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Country Quotations

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Quote Left It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. Quote Right
Quote Left Whatever career you may choose for yourself - doctor, lawyer, teacher - let me propose an avocation to be pursued along with it. Become a dedicated fighter for civil rights. Make it a central part of your life. It will make you a better doctor, a better lawyer, a better teacher. It will enrich your spirit as nothing else possibly can. It will give you that rare sense of nobility that can only spring from love and selflessly helping your fellow man. Make a career of humanity.Commit yourself to the noble struggle for human rights.You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country and a finer world to live in. Quote Right
Quote Left Let me tell you a story. The day after Columbine, I was interviewed for the Tom Brokaw news program. The reporter had been assigned a theory and was seeking sound bites to support it. Wouldn't you say, she asked, that killings like this are influenced by violent movies? No, I said, I wouldn't say that. But what about 'Basketball Diaries'? She asked. Doesn't that have a scene of a boy walking into a school with a machine gun? The obscure 1995 Leonardo Di Caprio movie did indeed have a brief fantasy scene of that nature, I said, but the movie failed at the box office, and it's unlikely the Columbine killers saw it. The reporter looked disappointed, so I offered her my theory. Events like this, I said, if they are influenced by anything, are influenced by news programs like your own. When an unbalanced kid walks into a school and starts shooting, it becomes a major media event. Cable news drops ordinary programming and goes around the clock with it. The story is assigned a logo and a theme song; These two kids were packaged as the Trench Coat Mafia. The message is clear to other disturbed kids around the country: If I shoot up my school, I can be famous. The TV will talk about nothing else but me. Experts will try to figure out what I was thinking. The kids and teachers at school will see they shouldn't have messed with me. I'll go out in a blaze of glory. Quote Right
Quote Left When one walks, one is brought into touch first of all with the essential relations between one's physical powers and the character of the country; one is compelled to see it as its natives do. Then every man one meets is an individual. One is no longer regarded by the whole population as an unapproachable and uninteresting animal to be cheated and robbed. Quote Right
Quote Left Washington's birthday is as close to a secular Christmas as any Christian country dare come this side of blasphemy. Quote Right
Quote Left You can be a little ungrammatical if you come from the right part of the country. Quote Right
Quote Left He had the courage to admit that a terrible wrong had been done to our country and people through the imposition of the system of apartheid, Quote Right
Quote Left We are not anxious to grab the easiest dollar. The tourist dollar alone, unrestricted, is not worth the devastation of my people. A country where people have lost their soul is no longer worth visiting. We will encourage only small numbers of visitors whose idea of a holiday is not heaven or paradise, but participation in a different experience. We shall try to avoid the fate of some of our Caribbean neighbors who have ridden the tiger of tourism only to wind up being devoured by it. Large super-luxury hotels with imported management, materials, and values bring false prosperity with the negative side effects of soaring land prices that kill agriculture, polluted beaches, traffic jams, high rise construction that ravages hillsides and scalds the eyeballs - the very problems that the visitors want to forget. Quote Right
Quote Left These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. Quote Right
Quote Left O if we but knew what we do when we delve or hew -- hack and rack the growing green! Since country is so tender to touch, her being so slender, that like this sleek and seeing ball but a prick will make no eye at all, where we, even where we mean to mend her we end her, when we hew or delve: after-comers cannot guess the beauty been. Quote Right
Quote Left Every country in the world faces challenges. One of our challenges here is to ensure that we deal with poverty, lack of education. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm hurt, hurt and humiliated beyond endurance, seeing the wheat ripening, the fountains never ceasing to give water, the sheep bearing hundreds of lambs, the she-dogs, until it seems the whole country rises to show me its tender sleeping young while I feel two hammer-blows here instead of the mouth of my child. Quote Right
Quote Left They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason. Quote Right
Quote Left Its a Story they tell in the border country, where Massachusetts joins Vermont and New Hampshire. Yes, Danl Websters deador, at least, they buried him. But every time theres a thunderstorm around Marshfield, they say you can hear his rolling voice in the hollows of the sky. And they say that if you go to his grave and speak loud and clear, Danl WebsterDanl Webster! the groundll begin to shiver and the trees begin to shake. And after a while youll hear a deep voice saying, Neighbor, how stands the Union? Then you better answer the Union stands as she stood, rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, one and indivisible, or hes liable to rear right out of the ground. At least, thats what I was told when I was a youngster. Quote Right
Quote Left The draft is white people sending black people to fight yellow people to protect the country they stole from the red people. Quote Right
Quote Left One knows so well the popular idea of health. The English country gentleman galloping after a fox—the unspeakable in full pursuit of the une... Quote Right
