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Forum Home » High Critique » Unemployed Ox

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
12/23/2018 8:23:09 PM

Arjun Jangid
Posts: 10
The young ox and his mom was
running hard to save themselves
A cruel boy had stick in hand
running behind to strike both.
As young blood he tried to revenge
but regret it was mom who said
"don't hit him and run fast."

Why he is flogging us mom?
What is wrong with him?
What are faults of us today?
How long it will stay mom?

First run fast to save yourself
It is long story to tell truth hard
Sting of unemployment is killing us
Tractor and vihcles who snatched our job
are real enemies not the boy behind us.
Before their birth we were respected
Me as Gomata and you as bull
believe me on your birth they served gur to all
Do you know why?
Because i gave them milk
And you helped them in
farming and transporting.

Someone in our race spoiled his crop
last night in state of starvation
the boy is son of my kind master
who loved and cared me lot
so i stopped to hit my master'son.
I am barren due to old age
and you are jobless my dear
so make habitual to this treat

Iam not weak and coward
if 'no food without work 'the rule
then i will fight for justice
i need only job not hate
Job for me ,Job for my race

Gather all we will block highway
we shall fight for right of dignity
We want Job We want Job
Either give or fight
in crusade we shall sacrifice lives
or shall get bread with pride.

Don't do this nonsense my son
Ladhi charge and scolding are
forthcoming yours rewards.

Then who can raise our issues
Shall we starve life long ?
Shall unemployment come to an end?
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12/23/2018 8:26:32 PM

Arjun Jangid
Posts: 10
Critiques are welcome.
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