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Can't find a poem you've heard once? Looking for a poem for a special person or an occasion? Ask other member for help.
1/19/2017 8:29:57 AM

Eric Dobransky
Posts: 1
When I was in 9th grade, about 20 years ago I found a poem. It was in a female's handwriting. It was written on folded up notebook paper and lying on a floor. That poem was the reason I started writing poetry myself. I have always wondered if it was an original piece from one of my classmates or it was re-written from a poetry book. If anyone can help me find the author I would appreciate it. The poem is below.

Love is a signature engraved deeply on your heart.
Written in a special ink with long and lasting art.
Monogrammed with trust and care.
A sweet and tender rhyme.
Outlined with a familiar smile and memories of the time.
Love is a dream you dream sometimes when your mind can't ease the pain.
A daydream of sunshine when all you see is rain.
A wish for laughs and happiness.
Enough to give and share.
A thought of being together.
Just knowing someone's there.
Love is an image of how you feel and what you long to be.
A reflection on the way you live and what you live to see.
A picture you paint of yourself and the things you long to do.
An impression left about the ones who mean so much to you.
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5/17/2017 1:15:18 PM

Dean Wood
Posts: 31
Highland High School, Indiana, Yearbook 1996
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