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Drive Quotations

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Quote Left I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said, You told me not you drink and drive, Mom, So i drank sprit instead I felt really proud inside, Mom, The way you said I would. I didn?t drink and drive, Mom, Even though the others said i should I know i did the right thing, Mom I know you are always right. Now the party is finally ending, Mom, As everyone drives out of sight. As i got into my car, Mom, I knew i would get home in one piece Because of the way you raised me, Mom, So responsible and sweet. I started to drive away, Mom, But as I pulled onto the road The other car didn?t see me, Mom, And it hit me like a load. As I lie here on the pavement, Mom, I hear the police say, The other guy was drunk, Mom, And now I?m the one who will pay. I?m laying here dying, Mom, I wish you would get here soon. How come this happened to me, Mom? My life bursted like a ballon. There is blood all around me, Mom, Most of it is mine. I here the paramedics say, Mom, I?ll be dead in a short time. I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear i didn?t drink It was the others, Mom, The others didn?t think He didn?t know where he was going, Mom, He was parably at the same party as I, the only difference is, Mom He drank and I will die. Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin my whole life. I?m feeling sharp pains now, Mom, Pains just like a knife. The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, I don?t think it?s fair. I?m lying here dying, Mom, While all he can do is stare. Tell my brother not to cry, Mom, Tell daddy to be brave. And when I get to heaven, Mom, Write ?Daddy?s Little Girl? on my grave. Someone should have told him, Mom, Not to drink and drive. If only they have taken the time, Mom I would still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I?m becoming very scared. Please don?t cry for me, Mom Because when i needed you, you were always there. I have one last question, Mom, before i say good-bye. I didnt ever drink, Mom So why am I do die? This is the end, Mom, I wish I could look you in the eyes, To say these final words, Mom, I love you, and Good-bye. Quote Right
Quote Left The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things. We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete. Quote Right
Quote Left Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it. Quote Right
Quote Left Why shouldn't I work for the NSA? That's a tough one. But I'll take a shot. Say I'm workin' at the NSA and somebody puts a code on my desk, somethin' no one else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it and I'm real happy with myself cause I did my job well, but maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East and once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels are hiding, fifteen hundred people I never met, never had no problem with get killed. Now the politicains are sayin' 'Oh send in the marines to secure the area, cause they don't give a shit, won't be their kid over there gettin' shot just like it wasn't them when their number got called cause they were all pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some kid from Southy over there takin' shrapnel in the ass. He comes back to find that the plant he used to work at, got exported to the country he just got back from, and the guy that put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job cause he'll work for 15 cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, he realises the only reason he was over there in the first place was so that we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price, and ofcourse the oil companies use a little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices, a cute little ancilliary benefit for them, but it ain't helpin' my buddy at 2.50 a gallon. Their takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, of course maybe they even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martini's and fuckin' play slolum with the icebergs. It ain't to long til he hits one, spills the oil, and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic... so now my buddy's out of work, he can't afford to drive, so he's walkin' to the fuckin' job interviews which sucks cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him cronic hemroids and meanwhile, he's starvin' cause everytime he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special their serving is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State.... so what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while Im at it why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe, and join the National Guard. I could be elected President. Quote Right
Quote Left The time I am most powerful and in control of my life is when I drive my car. Whatever lonely feelings I have from the lack of communication with my husband disappear in no time flat. When the windows and the top are open with my favorite jazz station on the radio playing, nothing and nobody can touch me. Then I go home to the same relentless battle. Life can be a pisser Quote Right
Quote Left Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Quote Right
Quote Left Three weeks ago, she learned how to drive. Last week she learned how to aim it. Quote Right
Quote Left People come down for baseball or football or hockey and drive by the refurbished Fox and State theaters, they see the new Hard Rock Cafe, the Borders bookstore, the bars and restaurants, the loft conversions. You can't drive around and not see what's happening down here. Quote Right
Quote Left I would imagine if you could understand Morse Code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy. Quote Right
Quote Left I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy. Quote Right
