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8/3/2017 1:59:07 AM

ronald cole
Posts: 1
The ballad of Timothy Lee

The story of a man who longed to see
begging for the love of a woman, who is she?
this is the ballad of timothy lee

Traveling coast to coast, to find herself
she left timothy, two days past the twelfth

unbeknownst to him, the devil had a very nice grin
he swore this a step, never to take
leaving timothy lee with a heart, damaged by a stake

The story of a man who longed to see
begging for the love of a woman, who is she?
this is the ballad of timothy lee

as days were a blur and the nights crept on
timothy struggled to move along
the end was a near for timothy lee

the woman struggled, fighting the devil within
never to show the pain she was in
still weak from the bottle and her love of timothy lee

never telling him why, was a sure way for him to die
timothy lee took his life that day
without so much as a note and leaving his life in array

the devil with a cheerful grin
musky scent and breath of gin
able to say he got his way

Stealing Lees reason to live
trouble and strife, ending timothy life

Ultimately leaving him still blind to see
the love, that she
will hold for him, all of he days

this is the end of a story of a man who can no longer see
no longer waiting for the woman, who is, me
this is the ballad of timothy lee
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8/23/2017 11:02:30 AM

Dean Wood
Posts: 31
Ronald, I like your sad story but I am not fond of the form you used especially if you are going to call it a Ballad. This is written primarily in tercet stanzas (three lines each). With a rhyme scheme that seems to vary randomly. I see aba, aab, abb, and aaa mixed through out. Ballads are written as Quatrains (four lines each), usually with an abab or abcb rhyme scheme. Also, ballads usually adhere to a strict syllable count and meter. Alternating between 4 foot and 3 foot meters. Your poem is very loose with the meter. In lines 1 and 3 of your stanzas the syllable count ranges from 10 (in the first staza) to as much as 17. You have two couplets (two-line stanzas) inserted into your tercet format which is fine but the each have a different rhyme scheme, 1st is aa, and the 2nd is ab with an internal rhyme for b. With all this unstructured business happening, it is more difficult to read and detracts from an otherwise well-thought out story and message. Good luck as you work on this piece.
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