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Flow Quotations

Flow quotations. Find, read, and share Flow quotations. These are the best examples of Flow quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left 'I cry' Sometimes when I'm alone I Cry, Cause I am on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life but take no form I Cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I had an ear to confiding, I would cry among my treasured friend, but who do you know that stops that long, to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by. Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad. And sometimes... I Cry and no one cares about why. Quote Right
Quote Left The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers. It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth and of death, in ebb and in flow. I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life. And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment. Quote Right
Quote Left Ebb, ocean of life, (the flow will return,) Cease not your moaning you fierce old mother,... Quote Right
Quote Left On Linden, when the sun was low, All bloodless lay the untrodden snow, And dark as winter was the flow Of Iser, rolling rapidly. Quote Right
Quote Left Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless--like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash Be water my friend. Quote Right
Quote Left Till last by Philip's farm I flow To join the brimming river, For men may come and men may go, But I go on for ever. Quote Right
Quote Left To feel most beautifully alive means to be reading something beautiful, ready always to apprehend in the flow of language the sudden flash of poetry. Quote Right
Quote Left The infrastructure doesn't exist for the government to share data with itself, particularly within different levels of government. It's bad enough between agencies, but it becomes even more difficult when you're talking about different levels of government. Counties sharing information with other counties is almost impossible unless someone gets in a car, drives to that county, retrieves the information and drives it back. What the private sector does very well is build the infrastructure which allows that information, which is public, to flow freely across jurisdictional and geographical lines. That's the benefit that the private sector has brought to this process. Quote Right
Quote Left Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you... while cares will drop off like autumn leaves. Quote Right
Quote Left A chronic lack of pleasure, of any enjoyable, rewarding or stimulating experiences, produces a slow, gradual, day-by-day erosion of man's emotional vitality, which he may ignore or repress, but which is recorded by the relentless computer of his subconscious mechanism that registers an ebbing flow, then a trickle, then a few last drops of fuel--until the day when his inner motor stops and he wonders desperately why he has no desire to go on, unable to find any definable cause of his hopeless, chronic sense of exhaustion. Quote Right
Quote Left I know, indeed, of nothing more subtle satisfying and cheering than a knowledge of the real good will and appreciation of others. Such happiness does not come with money, nor does it flow from a fine physical state. It cannot be bought. But it is the keenest joy, after all; and the toiler's truest and best reward. Quote Right
Quote Left I wept in my dreams. I dreamed you lay in the grave; I awoke, and the tears still poured down my cheeks. I wept in my dreams, I dreamed you had left me; I awoke and I went on weeping long and bitterly. I wept in my dreams, I dreamed you were still kind to me; I awoke, and still the flow of my tears streams on. Quote Right
Quote Left On occasions, after drinking a pint of beer at luncheon, there would be a flow into my mind with sudden and unaccountable emotion, sometimes a line or two of verse, sometimes a whole stanza, accompanied, not preceded by a vague notion of the poem which they were destined to form a part of.... I say bubble up because, so far as I could make out, the source of the suggestions thus proffered to the brain was the pit of the stomach. Quote Right
Quote Left Highly important in poetry is Rhythm, but the word means merely 'flow,' so that rhythm belongs to prose as well as to poetry. Good rhythm is merely a pleasing succession of sounds. Meter, the distinguishing formal mark of poetry and all verse, is merely rhythm which is regular in certainfundamental respects, roughly speaking is rhythm in which the recurrence of stressed syllables or of feet with definite time-values is regular. There is no proper connection either in spelling or in meaning between rhythm and rime (which is generally misspelled 'rhyme'). The adjective derived from'rhythm' is 'rhythmical'; there is no adjective from 'rime' except 'rimed.' The word 'verse' in its general sense includes all writing in meter. Poetry is that verse which has real literary merit. Quote Right
Quote Left I sometimes wonder if the hand is not more sensitive to the beauties of sculpture than the eye. I should think the wonderful rhythmical flow of lines and curves could be more subtly felt than seen. Be this as it may, I know that I can feel the heart-throbs of the ancient Greeks in their marble gods and goddesses. Quote Right
Quote Left Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn. Quote Right
Quote Left Death be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so; For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me. From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow, And soonest our best men with thee do go, Rest of their bones, and souls' delivery. Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men, And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell, And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well, And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then? One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die. Quote Right
Quote Left Logic and fact keep interfering with the easy flow of conversation. Quote Right
Quote Left We can gain no lasting peace if we approach it with suspicion and mistrust or with fear. We can gain it only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from conviction. Quote Right
Quote Left For the perfect idler, for the passionate observer it becomes an immense source of enjoyment to establish his dwelling in the throng, in the ebb and flow, the bustle, the fleeting and the infinite. To be away from home and yet to feel at home anywhere; to see the world, to be at the very center of the world, and yet to be unseen of the world, such are some of the minor pleasures of those independent, intense and impartial spirits, who do not lend themselves easily to linguistic definitions. The observer is a prince enjoying his incognito wherever he goes. Quote Right
