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4/18/2012 6:24:44 PM

Ken Duddle
Posts: 12
Gone 1AM in the UK so just saying a quick hello. I have been writing poetry and short stories ffor a few years. At the moment putting the finish touches to a poetry book. Put them on a website (Addy in profile) and I use Tumblr to post stuff. Posted one poem which I had forgotten about. 15 years old and it was in a local poetry mag. It'll Be OK. Jst posted it because I had the document I had just typed it in open. Got one positive comment already. Ps my sig is one of my Haiku's
Anyway I'm tired so off bed.
edited by nightguard on 4/18/2012

A good book unlike
A vintage wine is consumed
over and over
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4/19/2012 8:13:01 AM

Ken Duddle
Posts: 12
Just like to add a couple of things. I can post on here but I am not sure which poetry style eac one is. Most are rhyming, some with couplets some with quads. But all the others that are listed some I have not heard of.
If anyone visits my website and would like to suggest one to post I'll be pleased to do it. I also welcome guest writers. It is only a week old so still in the early stages but I hope to stick with it and improve it.

A good book unlike
A vintage wine is consumed
over and over
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4/22/2012 3:13:18 PM

Ken Duddle
Posts: 12
Pleased to say I'm getting plenty of positive feedback. All but two poems so far have been put aside for a future collection I hope to publish and I have had someone check and proof read them with some tightening up so my proofreader should take some of the credit. I hope to post a few more from my back catalogue with the odd new one.
I have entered a couple of contests but not sure if they have been accepted. The poetry soup one I still have 0 out of 1 available showing but may have been too late for the next one. Just wish there were more contests. I have entered a sonnet one but not sure if it fits the picture.

A good book unlike
A vintage wine is consumed
over and over
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