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Alcohol Quotations

Alcohol quotations. Find, read, and share Alcohol quotations. These are the best examples of Alcohol quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. And then you die. What's that? A bonus? I think the life-cycle is all backwards. You should die first and get it all over with. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young. You get a gold watch. You go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol and party. You get ready for high school. You go to grade school and become a kid. You play. You have no responsibilities. You become a little baby & go back into the womb. You spend your last nine months floating... Then, you finish off as an orgasm. I like it. Quote Right
Quote Left If alcohol is queen, then tobacco is her consort. It's a fond companion for all occasions, a loyal friend through fair weather and foul. People smoke to celebrate a happy moment, or to hide a bitter regret. Whether you're alone or with friends, it's a joy for all the senses. What lovelier sight is there than that double row of white cigarettes, lined up like soldiers on parade and wrapped in silver paper? I love to touch the pack in my pocket, open it, savor the feel of the cigarette between my fingers, the paper on my lips, the taste of tobacco on my tongue. I love to watch the flame spurt up, love to watch it come closer and closer, filling me with its warmth. Quote Right
Quote Left Candy, is dandy, but Liquor, is quicker. Quote Right
Quote Left It is not heroin or cocaine that makes one an addict, it is the need to escape from a harsh reality. There are more television addicts, more baseball and football addicts, more movie addicts, and certainly more alcohol addicts in this country than there are narcotics addicts. Quote Right
Quote Left In the 1940s a survey listed the top seven discipline problems in public schools talking, chewing gum, making noise, running in the halls, getting out of turn in line, wearing improper clothes, not putting paper in wastebaskets. A 1980s survey lists these top seven drug abuse, alcohol abuse, pregnancy, suicide, rape, robbery, assault. (Arson, gang warfare and venereal disease are also-rans.) Quote Right
Quote Left I can't say whether we had more wit among us now than usual, but I am certain we had more laughing, which answered the end as well. Quote Right
Quote Left I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. Quote Right
Quote Left Ale, man, ale's the stuff to drink for fellows whom it hurts to think. Quote Right
Quote Left Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. Quote Right
Quote Left Civilization is drugs, alcohol, engines of war, prostitution, machines and machine slaves, low wages, bad food, bad taste, prisons, reformatories, lunatic asylums, divorce, perversion, brutal sports, suicides, infanticide, cinema, quackery, demagogy, strikes, lockouts, revolutions, putsches, colonization, electric chairs, guillotines, sabotage, floods, famine, disease, gangsters, money barons, horse racing, fashion shows, poodle dogs, chow dogs, Siamese cats, condoms, peccaries, syphilis, gonorrhea, insanity, neuroses, etc., etc. Quote Right
Quote Left The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. What's that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you go live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, go collect all your super, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last 9 months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, then you finish off as an orgasm! Amen. Quote Right
Quote Left Death and Famine and War and Pollution continued biking towards Tadfield. And Grievous Bodily Harm, Cruelty To Animals, Things Not Working Properly Even After You've Given Them A Good Thumping but secretly No Alcohol Lager, and Really Cool People travelled with them. Quote Right
Quote Left Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism. Quote Right
Quote Left Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. Quote Right
Quote Left Man seeks to escape himself in myth, and does so by any means at his disposal. Drugs, alcohol, or lies. Unable to withdraw into himself, he disguises himself. Lies and inaccuracy give him a few moments of comfort. Quote Right
Quote Left Other countries drink to get drunk, and this is accepted by everyone; in France, drunkenness is a consequence, never an intention. A drink is felt as the spinning out of a pleasure, not as the necessary cause of an effect which is sought: wine is not only a philter, it is also the leisurely act of drinking. Quote Right
Quote Left Malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man. Quote Right
Quote Left A man who exposes himself when he is intoxicated, has not the art of getting drunk. Quote Right
Quote Left There is only one really safe, mild, harmless beverage and you can drink as much of that as you like without running the slightest risk, and what you say when you want it is, Garcon! Un Pernod! Quote Right
Quote Left These are people who are unable to work because of mental or physical problems or drug or alcohol addiction. Quote Right
Quote Left Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. Quote Right
Quote Left The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect. Quote Right
Quote Left Alcohol doesn't console, it doesn't fill up anyone's psychological gaps, all it replaces is the lack of God. It doesn't comfort man. On the contrary, it encourages him in his folly, it transports him to the supreme regions where he is master of his own destiny. Quote Right
Quote Left Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person. Quote Right
Quote Left Alcohol and drug addiction are problems, and we should use outside agencies that know the business. They do business all over the country. Why don't we contract them to do it? See, we should be in certain businesses. Quote Right
Quote Left No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the sources of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. Quote Right
Quote Left Teen smoking is down, and that's because organizations like Just Eliminate Lies ... have done a really good job of getting the word out there to kids that you can die from smoking. The same thing works for drugs and alcohol. Quote Right
Quote Left 17 hours of sustained wakefulness can lead to a decrease in physical and mental performance equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.05% (legally drunk) Quote Right
Quote Left According to the latest numbers available from our Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Criminal Uniform Crime Reports, Minneapolis arrests roughly 1,500 people each year for marijuana offenses aloneand a big majority for simple possession. That's about four people every day in Minneapolis who get arrested for a substance that is far less harmful than alcohol and many over-the-counter drugs. As if this isn't enough, Minneapolis leads the nation in the greatest disparities in black and white marijuana possession arrest rates. Quote Right
Quote Left I would take a bomb, but I can't stand the noise. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Alcohol

Quote Left Intoxication Gin and coke to numb the pain. Intoxication makes the dreams go away. Alcohol a mask a temporary escape. Quote Right
Quote Left There's ethanol in pubs and in labs. The only difference is which controls the other -- you, or the alcohol. Quote Right
Quote Left One of the great pains of peace is to see the heroes of a thousand battles retreat to a thousand bottles at the doctor's and the barman's. In the snares of alcoholism and PTSD, they who survived the battlefield now fall in the bottle-field Quote Right
Quote Left Pure Spirit dwells in my body, I don't need alcohol. Quote Right
Quote Left To compromise my pen is to pull an alcoholic from his drink. Quote Right
Quote Left The method to my madness isn't a method at all. It's equal parts of sadness, drugs, and alcohol. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs