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2/4/2015 6:47:12 PM

Dina Platt
Posts: 1
Do you believe in love at first sight?
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2/5/2015 2:28:15 AM

Asiphe Tomeli
Posts: 1
i used to but honestly i don't even think love exists anymore

May816 wrote:
Do you believe in love at first sight?

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2/5/2015 7:12:18 PM

Susan Clark
Posts: 2
I found in order to see love and encourage it others we must first learn to love the One who created us.
We are His gorgeous handiwork and He lovingly knitted us in our mother's womb - but first we all existed as

in the Creator's world as ideas, then we came into existence in that world first as ones He loves without end and then He sent us to earth as the school house it is. The planet of the children - His children - we are planted to learn to love God first, then to come to love ourselves and be good to ourselves, then to love others with ever increasing love that overtakes all and follows our Lord's example of He who finds us worthy to exist, to love - to be loved - to give and receive love - even if we find faults in other people - we have to learn to look past that because our Lord loves us despite ourselves - and in turn we must learn to look at other people with that same unconditional love - so that they might also come to see the agapi love of our God through us - so first become that warm fire that people want to sit next to then others will want to pursue that same all encompassing love that they see shining through you. Become that light and become that love, that change you want to see not only in ourselves but in others too.

Whatsoever things that are lovely and true think on these things ! Love your sister in Christ Susan
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7/16/2015 3:44:51 PM

Neil Nelson
Posts: 4
May816 wrote:
Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, because it has lead me to where I am now
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1/30/2016 3:44:07 PM

Goddess Queen Yahudah
Posts: 4
Asiphe Tomeli wrote:
i used to but honestly i don't even think love exists anymore

May816 wrote:
Do you believe in love at first sight?

i believe in love first sight especially when it is divined to happened. Patience is a very prime factor when waiting and you just do not want anybody!
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1/30/2016 3:45:46 PM

Goddess Queen Yahudah
Posts: 4
kursitamu wrote:
believe it because I have experienced it and my relationship with my girlfriend is very harmonious

That is great! You both balance one another out and that's all that counts!
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2/2/2016 1:56:03 PM

Wilbert Dela Cruz
Posts: 3
It is all relative. We believe in what we choose to believe in but then again there are things in the world like love, faith, miracles, to happiness, they exist and they everywhere around us, the truth is already inside us, whether we believe they are there or not.
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3/16/2016 8:20:09 AM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Crush/lust at first sight
Love that endures, hopes, believes all takes time.
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4/9/2016 11:29:48 PM

Jolene Cheyney
Posts: 66
Sorry to whomever got reported to moderator. Parkinson's tremors make me tap buttons that I don't intend to. I wish they would put a confirm or deny option to finalize
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10/25/2016 3:06:26 AM

Keith Logan
Posts: 27
Do I believe in love at first sight? Let me take another look at that.
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11/27/2016 4:13:30 PM

Keith Teaser
Posts: 1
I don’t believe in Love as an emotion? I do believe in honesty! and faithfulness. We can say too easily "I LOVE YOU" Yet I would rather a girl say the truth? Which is. I don’t love you! But, I can learn to.
If there were such a thing as love at first sight? Then I am in love with 20 different girls every day!!

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4/4/2017 4:57:30 AM

Tony Devers
Posts: 7
I absolutely believe in love at first sight - having experienced "the Thunderbolt" described by Mario Puzo in The Godfather (book, not film). The trouble is though, you can only assess that first sight in hindsight. So if a couple are both of a romantic persuasion, it's easy to reinforce the impression of love at first sight by reminding each other constantly of the first time you met. Did you really knock each other over with the power of a charged glance, or is that just how you choose to remember it? Does it matter?
edited by Tony Devers on 4/4/2017
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5/6/2017 5:50:27 PM

Destiny Lawson
Posts: 3
I really do believe in love at first sight.
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5/15/2017 4:24:03 PM

Carissa Marie
Posts: 24
I'm not sure. I'd like to believe that there is a "jolt" we get the first time that we see someone, and I wish I could accept the idea of soulmates, but it seems a bit farfetched. I do believe in love, as difficult as it is for me to understand what, exactly, love is, but instantaneous love? I'm not sure. If I ever experience it, I'll be sure to review my opinion on the matter.
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5/15/2017 4:27:07 PM

Gregory Richard Barden
Posts: 23
(d/fl)yingsquirrel wrote:
I'm not sure. I'd like to believe that there is a "jolt" we get the first time that we see someone, and I wish I could accept the idea of soulmates, but it seems a bit farfetched. I do believe in love, as difficult as it is for me to understand what, exactly, love is, but instantaneous love? I'm not sure. If I ever experience it, I'll be sure to review my opinion on the matter.
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5/15/2017 4:29:40 PM

Gregory Richard Barden
Posts: 23
I not only believe in love at first sight, (though I believe it's rare in a romantic perspective, I have experienced it), I believe there are different TYPES ... if you don't believe in love at first sight, just wait until your first child is born, and you will absolutely believe in it from that point on. If it can happen in that aspect, it can happen in others! :-)
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3/1/2024 9:13:02 AM

average person
Posts: 2
I certainly didn't fall in love with anyone the moment I've laid eyes on them. To me, love is something that builds over time like trust. Something like lust, or a crush could be seen first but its hard to tell if it is love.
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6/9/2024 11:07:58 AM

Susan Manley
Posts: 3
I did not believe in love at first sight. I even wrote a poem about that. Its illogical right? Love is a sum of experiences with someone, its trust and bonding and attraction and connection built over time. However... Love at first sight happened to me at the age of 17 and he was 20 and we became engaged last year. ( and then I lost him in his sleep). He was 64. He and I did a deep dive through our many experiences together and shared our memories back and forth. And for him it was love at first sight too. We just simply could not get enough of each other. We wanted to stand next to each other, talk to each other. And we took every opportunity to touch, hold hands and eventually when we could be private, kiss, hug. And as I became an adult, more. And then he ran off scared to death because well... I was to smart, pretty and he thought I was destined for better things. We had many years and several marriages each apart. And did not see each other again until our 50s. And it was still the same. The connection was as strong as ever, but not direct enough to stay together. And last year I reconnected with him and he told me I saved his life. Because I gave him purpose again. Reality is he pulled me out of that funk too. Funny thing is I met someone this spring that makes me feel that way again. So ... don't give up on love. And yeah love can happen during the very first time you meet someone and it can be overwhelmingly strong. Love isn't rational. Though relationships are built on a foundation of rational. And some love does not last the test of time ( or the cold hard stare of logic).
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