustained faintly, as if hovering in the air high over our heads, till the first break of day ... The dawn were heralded by a chill stillness; the wood-cutters slept, their fires burned low; the snapping of a twig would make you start. We were wanderers on a prehistoric planet ... But suddenly, as we struggled round a bend, there would be a glimpse of rush walls, of peaked grass-roof, a burst of yells, a whirl of black limbs, a mass of hands clapping, of feet stamping, of bodies swaying, of eyes rolling, under the droops of heavy and motionless foliage. Quote Right
Quote Left While I am to crawl upon this Planet, I would willingly enjoy the health at least of an insect. Quote Right
Quote Left In sci-fi convention, life-forms that hadn't developed space travel were mere prehistory -- horse-shoe crabs of the cosmic scene -- and something of the humiliation of being stuck on a provincial planet in a galactic backwater has stayed with me ever since. Quote Right
Quote Left The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet. Quote Right
Quote Left If there is Magic on this planet, it is contained in water. Quote Right
Quote Left That ready wit, which you so partially allow me, ... may create many admirers; but, take my word for it, it makes few friends. It shines and dazzles like the noonday sun, but, like that, too, it is very apt to scorch, and therefore is always feared. The milder morning and evening light and heat of that planet soothe and calm our minds. Never seek for wit; if it present itself, well and good; but even then, let your judgement interpose, and take care that it be not at the expense of anybody. Quote Right
Quote Left Alyssa Jones: Why are we stopping? Holden McNeil: Because I can't take this Alyssa Jones: Can't take what? Holden McNeil: I love you Alyssa Jones: You love me? Holden McNeil: I love you. And not, not in a friendly way, although I think we're great friends. And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I'm sure that's what you'll call it. I love you. Very, very simple, very truly. You are the epitome of everything I have ever looked for in another human being. And I know that you think of me as just a friend, and crossing that line is the furthest thing from an option you would ever consider. But I had to say it. I just, I can't take this anymore. I can't stand next to you without wanting to hold you. I can't, I can't look into your eyes without feeling that, that longing you only read about in trashy romance novels. I can't talk to you without wanting to express my love for everything you are. And I know this will probably queer our friendship - no pun intended - but I had to say it, because I've never felt this way before, and I don't care. I like who I am because of it. And if bringing this to light means we can't hang out anymore, then that hurts me. But God, I just, I couldn't allow another day to go by without just getting it out there, regardless of the outcome, which by the look on your face is to be the inevitable shoot-down. And, you know, I'll accept that. But I know...I know that some part of you is hesitating for a moment, and if there is a moment of hesitation, then that means you feel something too. All I ask, please, is that you just, you just not dismiss that - and try to dwell in it for just ten seconds. Alyssa, there isn't another soul on this fucking planet who has ever made me half the person I am when I'm with you, and I would risk this friendship for the chance to take it to the next plateau. Because it is there between you and me. You can't deny that. Even if, you know, even if we never talk again after tonight, please know that I'm forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me. Quote Right
Quote Left After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say 'I want to see the manager.' Quote Right
Quote Left All this will not be finished in the first hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. Quote Right
Quote Left I never have a realistic sense of self. I either think everything I do is terrible and I'm the worst guy on the planet, or from time to time I'll think I'm the greatest gift to music and the coolest guy who ever lived, but that happens maybe an hour out of the week. Some days I'm more concerned with how my hair looks than what my guitar sounds like. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Planet

Quote Left Demons have escaped from Hell to destroy our beautiful planet, hurling their vengeance towards God. Their shallow vanity earned them punishment: the exodus from Paradise. Whatever they plot, they won't be successful. Quote Right
Quote Left Just imagine ... one to convince a nation that when you're in a position, as maybe the most powerful man on the planet, it's not enough, and you require more. Sound familiar ...? Quote Right
