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2/3/2015 7:01:15 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Goodbye to All

(a goodbye poem to Rod McKuen)

- by Bob Atkinson

goodbye to all who now remain

I've done a race which gave me pain

also, with some pure delight

it gave me gladness to die tonight

goodbye to those who could not come

will meet you someday on the run

from things you did there in the past

yes, you forever grabbed my ash

goodbye those who took the wine

and kissed all goodness there aside

bringing into focus all your vibes

of correctness in your stride

you kicked the can aside

goodbye to lovers of the past

gave to you my foolish pouts

didn't mean I locked you out

my role was that of circus clown

goodbye to relatives of which was many

didn't ever ask a penny

you didn't give me much of time

didn't mix your lives with mine

goodbye to dreams of future grace

wasn't in my mournful race

I tried to do things that would last

but fell face flat there on the track

goodbye to those I never knew

perhaps they'll read my death review

yes, treat me kind in words of praise

though never read good words on page

goodbye to you who read my lips

lips still, not moving in love's quips

I never said much anyway

so you didn't notice I'm deranged
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3/19/2015 10:19:54 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
A tribute to Paul Simon's "Homeward Bound"

Home in a Dark Box

- by Bob Atkinson

overarching adventure

grabbed me by an ear

dragging me 'cross a new world

from home to staggered fears

not fears of dissolution

as a being here on earth

merely reduced my shadow to

some small patch of footprint's dirt

made me one of many

who set out to survive

absorbing trust of community

an idea for which we strive

found myself not with good skills

in some situations prearranged

following footsteps of men adept

got lost in life's shell game

endowed with luck of fortune

needed to persevere

or, if you will, continue life

for another year

worked well for me, though always

saw success beyond my grasp

did as well as could have done

based on skills learned in years past

through a time of detachment

fighting hard to make the grade

found survival's cost excessive

in grabbing onto victory's parade

settled then with open arms

a miracle made of stages

thought things could substitute

for my need to propagate creation

traded sense of order

for that time of sad reflection

until my open ended dreams

came back to full fruition

sense of duty well defined

create something that might last

no matter if found useful

do as others did in years past

and now, to that real question

does life penetrate this facade?

or will my time of luxury

end in my grave's dark box?
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7/17/2015 12:28:57 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Pins and Needles

- by Bob Atkinson

prior to this opening

I feel so well aware

of distant pulsations

devoid of titled flair

I see in moving backwards

moving forward in the mix

revising preconditions

devoted to my list

of things to do this morning

attention thereby given to a score

which tallies undulating motions

shooting through an open door

on pins and needles I await

some feelings in cool darkness

without which cannot be described

tangible emotional progress
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