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2/23/2019 1:38:48 PM

Mya Robinson
Posts: 2
Name's Mya, I'm currently a junior in highschool. I have awful grammar, I'm a frustrated writer, I don't like admitting that I'm sometimes pretentious; all the common place things.

I found this website completely by accident. Previously, I was on another website where poems could be shared… but the majority of them were about social issues and you could only really post about social issues if you wanted traction. Not well informed about stuff like that if I'm to be honest, so I never posted.

What I want is to just get better with my writing. I lose interest in a lot of the stuff I attempt to write; like I tried to write a novel in my sophomore year but I just completely lost interest in only a couple of days. Wrote a whole outline and everything... It just didn't capture my attention. So now I'm just a frustrated writer

But I can write poems, they usually only require about 30 mins of your undivided attention. If I have the need to edit them then it doesn't take me very long even with my harsh self-criticism.

So yea. Young, short-attention-span, nihilistic; all the common place things.
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6/12/2019 5:55:26 PM

Julia Thomas-Ficken
Posts: 17
I'm new here too! Alot older but kinda feel like this is a grand learning experience like school was to me...I never knew there were so many forms of poetry! It's hard deciding which one to choose for me. Welcome
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