Quote Left That certainly is one approach to take. My own is to acknowledge the inner child and try to work with my first fascination with science fiction. I have tried to build on its idea content and narrative drive rather than to discard them. Quote Right
Quote Left Why should I let the toad work Squat on my life? Can't I use my wit as a pitchfork and drive the brute off? Quote Right
Quote Left Directions for Singing 1. Learn these tunes before you learn any others; afterwards learn as many as you please. 2. Sing them exactly as they are printed here, without altering or mending them at all; and if you have learned to sing them otherwise, unlearn it as soon as you can. 3. Sing all. See that you join with the congregation as frequently as you can. Let not a single degree of weakness or weariness hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up, and you will find it a blessing. 4. Sing lustily and with good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, then when you sung the songs of Satan. 5. Sing modestly. Do not bawl, so as to be heard above or distinct from the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony; but strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound. 6. Sing in time. Whatever time is sung be sure to keep with it. Do not run before nor stay behind it; but attend close to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can; and take care not to sing to slow. This drawling way naturally steals on all who are lazy; and it is high time to drive it out from us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at first. 7. Above all sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve here, and reward you when he cometh in the clouds of heaven. Quote Right
Quote Left O Prophet! when you divorce women, divorce them for~ their prescribed time, and calculate the number of the days prescribed, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, your Lord. Do not drive them out of their houses, nor should they themselves go forth, unless they commit an open indecency; and these are the limits of Allah, and whoever goes beyond the limits of Allah, he indeed does injustice to his own soul. You do not know that Allah may after that bring about reunion. Quote Right
Quote Left Many people I know in Los Angeles believe that the Sixties ended abruptly on August 9, 1969, ended at the exact moment when word of the murders on Cielo Drive traveled like brushfire through the community, and in a sense this is true. The tension broke that day. The paranoia was fulfilled. Quote Right
Quote Left He kissed me. A kiss about apple pie a la mode with the vanilla creaminess melting in the pie heat. A kiss about chocolate, when you haven't eaten chocolate in a year. A kiss about palm trees speeding by, trailing pink clouds when you drive down the Strip sizzling with champagne. A kiss about spotlights fanning the sky and the swollen sea spilling like tears all over your legs. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a secret pride in every human heart that revolts at tyranny. You may order and drive an individual, but you cannot make him respect you. Quote Right
Quote Left If you receive an e-mail with a subject of 'Badtimes,' delete it immediately WITHOUT reading it! This is the most dangerous E-Mail virus yet. It will re-write your hard drive. Not only that, but it will recalibrate your refrigerator's coolness setting so all your ice cream goes melty, drink all your beer, make you fall in love with a penguin, give you nightmares about circus midgets, leave the toilet seat up and kill your dog. Quote Right
Quote Left Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams. Quote Right
Quote Left You may drive out nature with a pitchfork, yet she'll be constantly running back. Quote Right
Quote Left Crazy? Once I was crazy. They locked me in a room to die. Die? I don't want to die. All the mice will get me. Mice? I hate mice. They drive me crazy. Crazy? Once I was crazy. They locked.... Quote Right
Quote Left A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done. Quote Right
Quote Left We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly, but let us never lost sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way. Quote Right
Quote Left As I started with her out of the city warmly enveloped in buffalo furs, I could not but think how nice it would be to drive on and on, so that... Quote Right
Quote Left Bradley showed a lot of patience at the plate there, hitting the ball the other way. If you want to drive in runs in this league, you have to go the other way. Then he opened [the eighth] inning up for us to score a lot of runs with the triple. Quote Right
Quote Left I hung in there well. I didn't play particularly well. I hit a lot of poor drives, and when I drove the ball well I continued to drive it in the first cut (of rough). It was kind of frustrating because nothing really seemed to get the momentum going. When I did get the momentum going, like on Sunday, I made a mistake. Quote Right
Quote Left A source of bad conscience, however, is the knowledge that my way of life, austere though it may appear to the richer folk, is still ruinously exploitive of nature -- not in my backyard, where I practice harmlessness toward even the wasps, but in the atmosphere, where my fossil fuel combustion's carbon dioxide is helping change the climate; in all those mountainous places where the metals and minerals that structure and drive my American life are torn from the earth; and in the flesh of fish and birds, mammals, and reptiles, where the chemicals that made the paper and plastic I use bioaccumulate, deforming reproduction. That guilty knowledge is another argument for material simplicity. The less I consume, the less harm I do to that which I love. In a consumer society, harmless living may be simple, but it is not easy. I make no claim to exemplary harmlessness or simplicity. Quote Right
