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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
10/24/2011 1:44:22 PM

Tom Larrow
Posts: 4
Watching my grand-children run and play

Makes the mind wander, back to the day

When you saw all things as fresh and new

And you could imagine, the splendid view

As you float on the clouds, in this sky of blue

You see rays of the sun, drying the morning dew

It seems the older you get, the faster the pace

Or is that our excuse for joining in the workplace

To enjoy the smell in the air from fresh mowed hay

Or watching a squirrel that stops, turns and runs away

You say It is a waste of time, it won't pay the rent

You should be chasing the life, where money is spent

If you only teach children to be better then other men

It will cripple the spirit of this life, like a carcinogen

The earth we have borrowed from our grand-children you see

Will you return a lush garden or a dead sea?

Back to the farm to gather and tell stories of life, hope and inspiration.
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