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starwriter1109 - all messages by user

12/13/2022 11:36:27 PM
The Old Man I love your poem. It reminds me of some of mine. Until I read "The Old Man" I wasn't sure if I was on the right track. You give me hope!
12/14/2022 12:44:47 AM
Image URL I'm trying to upload a photo of myself for my introduction. How do I enter an image URL? I don't have a website. My images are all on my computer or on Facebook.
3/4/2023 8:37:33 PM
Does anyone else on here write short stories? I have written some short stories. I have to be in a certain mood. Like poetry, they just sort of happen. I don't plan them. Unlike my novels, which I plan from start to finish. I wrote a short, short for a class. You can see it on here. It's called Here, Kitty.
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