Quote Left In December, we found out we were selected to be part of the music program featured on PBS to be broadcast March 9. It is part of their pledge drive. As a part of a pilot program, they are spotlighting music education in Kansas at that time. Quote Right
Quote Left A certain degree of neurosis is of inestimable value as a drive, especially to a psychologist. Quote Right
Quote Left My wife wants sex in the back of the car and she wants me to drive. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Drive

Quote Left Be emotionally transparent with your own self. To know.. this where you want to be.......... Switch gears n drive thru the directions you wanna be. Quote Right
Quote Left If life is a road, don't drive in the ruts. Quote Right
Quote Left "Like many phenomena, there’s a good and a bad, a ying and yang in life and in man." from the poem "Driven" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left When you have the Secret Service watching you, you are already under house arrest. Because somebody is always watching somewhere. You really have no real freedom. You cannot even drive yourself to a corner store. Think about that. Hebert Logerie Quote Right
Quote Left I am driven by a profound belief in taking meaningful actions that advance the wellbeing of humanity and his environment; and I believe that each individual has a role to play regardless of the level, capacity, or sector involved, for we all share this collective responsibility. ~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left For all the MAGA 'sheeple' that follow a lost shepherd, its path eventually will lead to a pack of hungry wolves. Now that shepherd doesn't try to drive off those wolves... he only runs away, cursing the wolves that dine on the flock. Quote Right
Quote Left Real happiness lies hidden within the secret recesses of our own Souls. Extreme contentment peeks through the smile of the members of family. Extreme love drips thru the quite eyes of these loved ones. The fact is that God grants this treasure equally to each one of us but very few drive safely through the fog. Musk lies within Quote Right
Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 1) - The writers and creatives I gravitate to, are those who have been driven to the depths of despair, experienced the greatest pain on many levels (physical and emotional), have survived to share with us their experiences, whether they are cast as outsiders or received as enfant terrible geniuses and welcomed by society with open arms (while many of those creatives such as those I speak of, shun those open arms). Quote Right
Quote Left Creatives I Admire (Part 1) - The writers and creatives I gravitate to, are those who have been driven to the depths of despair, experienced the greatest pain on many levels (physical and emotional), have survived to share with us their experiences, whether they are cast as outsiders or received as enfant terrible geniuses and welcomed by society with open arms (while many of those creatives such as those I speak of, shun those open arms). Quote Right
Quote Left A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? —Albert Einstein, poetic interpretation by Michael R. Burch Quote Right
Quote Left "In life you have to strive where favorable ambience drive." Quote Right
Quote Left If war drives a man to insanity, then the insane are the most likely to fit in. February 2018. Quote Right
Quote Left 10. Poetry is ink blotted, soul driven splashes that cry to be read, beg to be understood and unabashedly sings to give to its readers. Robert J. Lindley Quote Right
Quote Left "I've officially had it with the victimatic addicts, tied to bullshit excuses that lack the drive to shatter bad habits." Quote Right
Quote Left A rose as white as the driven snow, is a rose that says “I love you so.” Quote Right
Quote Left A wise man once told me years ago the best thing for your prostrate is regular screwing. And I don’t mean with a screwdriver. Quote Right
Quote Left Your opinions about me are based on your perspective, Your perspective is driven by your state of mind If your state of mind is an ill wind Be blown away. Quote Right
Quote Left Drive the deep state deeper grim reaper Quote Right
Quote Left Your idea is formed by your passion that drives your action. Quote Right
Quote Left I keep letting go, and letting God drive...yet my passengers in the car, start screaming... I really don't get it. Being saved is very peaceful. Quote Right
Quote Left Fear is the juice that drives all social norms, behaviors and beliefs Quote Right
Quote Left MOTIVATION is the starter... DISCIPLINE is the engine...... Drive your DREAMS! sjw Quote Right
Quote Left Irresponsibility can lead to murder, it might not have been mediated or intended, but most bar fights are not meditated or intended. We need you to be cautious on the road at all times. We need vigilante and wise citizens at all times and if you have a drivers license, you have taken an oath to honor the responsibility of that license, which means looking both ways, showing patience, being sober and slow to anger while on the road. Quote Right
Quote Left "Do not let the minds of the selfish take you to the early grave ,Do what you feel is of need .You are the driver and the passenger of your own life " Quote Right
Quote Left Never drive down the highway of life, with your eyes closed Quote Right
Quote Left People who are lazy, drive me crazy Quote Right
Quote Left Rather drive down a country road, then an interstate, anytime Quote Right
Quote Left Drive, hunger, application and endurance creates champions, the ability to repeat that when all is achieved creates legends Quote Right
Quote Left "Pick up those I-pads and ignore the Badlands; we've only driven 1300 miles to see them." Quote Right
Quote Left Most things in Anything, are driven by somethings. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things