Quote Left This was a very competitive group of entries. The judging was tremendously difficult. Each of the entries explored the power of Revenue Optimization techniques to generate significant cash flow and improved earnings under diverse circumstances. However, the winning entry demonstrated a very real and immediate potential to revolutionize the $200 billion fashion industry. Quote Right
Quote Left "I cry" Sometimes when I'm alone I Cry, Cause I am on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life but take no form I Cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I had an ear to confiding, I would cry among my treasured friend, but who do you know that stops that long, to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by. Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad. And sometimes... I Cry and no one cares about why. Quote Right
Quote Left Our wedding day, twenty years ago! A happy day. Darling is handsomer than she was then, with a glorious flow of friendly feeling and cheerfuln... Quote Right
Quote Left . . . .When I am, as it were, completely myself, entirely alone, and of good cheer - say traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or during the night when I cannot sleep - it is on such occasions that my ideas flow best, and most abundantly. Whence and how they come, I know not, nor can I force them... Quote Right
Quote Left Most men ebb and flow in wretchedness between the fear of death and the hardship of life; they are unwilling to live, and yet they do not know how to die. Quote Right
Quote Left Whatever we conceive well we express clearly, and words flow with ease. Quote Right
Quote Left The surest road to health, say what they will, Is never to suppose we shall be ill - Most of those evils we poor mortals know, From doctors and imagination flow. Quote Right
Quote Left Your life and my life flow into each other as wave flows into wave, and unless there is peace and joy and freedom for you, there can be no real peace or joy or freedom for me. To see reality--not as we expect it to be but as it is--is to see that unless we live for each other and in and through each other, we do not really live very satisfactorily; that there can really be life only where there really is, in just this sense, love. Quote Right
Quote Left The obligations of law and equity reach only to mankind, but kindness and benevolence should be extended to the creatures of every species, and these will flow from the breast of a true man, in streams that issue from the living fountain. Man makes use of flesh not out of want and necessity, seeing that he has the liberty to make his choice of herbs and fruits, the plenty of which is inexhaustible; but out of luxury, and being cloyed with necessaries, he seeks after impure and inconvenient diet, purchased by the slaughter of living beasts; by showing himself more cruel than the most savage of wild beasts ... were it only to learn benevolence to human kind, we should be merciful to other creatures. Quote Right
Quote Left Creative power, is that receptive attitude of expectancy which makes a mold into which the plastic and as yet undifferentiated substance can flow and take the desired form. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Flow

Quote Left "A day goes better with pretty flowers." Quote Right
Quote Left Flowers are the creator’s finishing touch, perfection in last strokes of His brush. Quote Right
Quote Left Live life like the waters of a river, it never stops flowing because of the obstacles in it’s path. It adjusts, going over, under or around continuing its journey. by Zyrool Quote Right
Quote Left "The faces of pretty flowers will brighten anyone's day." Quote Right
Quote Left “Every flower has its day and worth, they are the precious jewels of earth.” Quote Right
Quote Left Everything stems from roots and Everything flowers. Quote Right
Quote Left Be like a lotus flower, open your petals to let go of fear and sadness. Quote Right
Quote Left "Each day God has many magical butterflies dancing on flowers for us to enjoy." Quote Right
Quote Left Don't say that a woman is not happy, simply acknowledge that you cannot make her a happy camper, a smiling flower. Hebert Logerie Quote Right
Quote Left With forgiveness, we find release, A soothing balm that grants us peace, For in its grace, we learn to let go, Embracing healing's gentle flow. Quote Right
Quote Left Like a river's flow, forgiveness cascades, Washing away resentment's dark shades, It breaks the chains that bind the heart, Granting liberation, a brand-new start. Quote Right
Quote Left Dead leaves lay still until the wind takes them here and there: even the last flower is withered: yet, yet there is a beauty in decay. Quote Right
Quote Left Even in a small space you can mimic a magical flowering woodland with stepping stones and a variety of wildflowers. Quote Right
Quote Left Be like a flower ... gentle, quiet and humble Quote Right
Quote Left Uncertainty overflows in discordant doubts, it inspires the notes of a strange melody that is created with rapid finger claps to seek its absent happiness. Quote Right
Quote Left “Like a river flows to the sea, so does life flow towards its destiny; trust in the journey and let the current carry you.” Quote Right
Quote Left “Reach up to the sun, like a flower” Quote Right
Quote Left I love flowers. They are mother nature's way of saying, "I love you." Quote Right
Quote Left Nature's miracles are evident every day. Flowers are a blessing. A reminder of renewed hope. Quote Right
Quote Left Don’t cry because love has flown away, smile because you’ll love again someday. Quote Right
Quote Left The beauty of the flowers cannot be seen at night, but in the glowing morning. Quote Right
Quote Left When you can’t say it with flowers send love in a red balloon and watch as it goes sailing beyond the moon. Quote Right
Quote Left Watering the flowers and the trees, whispering to them, talking to them. Then, they will grow to be more bright and luxuriant. - Buddhism quotes Quote Right
Quote Left There are having flowers in Spring, breezes in Summer, moon in Autumn, snows in Winter. If there is nothing worrying over you, it will be the best seasons at all times. - Buddhism quotes Quote Right
Quote Left The leaves lay dead and still and the wind takes them here and there, even, the last flower has withered. Yet, there is a beauty in decay. Quote Right
Quote Left Flower, when you fall, take your time to get back up and plant your feet. Then, when you’re steady, reach up to the sky and sip that sunshine! Quote Right
Quote Left Pleasing becomes a garden of weeds to those who can't grow flowers Quote Right
Quote Left I see love like eternal waters . . . flowing to nourish and cleanse, regardless of drought. Quote Right
Quote Left "Happiness grows with grace as you flow free with the freshness of the breeze" Quote Right
Quote Left Life is sweet in a flower garden. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things