Quote Left I certainly do not consider myself permanently dedicated to a crusade for peace and I am beginning to see the uselessness and absurdity of getting too involved in a 'peace movement.' The chief reason why I have spoken out was that I felt I owed it to my conscience to do so. There are certain things that have to be clearly stated. I had in mind particularly the danger arising from the fact that some of the most belligerent people in this country are Christians, on the one hand fundamentalist Protestants and on the other certain Catholics. They both tend to appeal to the bomb to do a 'holy' work of destruction in the name of Christ and Christian truth. This is completely intolerable and the truth has to be stated. I cannot in conscience remain indifferent. Quote Right
Quote Left Why shouldn't I work for the NSA? That's a tough one. But I'll take a shot. Say I'm workin' at the NSA and somebody puts a code on my desk, somethin' no one else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it and I'm real happy with myself cause I did my job well, but maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East and once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels are hiding, fifteen hundred people I never met, never had no problem with get killed. Now the politicains are sayin' 'Oh send in the marines to secure the area, cause they don't give a shit, won't be their kid over there gettin' shot just like it wasn't them when their number got called cause they were all pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some kid from Southy over there takin' shrapnel in the ass. He comes back to find that the plant he used to work at, got exported to the country he just got back from, and the guy that put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job cause he'll work for 15 cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, he realises the only reason he was over there in the first place was so that we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price, and ofcourse the oil companies use a little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices, a cute little ancilliary benefit for them, but it ain't helpin' my buddy at 2.50 a gallon. Their takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, of course maybe they even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martini's and fuckin' play slolum with the icebergs. It ain't to long til he hits one, spills the oil, and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic... so now my buddy's out of work, he can't afford to drive, so he's walkin' to the fuckin' job interviews which sucks cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him cronic hemroids and meanwhile, he's starvin' cause everytime he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special their serving is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State.... so what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while Im at it why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe, and join the National Guard. I could be elected President. Quote Right
Quote Left A tide began to surge beneath the calm surface of Stephen's friendliness. This race and this country and this life produced me, he said. I shall express myself as I am. Try to be one of us, repeated Davin. In your heart you are an Irishman but your pride is too powerful. My ancestors threw off their language and took another, Stephen said. They allowed a handful of foreigners to subject them. Do you fancy that I am going to pay in my own life and person debts they made? What for? For our freedom, said Davin. No honourable and sincere man, said Stephen, has given up to you his life and his youth and his affections from the days of Wolfe Tone to those of Parnell, but you sold him to the enemy or failed him in need or reviled him and left him for another. And you invite me to be one of you. I'd see you damned first. They died for their ideals, Stevie, said Davin. Our day will come yet, believe me. Stephen, following his own thought, was silent for an instant... When the soul of a man is born in this country there are nets flung to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets ... Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow. Quote Right
Quote Left What a huge game, just to play the USA, the powerhouse of baseball. We can play baseball, too. We're not just a hockey country. Quote Right
Quote Left After thoughtful deliberations with my family, I am announcing my decision to withdraw from the World Baseball Classic. When faced with the decision to choose between my country, the United States of America, and my Dominican heritage, I decided I will not dishonor either. Quote Right
Quote Left A country is considered the more civilized the more the wisdom and efficiency of its laws hinder a weak man from becoming too weak or a powerful one too powerful. Quote Right
Quote Left I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace: to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete. Quote Right
Quote Left When I think of this life I have led; the desolation of solitude it has been; the masoned, walled-town of a Captain's exclusiveness, which admits but small entrance to any sympathy from the green country without -- oh, weariness! heaviness! Guinea-coast slavery of solitary command! Quote Right
Quote Left In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Quote Right
Quote Left In today's climate in our country, which is sickened with the pollution of pollution, threatened with the prominence of AIDS, riddled with burgeoning racism, rife with growing huddles of the homeless, we need art and we need art in all forms. We need all methods of art to be present, everywhere present, and all the time present. Quote Right
Quote Left And now, first and foremost, you can never afford to forget for a moment what is the object of our forest policy. That object is not to preserve forests because they beautiful, though that is good in itself; nor because they are refuges for the wild creatures of the wilderness, though that, too, is good in itself; but the primary object of our forest policy, as of the land policy of the United States, is the making of prosperous homes. It is part of the traditional policy of home making in our country. Every other consideration comes as secondary. You yourselves have got to keep this practical object before your minds: to remember that a forest which contributes nothing to the wealth, progress, or safety of the country is of no interest to the Government, and should be of little interest to the forester. Your attention must be directed to the preservation of forests, not as an end in itself, but as the means of preserving and increasing the prosperity of the nation. Quote Right
