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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
2/23/2021 8:21:19 AM

Jennifer Cahill
Posts: 13
A lone black crow
sits on a limb of a tree

amongst a crowd of trees
that surround the townhouses.

The trees' silhouettes
are drawn on the brick;

on the shingled roofs;
by the Sun this Late January.

The dark shape of the crow
is starker than the trees' cast

of the night color; it is spectre-like,
within the arms of the spectator-like trees.

The branches are frosted with yesterday's spitting snowflakes.

Their bark is the tint of stones;
or the grains of sand on an Irish shore,

viewed on the one rainy day
of a journey so long ago.

A squirrel scurrying up the tree
is the same color-

of the rough or smooth stone,
bleached by the Sun;

of the wet sand of the shore in Ireland,
whose dunes crouch to watch the tides ebb,

to see the pull of the floating Moon.

The squirrel blends into the mourning dove
tinctures as if he were a captive

of the Winter day..
or brushstroked into an oil painting.

The crow, hue of a cold desert night,
lifts to fly away.

The shadows become new shapes
in the shifting sunlight..

they become charcoal spirits
in her sketch of an agued morn'.

Jennifer Cahill
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