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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
9/8/2017 8:43:51 AM

Faeeza Paruk Simjee
Posts: 14
My Word, My Honor

Vows & promises are meant to be kept,
Yet one's word to be honored has nowadays become inept,
Its old fashioned, seen as an item of 'back in the day',
Needing witnesses to prove what signedwords really meant to say,
It doesn't mean much to detract one’s word,- no loss of upheld dignity,
Aah, this 'dignity' another of today's almost obsolete quality,
Yet we see ourselves as the world's most evolved "advanced",
Overlooking powers who oppress, &pierce hearts of fellow mortals with poisoned lance,

What in God's name has become of ethics,morals, values, the past upheld so highly? What's become of simple justice in asociety?
We're so intoxicated by worldlymaterialism, fashion, mortal idols as dieties...
We've lost the essence of sobriety!
Lost is the foundation of piety!
Attitudes & characteristics are unappetizing examples within personalities!

The world is spinning faster for sure,
Coz the display of blank feelings show more& more...
How deeply sad a loss this deteriorating state,
A spiraling doom to a sorry fate,
Swept up are those not thinking, not reflecting, not questioning,
Lost are those not searching, not realizing...

A search for a spiritual compass is man's only rescue,
There is surely one the Divine has preserved in lieu...
Yes, spiritual choices are many,
But choosing the right one is quite easy!
Just prostrate & call out to the Divine's omnipresence,
Sincerely ask for His guidance in reaching His essence!
The journey to your destination you will see...
Will return to you perspective, revealing each key,
Each key will open doors to understanding your purpose & reveal personal responsibility
Delivering inner peace, comfort &tranquility,
A constitutional map to live life &experience its beauty,
A gift that cannot be bought with any amount of money,
A gift delivered only by spirituality…
edited by Faeeza Paruk Simje on 9/12/2017
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