Quote Left “Every drop of water, every breath of air, every blade of grass whispers the same truth: we are but custodians of this planet, entrusted with its care for generations yet to come.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left The Christian is in foreign territory, on a planet that has the usurper, the duplicator, Satan, as reigning monarch and the people are his subjects. Quote Right
Quote Left The health of the planet reflects the choices of its inhabitants; let us choose wisely and nurture our environment. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left I am intahai motabar shaks of society and I belong to Tintu pintu family of planet earth. Quote Right
Quote Left Prayers, meditation, numbers, planets; a grant bestowed.......... Does it come to every body? Is manifestation so easy!!! The only key to this is original state of heart... The goodness, uprightness within. I now connect to the fact that penial gland seeks light from the heart. Quote Right
Quote Left By writing a good story, some unsuspecting idiot just might happen to come across and read it, thus giving you a reason to write a good story as well as helping to eliminate the shocking amount of unsuspecting idiots on planet earth. Quote Right
Quote Left 'In the future we will need more passion and compassion, people with inspire heart and wisdom to uplift this planet' By Christen Kuikoua Ft Prince Ea Quote Right
Quote Left My luck is so bad the day I die everyone on the planet will stump their toe on coffee table or step on a lego or catch trailer ball with shin this is necessary to even things out again Quote Right
Quote Left Why do some nations conquer space: if they haven't restored peace on our planet? A Czar like Putin will experience the same fate as Hitler until his unsatiable vanity will end upon his death. Quote Right
Quote Left Never in my lifetime would I have imagined that the Earth would become an evil place and a "shit hole" planet. Shame on us. Quote Right
Quote Left Majority of people believe they have nothing in common with the rest of the world They seem to ignore only one fact; THE PLANET THEY LIVE ON Quote Right
Quote Left A lonely one is like a planet that seems adrift in space trying to cling to a star in a galaxy Quote Right
Quote Left Sempre, logo de partida, coloque o seu futuro em boas mãos. Escreva seus sonhos e metas em um papel. É assim que você “dá a partida” para se tornar a pessoa que mais deseja ser e coloca o futuro nas melhores mãos do planeta — a sua mão. Quote Right
Quote Left "We all were born to fulfill different purposes on the planet and perhaps my purpose in the world is to hang the wild wings of tyranny unto a misty tree before I leave forever."- Jamiu Akolade Adeyemi Quote Right
Quote Left "God sun is the cause for natural disasters in planet" Quote Right
Quote Left I have more chance of being abducted by aliens and taken to their planet and then being declared grand-overlord, than waking up one morning to a world at peace ! Quote Right
Quote Left Once there were six trillion trees on this planet, now there are just three. No wonder global 'birdlife' is declining. Enough to take your breath away. Virtually. Quote Right
Quote Left It is ridiculas believing that we are aborigines of the earth.We are imposed on this planet from anywhere else Out of solar system. Quote Right
Quote Left Explore like it's your first day on the planet. Write like it's your last. Quote Right
Quote Left All the forces on this planet, will never beat that of a mother's love. Quote Right
Quote Left An 8Ghz processor can count 8 Billion clock cycles in one second. There are over 7 Billion humans on our planet. If each one of us represented a clock cycle, the processor could count us all in less than 1 second. Scary thought isn't it? Quote Right
Quote Left "If how you love your mother is an indicator of how you love, I won't make a good wife. I will be very distant and I won't know how to connect emotionally. However, If how you love the piano is an indicator of how you will love I will be the most beautiful, passionate soulful lover on this planet." -Lyon Brave Quote Right
Quote Left Shes not just a girl. Shes the only evidence of God that I can find on this entire planet. Quote Right
Quote Left ERUPTION If the planet was meant to survive they shouldn't have put a man on it Quote Right
Quote Left An 8Ghz processor can count 8 Billion clock cycles in one second. There are over 7 Billion humans on our planet. If each one of us represented a clock cycle, the processor could count us all in less than 1 second. That's a scary thought isn't it? Quote Right
Quote Left Astrologers peak deeper into space to find other stars and planets; they never rule out the thought of creation: it's the bond between them and God. Quote Right
Quote Left "All I am asking is a cozy half-hour walk and a tolerable planet" Quote Right
Quote Left Out of all the stars in the sky, all the far away planets and suns, i believe you shined brighter then any universe or light that could ever exist. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things