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Disorder Quotations

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Quote Left War begets quiet, quiet idleness, idleness disorder, disorder ruin; likewise ruin order, order virtue, virtue glory, and good fortune. Quote Right
Quote Left The thing that would astonish anyone coming for the first time into the service quarters of a hotel would be the fearful noise and disorder during rush hours. It is something so different from the steady work in a shop or a factory that it looks at first sight like mere bad management. But it is really quite its nature it comes in rushes and cannot be economized. You cannot, for instance, grill a steak two hours before it is wanted; you have to wait till the last moment, by which time a mass of other work has accumulated, and then to do it all together, in frantic haste. The result is that at meal-times everyone is doing two men's work, which is impossible without noise and quarreling. Indeed the quarrels are a necessary part of the process, for the pace would never be kept up if everyone did not accuse everyone else of idling. It was for this reason that during rush hours the whole staff cursed like demons. Quote Right
Quote Left to fasten into order enlarging grasps of disorder, widening scope, but enjoying the freedom that... Quote Right
Quote Left Music when healthy, is the teacher of perfect order, and when depraved, the teacher of perfect disorder. Quote Right
Quote Left Vivisection: The Psychopathic Aspect.  Sadism is a very ugly word, which serves to define a very ugly psychopathy - a mental disease. Vivisectors have been known to accept with equanimity the allegation of being money grubbers - of doing cruel experiments only to gain money or a professorship. But we have never known a vivisector who bore with equanimity the allegation of being a sadist. They always reacted to all such allegations with frothing, like other psychopaths when they are confronted with the nature of their disorder.  If it is a mistake to believe that all vivisectors are sadists, it would be another mistake to believe that sadism is not rampant in the animal laboratories. It is. In fact, for men and women (more men, as a rule) who are affected by this grave psychopathy (mental malady), and on top of it are animal haters, what kind of remunerated occupation could be more gratifying than a job in a viviection laboratory?  Quote Right
Quote Left As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself. Quote Right
Quote Left The doctor found, when she was dead, her last disorder mortal. Quote Right
Quote Left What the horrors of war are, no one can imagine. They are not wounds and blood and fever, spotted and low, or dysentery, chronic and acute, cold and heat and famine. They are intoxication, drunken brutality, demoralization and disorder on the part of the inferior... jealousies, meanness, indifference, selfish brutality on the part of the superior. Quote Right
Quote Left Top Dollar Greed is for amateurs. Disorder, chaos, anarchy now that's fun Quote Right
Quote Left Two dangers constantly threaten the world order and disorder. Quote Right
Quote Left Our memories are card indexes consulted, and then put back in disorder by authorities whom we do not control. Quote Right
Quote Left The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved. Quote Right
Quote Left Take but degree away, untune that string, And hark what discord follows!... Quote Right
Quote Left Our memories are card indexes consulted and then returned in disorder by authorities whom we do not control. Quote Right
Quote Left It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy. Quote Right
Quote Left A Stanford research group advertised for participants in a study of obsessive-compulsive disorder. They were looking for therapy clients who had been diagnosed with this disorder. The response was gratifying; they got 3,000 responses about three days after the ad came out. All from the same person. Quote Right
Quote Left Order marches with weighty and measured strides. Disorder is always in a hurry. Quote Right
Quote Left In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a quality even meaner than outright ugliness or disorder, and this meaner quality is the dishonest mask of pretended order, achieved by ignoring or suppressing the real order that is struggling to exist and to be served. Quote Right
Quote Left If one looks with a cold eye at the mess man has made of history, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that he has been afflicted by some built-in mental disorder which drives him towards self-destruction. Quote Right
Quote Left It is thus tolerance that is the source of peace, and intolerance that is the source of disorder and squabbling. Quote Right
Quote Left So it is with minds. Unless you keep them busy with some definite subject that will bridle and control them, they throw themselves in disorder hither and yon in the vague field of imagination. ..And there is no mad or idle fancy that they do no bring forth in the agitation. Quote Right
Quote Left So it is with minds. Unless you keep them busy with some definite subject that will bridle and control them, they throw themselves in disorder hither and yon in the vague field of imagination ... And there is no mad or idle fancy that they do not bring forth in the agitation. Quote Right
Quote Left It is with disease of the mind, as with those of the body; we are half dead before we understand our disorder, and half cured when we do. Quote Right
Quote Left Idleness is an inlet to disorder, and makes way for licentiousness. People who have nothing to do are quickly tired of their own company. Quote Right
Quote Left Gaiety --a quality of ordinary men. Genius always presupposes some disorder in the machine. Quote Right
Quote Left In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order Quote Right
Quote Left There's a certain amount of disorder that has to be reorganized. Quote Right
Quote Left Democracy... is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder; and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike. Quote Right
Quote Left We must have the courage to allow a little disorder in our lives. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Disorder

Quote Left Disorder and restlessness are parallel and reveal the enigmatic traits of a genius who is amoral and introverted. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not ok over a generation that's self destructing and I'm not ok over how easily accessible guns are to youngsters and I'm not ok that 1 out of 4 of us youngsters suffers from some major mood disorder and I'm not ok that those who don't seek help or feel like the health or educational system has failed them act irrationally and hurt themselves or somebody else and the fact that this keeps happening year after year after year has to stop Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs