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Bob_Atkinson - all messages by user

7/8/2014 9:45:57 PM
What do you consider "Not a poem" ? Mr Hsu, Poetry was sung thousands of years before it was spoken. Form is irrelevant. I've defined Poetry as "the Emotional Content of Literature." If it's emotional, it's Poetry. If it's informative only, it's Prose. Bob
7/8/2014 9:49:46 PM
poetry forms Form is irrelevant Wesley. Does the writing have emotional content? If yes, it's poetry, if no, it's prose.
8/16/2014 9:13:09 AM
EDGAR ALLAN POE!!!! NO MO POE ! Believe Poe has destroyed the integrity of American Poetry. Look at the results of his work. Look at what's being produced today. In my book, it's his fault, he's responsible for this mess.
Bob_Atkinson on 8/16/2014
edited by Bob_Atkinson on 8/16/2014
9/24/2014 11:39:11 PM
Lady Nice collection there Gabe of trite phrases and cliche's
9/26/2014 10:04:15 PM
Some missing masterpieces! "To___" (Poe) mo poe, please

I heed not that my earthly lot.........the word "that" is redundant. (used 4 times, poor form)
Hath little of Earth in it,..................the word "it" shouldn't be used, (vague, no meaning)
That years of love have been forgot ..........the verb "to be" in all it's forms verboten
In the hatred of a minute:..........the word "the" shouldn't be used at all, (laziness)
I mourn not that the desolate ......."that, the" no no's
Are happier, sweet, than I, ......verb "to be (are) verboten
But that you sorrow for my fate.....there's "that" again
Who am a passer-by...........the verb "to be" (am) again, verboten
10/1/2014 9:26:54 AM
writers block To reduce writer's block one could treat every poem as a training exercise, not production.
Use the brainstorming technique of doing it only for the practice. Later, you can self-criticize, edit, ponder, but never care about the quality of what you're producing while writing.
This lets you become creative without blocks, turning the blank page into reams of productive content.
10/1/2014 9:34:30 AM
"the voices" MrMojoRisin wrote:
hear the voices calling
whistling through the trees .... counted the word "the" 6 times, should be used rarely.
they say aloud ..... "they?" who's they?
to the gathering crowd ....dump the "the"
take to the open sea ....dump the the" .... "sea?" what sea? trite phrase
the voices are growing louder .... "the" dump it
we must be getting close .... "we?" who's we?
their shrieks and cheers ... "their?" .... who's they?
put a ring in my ears .... "ring in my ears" .... trite phrase
its time to silence these ghosts .... "its" .... don't you mean it's?
the voices are deadly silent .... dump the "the".... deadly silent ... trite phrase
never to be heard again .... trite phrase
i took to the sea ... sea? what sea.... in a boat? swim?
they spoke unto me ...."they?" who's they
needing no more then a friend
.....then should be than
edited by Bob_Atkinson on 10/1/2014
10/1/2014 6:56:23 PM
To become a writer.... Thank you Karlin for my comfort in not being a great or good writer
edited by Bob_Atkinson on 10/1/2014
10/4/2014 1:57:49 PM
I rage to the wind Gabe, trite phrases (rage to the really don't add much. Have a problem, myself, with winging poems which don't require research adding to the reader's knowledge base. Also, "the, it (used 4 times), and" need to be taken out of this poem, (words that shouldn't be used in poetry). What's left when you do this? Not much. What's left when you leave them in? ditto. Regards, Bob
10/7/2014 10:23:59 AM
Flowers of Poverty Remember Horst, poverty is poverty of purpose, not poverty of cash. Those without purpose live in poverty. If you've no money, then grab a broom and sweep the sidewalk,
grab a wash basin and on your knees, scrub the floor. Do this and you've purpose, have eliminated poverty in your life. Sit on the couch and brood, you've no purpose and are living in poverty, no matter how much money you have.
10/12/2014 3:06:46 AM
New poet RhymeRoyalty wrote:
This may seem like a silly question but I've been wondering if I could use profanity or is that something that users try to stray away from??

Profanity precludes your writing from being read in school by K-12 students. Profanity
degrades the institution of poetry, should be avoided if you wish your writings to become part of posterity. Instead, suggest you work on purpose, something quite rare in these halls.
10/12/2014 5:37:54 PM
New poet Gerald, you just took Poetry Soup away from the kids in school. Now, because of you the Baracuda web filters will keep the kids away from us. Please delete your poems.
10/18/2014 4:18:37 PM
What's wrong? Brutality is ok if well-intentioned! Shawn, nice poetic technique, although have a problem with the premise that those who fight in wars are supported by the deity. Those who kill in the name of religion are Godless,
or don't you know?
10/23/2014 10:05:40 PM
The Battle of Borodino - by Bob Atkinson Written about an historical event, but applies to today's events also.

the Battle of Borodino
- by Bob Atkinson

fever drove the want of battle

to provoke the emperor again

this time driving into mother Russia

intent upon conquering them

then causing him to stretch his lines

more so than prudent or wise

driving army forces controlled

deep into plains for endless miles

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
while picking at a meal

attacks toward those supply strings

drew armies ever smaller

sapping growth of forces

endangering assaulting soldiers

sickness and diseases

thinned lines of the proudest soldiers

that followed his directions exactly

within shadows of mindless orders

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
his heart filled with thrills

defeat, not an option

he believed in his self worth

ideals of the purest nature

set his followers to conquer worlds

Spain, as had been seen

saw his army's strengths

fighting those who saw his shadow

as something of a giant's hand

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
for his fame and his ideals

now in this larger land

where rules were made without

the same forces of good and evil

that caused such strange results

they viewed his hand as not benign

but threatening to engulf

centuries of established order

set up by older sons and daughters

thoughts of these imperial leaders

within the borders of the north

were those of the mother

protecting what has been born

from attacks of wild animals

those who hungered for

the meat within the population

gold, silver and political scores

all threatened by the conquest

of many villages and towns

who spoke the Russian tongue

and left their leaders astounded

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
onward marching still

the endless plains and open range

that Napoleon couldn't leave alone

gave to him supply lines

both stretched so thin and broken

was his head that exploded in

a firestorm of demolition

expanding workings of the legion

which had many victories commanded

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
prestige his only thrill

gambles made to engulf

all cultures which competed

with the force of mighty right

which he embraced and ever pleaded

heartless in his approach to doctrine

making fear his motto for life

selling cheaply the lives of men

who followed him with such driven pride

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
on the battle fields

against all enemies of the righteous

which they imagined as imperfect lives

felt fate had given them

the simple right to genocide

ideals, moral strength of thought

and usefulness of purpose

were sound reasons for violence

upon those foreign persons

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
without much shame or guilt

theirs was the cause to propel

man to a higher plane

of liberty and justice

within the French domain

that man had engaged before

no feelings of remorse

in carrying out this war of ideals

upon those foreign shores

leaves one now not in control

of why this siege began

how could a half million men

allow themselves to be damned

causing so much life to shed

from the earth's round skin

dying deaths of violence

for the madness of one man

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
his pockets yet to fill

with gold of the conquest
with riches of lands good wealth
with titles to be bestowed
upon those favored men

sickness, starvation and pestilence

became so commonplace

that ranks of fine soldiers

began to dissipate

marching in formation

dressed as gentlemen

flying flags of false hope

of Russian victories again

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
while he counts new claims within

the boundries of his new lands
to be won with blood of those
who'd fight for his name and pride
false liberty exposed

with scarfs, hats and belts of leather

banners flying for the pride

of men in ranks who lifted eyes

to the victory of their own side

powder brought for their guns

screaming shots into the ranks

of those who stood to oppose

the advance of so many pompous gents

imposing upon those who made

a living tilling land for crops

the will of a foreign leader

whom their lives he thought not of

the star of world salvation
sits blindly on the hill
watching men die horrible deaths
insensitive, no inner feelings

he commanded respect of his men

fighting for his own side

because of pride and sacrament

for which they'd give their lives

by control of their thoughts

within the martial ways

as drums and fifes and marching songs

carried them to their early graves

now he sits there sulking

one leg upon a drum

asking silly questions

such as this one:

why does my army not advance?

why do we seem to be

losing strength to opposition

with every cannon's scream?

why do we not kill them all?

why do we not prevail?

ours is the cause that is supreme

life's nose, not its tail...

my army has met its match?

of this I cannot believe

no form now in our lines

are we really in retreat?

no, now we seem to hold steady

have them on the run

but with my glass I can count

one dead for each two advancing

some say it was victory
some say it was the end
of this brash and useless move
to conquer fellow men
10/27/2014 5:52:06 AM
What's wrong? Brutality is ok if well-intentioned! "... Wit employed in dressing up obscenity is like the art used in painting a corpse: it may be thus rendered tolerable to one sense, but fails not quickly to offend some other ..." Oliver Goldsmith

edited by Bob_Atkinson on 10/27/2014
11/10/2014 9:57:21 PM
Question about posting new poetry on Poetry Soup You nailed a problem with the poetry establishment. Imagine if a radio station wouldn't play a song that had been played on another station. How can we allow these clowns to keep poetry down without letting them have it. Let's re-adjust our acceptance of these sites who won't promote poetry in the best manner. Send me a poem, I'll publish it, Google: Poetry Critic.
12/14/2014 1:31:41 PM
i get alot of reads but hardly any feedback... 1. Has nothing to offer new.
2. Made some notes. 7 "the's" rewrite to drop them all. 2 "it's" rewrite to drop them.
.....5 verb "to be's" rewrite to drop them.
3. See Kris Kristofferson's "to Beat the Devil." If you talk, but nobody listens, should you keep talking? Kris thinks you should.
4. Do 10,000 people cheer when you read it to them? If not, rewrite it.
5. Did you research the poem, adding knowledge of a subject to the reader's experience?
6. Did you say anything worthwhile, or just produce trite garbage?
7. Take each poem as a lesson, not something produced of value.
8. Add purpose, it's thin.
Keep writing......Bob

ahabdoes the white whale call youas it does to myselfsilent at first but truetill in your soul it's wealth,my life is a fervent chaseacross the understanding of godthere to that empty spacewhere the tangles of sin are shod,i plunged my desire burninginto flesh to the boneall while death is yearningholding open the gate to home,so that there is only the needto own,to destroy and thenthe desire of the greedthat will rise again.
12/15/2014 7:23:43 PM
18 Stoic Faces - by Bob Atkinson Graphite, thank you for your Poezian comments. Appreciated. Trying here to say that there's poetry ignored by the current establishment which dogs the genre greatly, and has to be gotten rid of. Poe, Ginsberg et al. Eagles Band has consistently drawn 10,000 plus @greater than $200/seat, while "poetry" readings draw zilch for themselves. We need to change direction, (see my critique of Poe's "Annie" by Google search for poetry critic.
Regards, Bob Atkinson
12/16/2014 8:45:01 AM
18 Stoic Faces - by Bob Atkinson graphitedrug wrote:
teachers begin classes telling students to take notes because human minds only remember so much. Try cutting back a bit.

OK, here Graphite is where Poe and I differ widely. Poe said you shouldn't write epic poetry because of the short attention span people have. What would you think of a radio station that only plays a particular song once, and NEVER plays a song played on another radio station? Well, our poetry establishment always requires that the poem has never been published elsewhere. Stupid, isn't it? To be fully enjoyed, poems must be read over and over, and for this to happen, they have to be good, not grating. I don't write poems, I explore ways for poetry to have purpose. Keep your eyes on this column, going soon to rebut Poe's diatribe on poetry point by point. Regards, Bob Atkinson
12/16/2014 12:58:15 PM
Please critique this poem, it made me write it! Kate, Edgar Allan Poe agreed with you. I, on the other hand, agree with Homer.
One believed poetry to be an Art, the other a discipline equal to art, science, medicine,
engineering, history, psychology, sociology, and others, thereby combining elements of all disciplines into one useful endeavor moving humanity forward in the evolutionary cycle.
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