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New to PoetrySoup? Introduce yourself here. Tell us something about yourself.
6/6/2017 11:21:25 PM

Deadd Accountt
Posts: 3
-troduce myself. Here it goes.

My birth name is irrelevant. Though most peers and people in general call me "OP", that is what I like to be called. I am a 16 year old write/poet/songwriter/ self-proclaimed amazing man. I started out at first writing rap/hip-hop lyrics in my journal around 8th grade, but my parents looked through it and found very explicit lyrics and suggestive themes throughout. I still write many songs like that, and I defended myself correctly by saying it's simply art and nothing more, or less. My love for writing short stories started probably all the way back to second grade, when I was living with my grandma I would write stories all the time. I remember one lone simile from my second-third grade stories at my grandmas; "The man was delivered a brutal strike to the nose, and the blood was running out of it like a faucet." Why I remember this? Who knows.

My love for poetry, though, came more recently. I just stumbled upon this website one day and struck gold, I'm so thankful I found it. I always really liked reading poems, opposed to many of my classmates, even though i'm I guess what you could call a class clown many times in my classes. I then just started writing poetry and got hooked, man is it a beautiful thing to read and write.

I go to a high school in the bay area of California, USA. I used to live up north, in Washington. Aside from my love for writing, I enjoy playing basketball, watching cartoons, listening to music, talking to women (and men, but not in a sexual way lol,) and hanging out with friends.

I have ADHD, I take very strong medicine which I hate because it makes my mind blank and I lose all creativity until it wears off later in the day.

All in all, i'm just a nice, fun guy. Say hi to me sometime!!
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