Quote Left In view of all this, I have no doubt that Cambyses was completely out of his mind; it is the only possible explanation of his assault upon, and mockery of, everything which ancient law and custom have made sacred in Egypt. If anyone, no matter who, were given the opportunity of choosing from amongst all the nations in the world the set of beliefs which he thought best, he would inevitably, after careful consideration of their relative merits, choose that of his own country. Everyone without exception believes his own native customs, and the religion he was brought up in, to be the best; and that being so, it is unlikely that anyone but a madman would mock at such things. There is abundant evidence that this is the universal feeling about the ancient customs of one's country. One might recall, in particular, an anecdote of Darius. When he was king of Persia, he summoned the Greeks who happened to be present in his court, and asked them what they would take to eat the dead bodies of their fathers. They replied that they would not do it for any money in the world. Later, in the presence of the Greeks, and through an interpreter, so that they could understand what was said, he asked some Indians, of the tribe called the Callatiae, who do in fact eat their parents' dead bodies, what they would take to burn them. They uttered a cry of horror and forbade him to mention such a dreadful thing. One can see by this what custom can do, and Pindar, in my opinion, was right when he called it king of all. Quote Right
Quote Left The pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and to humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer. Quote Right
Quote Left America is my country and Paris is my hometown. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Country

Quote Left It only takes one heartless tyrant to destroy a country and bring grief to his people. Quote Right
Quote Left I have always been excited at the prospect of a woman President and really looked forward to the day that this was a reality. But, I think I am going to pass on this one.... My obligation is to my Country, not my gender... Quote Right
Quote Left He can't raise a kid, He can't train a dog, Yet he's running a country. Quote Right
Quote Left The best way, to destroy a country, is to embrace corruption. Hebert Logerie 1/8/2024 Quote Right
Quote Left Ye kaisa country hai jahan gali nikalna to jurm hai leykin murder karna allow hai. Quote Right
Quote Left is a page to view the results of the northern lottery (kqxsmb), the central lottery results (kqxsmt), the southern lottery results (kqxsmn) and other provinces in the country. Quote Right
Quote Left The past isn't a Foreign Country neither living Abroad is. Nothing new or repeated is sleeping under the Sun Quote Right
Quote Left There are those who's acts of violence, lay behind a biblical shield . . .while hidden behind God and country, their repressive division seeks its power, skillfully concealed. Quote Right
Quote Left Cassidy Hutchinson is a modern Erin Brockovich except that in her case the well has been poisoned for the whole country. — Michael R. Burch (Keywords/Tags: America, USA, patriotic, truth, justice, White House, Trump) Quote Right
Quote Left Zafar Supari has staunch supporters all across the country. Quote Right
Quote Left The economy is the backbone of a country and war breaks it. Quote Right
Quote Left It only takes one heartless tyrant to destroy a whole peaceful country and bring grief to the entire world; no atrocity of this dimension ever goes unpunished. Quote Right
Quote Left Pakistan is the only country in the whole world whose agencies support Mafia Head for some specific reasons.Is this democracy or dictatorship? Quote Right
Quote Left The enviroment/cities of a country are a reflection of how his people are. June 2020 Quote Right
Quote Left The history of a country can be reflected upon the behavior of it's people. May 2020. Quote Right
Quote Left If a nation does not handle their resources well, another country will do it. October 2020. Quote Right
Quote Left There is no need to use weapons of mass destruction against a country if that country has dummy politicians. Quote Right
Quote Left How bundle of illegal sims are being activated and supplied to different mafia groups across the country? Quote Right
Quote Left A paradox of life is when within a wealthy country, the majority are poor. Quote Right
Quote Left Having learned a language doesn't mean to have learned about the whole culture of the country where that language is spoken. Quote Right
Quote Left Twin cities mafia holds immense sway over the country Pakistan. Quote Right
Quote Left A capitalist regime is more likely to produce these narcissistic behaviours in its citizens compared to a socialist country. – Mwanandeke Kindembo Quote Right
Quote Left 'Hurry Honey' see Judge Judy said..."They came to our Country illegally now get out and take your Lawnmower with YOU" Quote Right
Quote Left 'Hurry Honey' A secret..."We discovered "NEW" 'Country Urban Poetry' collection by Poet Herbert Ray Pitre and singer" Quote Right
Quote Left The homeless problem is so bad in this country, even the scurrying rats are sympathetic. Quote Right
Quote Left What is crime in a country if something is ban and un uthrodize person is using is crime by crime holder Quote Right
Quote Left Slowly but steadily your rights are being taken away by the hysteria orchestrated in the communist country. China always wanted to force barbarism on the rest of the world. they seemed to have succeeded with coronavirus. This, if allowed will be goodbye to Freedom Quote Right
Quote Left Never forget your country because when you're anonymous, your country becomes your identity. Quote Right
Quote Left Rather drive down a country road, then an interstate, anytime Quote Right
Quote Left If 12 good men and women can decide a murder trial, why can't a few hundred men or women run a country? Random democracy is true democracy with proportional representation by all groups, women, men, aged, youth, ethnic minorities, etc. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things