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JimmyJet - all messages by user

2/25/2016 12:52:32 AM
Only himself he can not solve hi,

i am trying to find a poem i read while in elementary school, but it seems to be nowhere on the net. it was a discussion about man.

the last lines went something like this - of atoms that mate, and orbs that revolve - only himself he can not solve

anyone know who wrote it, the name of it, etc. ?
2/25/2016 12:35:26 PM
Only himself he can not solve i may be getting my poems mixed up, but the starting lines of this poem may be "just like a symbol newly risen, man can escape his earthly prison"

and the title of the poem may be called "the satellite", or something similar ?

little bits and pieces seem to be buried deep in my subconscious - LOL !!
4/20/2024 10:59:51 PM
Only himself he can not solve Now A Satellite by Louis Ginsberg

Now like a symbol, Newly Risen,
That man can escape His earthly prison,
Man now fashions A satellite
And maps the orbit Of its flight.

Intrepid is man Who plumbs the seas
And feels the pulses Of galaxies.
Man explores Deep in an ion
And measures the heat In heart of Orion.

He dares to filch The blaze of the sun
And fearlessly taunts Oblivion.
Audacious is man Who dares to trace
The mystery, Veining space, --

Man who scorns his lowly bars
Whose mind harpoons The secret of stars,
Of atoms that mate And orbs that revolve,
Only himself He can not solve.
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