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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
7/2/2018 1:36:13 PM

Wendy Nipas
Posts: 38
The host
Invitations have gone out
Some without my knowing
I have no choice but be a host
To those that will be showing
And there they are, they have arrived
Some are all smiles and friendly
Those take a seat, they look around
They share their thoughts, but gently
Another group who was here first
Their arrogance is reeking
They make me feel as if it’s my
Demise that they are seeking
A smaller group, a bunch of three
More humble, more humane
Their presence is a ray of sun
The right relief for strain
’Cause nearly did I falter
And lose my decent poise
For which I had good reason
But now I have a choice
I plan to be the perfect host
I’ll manage and entertain
I’ll let them see the strength in me
There is no need to feign
’Cause my three loyal companions
Humility, Love, and Peace
Each help to stabilize the mood
In varying degrees
For life will take some crazy turns
Some crazy hands it deals
And you’ll be forced to come to terms
With whatever pact it seals
But let’s not be too worried
About whom our guests may be
We’ll get much consolation
From the loyal group of three
So be a host, whoever comes
No matter how or when
Just get around and entertain
Just do it, ’cause you can.
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