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7/4/2019 7:10:51 AM

Niyna Desangre
Posts: 5
The Most Beautiful Sonnet

For every day the dawning sun does rise.
Births jubilation there before Thine eyes.
Brightly colored rays nobly to shed light.
Accents wondrous flawlessness in plain sight.

Sparked myriads of seeds on which life's drawn.
Brash rivers bear oath heirs ‘tis tryst of dawn.
Sways and swirls a choreographic dance.
Ambient twirls perpetually by chance.

Flail on shores hence spawns of man and beast form.
Yea verily 'tis now yields earths new norm.
Winding winds elope Ye fair leaves of trees.
Rolling thunder cede fealty unto thee.

Esteemed Vox barrage of resounding ardor.
Grasp our lore of adoring loves of yore.

edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
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8/4/2019 10:54:07 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
about the sonnet.....

to obsess about form

leaves the creation of something useful

in the dust

obsession should be for purpose

to leave something of value

insight into our mindset

for those not yet born

to force strict form requirements

becomes counterproductive

to creativity and honesty

Wordsworth believed poetry

should be in conversational language

I believe poetry is the observation

of an emotional reaction

to events or feelings

not those events themselves

which I would classify as

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8/11/2019 11:56:11 AM

Carmael William
Posts: 2
The poem is written very well...however the tittle seems to be putting it off...
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8/20/2019 5:34:09 PM

Hilo Poet
Posts: 1
Applied value to your sonnet
both in part of your content
and the other, being of your talent
furthermore, I still consider myself
a newbie and noted soupers
use contest title as their own

**Forgive me**
edited by akalapanala on 8/20/2019
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8/28/2019 3:29:27 AM

Edmund Strempfl
Posts: 10
Nice wording but found I couldn't satisfy myself what it's all about
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9/1/2019 9:56:50 AM

J.D. Cromwell
Posts: 16
Naming something “The most (insert any adjective here)”, does not make it so and greatly takes away from the body of work.

The poem reads well and I enjoyed the word play, however, I feel the message was lost towards the end.
I hope this helps
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9/5/2019 1:18:46 AM

Jack Webster
Posts: 255
If one was promised a diamond, how disappointing it would be if the only characteristics the stone shared with a true diamond were that it sparkled and had a similar shape. Rhinestones do as well as that.

This sonnet wants for true iambic lines.
Syllabic verse? A second-best design.
Although a fair beginning, true, there’s more
to sonnets. Fourteen lines and rhyme may bore,
without a proper sound. The volta gives
a needed turn, a spark of thought that lives,
reveals a new perspective. Slow to change
the soul requires many views, a range
of possibilities for open eyes.
So, make a journey. Readers love surprise.
At first a rose is love, and then it dies;
a wand of thorns perfumes as petals dry.
Your sonnet’s very pretty, that’s for sure,
and, some will claim, a quite effective lure.
edited by superlativedeleted on 9/5/2019
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