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Forum Home » High Critique » Toleration - by - Bob Atkinson

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2/26/2020 11:06:33 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295

by Bob Atkinson

Pierre (Bayle) believed in absolute

simplicity in this world

no dictatorial attitude

to make mankind serve

serve those in current power

a used religious ritual

to hypnotize one’s trust

and compromise one's principles

or politicians using media

for hypnosis of the weak

lies, deceptions thrown upon us

like truth without much meat

an inquisition designed to enslave

masses toward a deity

which may or not lie absolute

in formal competitive history

with others of a like purpose

who chose a different master

a wicked search for simple power

which results always in disaster

take arguments with great caution

for those methods procreated

within the minds of mortal men

have caused humanity’s enslavement

“…kill you if you don’t agree

in our method for distrust

of anyone who doesn’t follow

our plan for life’s engulfment ...”

“…torture those who don’t believe?

well that’s not an immoral act

we’ll kill you hands down for non-belief

as we the righteous react….”

inquisition was a tool

to gather wealth not earned

merely confiscated with violence

like with taxes our lives burned

with promises never kept

as only promises are free

everything else needs repayment

usually by loss of freedom

they react to those who don’t believe

in what elite espouses

unbelievers branded as dirty souls

so rational argument’s abandoned

what an absurd form of organization

to be immoral when

one condemns opposition

with such aviolent hand

we as true believers

where belief wasn’t real

found adherence to a plan

brought to us with so much zeal

wow, these represent pseudo-truths

of those who would gain power

over fellow men with

immorality shot like an arrow

sounds like current politics?

‘tis only repeat of rotten tactics

professed by religious orders

which never showed who their master

a group of elite men

who found with ritual hypnosis

anything desiredto be at hand

in their power hungry process

thank goodness people now see

how this process repeats its folly

a simple solution to evolution

let not our minds be turned to jelly

let not us be lied to again

as in humanity’s past

where enslavement by government

and religion wasn’t by chance

was deviousness of elites

who shoved these ideals down

our throats into our hearts and

threw away moral enhancement

or advancement of the soul of man

to where civilization could be claimed

while now we fight our brothers

because of morality drained

drained by those whose fictions devise

plans to enslave us in our beds

keeping freedom from progressing

with nonsense shoved into our heads
edited by Bob_Atkinson on 5/2/2023
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2/20/2022 9:52:04 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Think about Canada when you read this poem.
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Forum Home » High Critique » Toleration - by - Bob Atkinson

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