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5/6/2011 7:46:09 AM

sonya mcalpin
Posts: 1
hi im sonya! i live in a small town in north alabama and im the proud mom to four amazing, talented, and handsome boys. jacob is 22, josh is 21, and my twins- sean and "lil' john are 11. they are my four greatest accomplishments by far. i am a registered nurse, have been for about 16 years now. i have been writing as long as i can remember. putting my thoughts and feelings on paper, to me, is like a therapy session without actually having to see a therapist. i rarely share these with anyone, i usually just file them away somewhere. yesterday i posted a poem for the first time. it was written after my boys and i had gone through a life altering tragedy that left us forever changed.... the first year or so after i was pretty much a recluse and closed myself off to everyone except my family and a few close friends. one night, while sitting at home about to watch a movie, i was overcome with emotions and thoughts so strong i couldnt contain them all. i got my pen and paper and they just poured out of me like never before. its the longest and most heartfelt poem ive ever written before or since, and it only took about a half hour to write. it helped me say, without having to speak the words, what my heart was screaming during that troubled time. im still working on getting my life back in balance and finding the peace that was lost, but ive come a long way. im happy i decided to share it and i plan to post more in the days to come. im glad to find this site and have enjoyed reading the poems shared by others on here. i welcome any feedback any of you have that might help me get started, and i hope you have a blessed day! much thanks....... sonya mcalpin
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