Book: Shattered Sighs

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New to PoetrySoup? Introduce yourself here. Tell us something about yourself.
1/18/2013 12:53:54 AM

Mest Kiphen
Posts: 4
Hello, my name is Mest. I joined a few months ago, but just learned about the forums so I thought I'd introduce myself. I tend to write mostly in quatrain, following certain guidelines I make for myself. Everything I write comes straight from my heart and soul, and time is taken to make each word, each line, each stanza, as meaningful as possible. Someone once told me never to stop writing, to share my soul with the world. Unfortunately she was the only person I wanted to share anything with ....and she left. All I was left with was a pen, pad, and a broken heart. My poetry is the result of a life spent in agony, despair, and pain. Maybe one day I will find someone who understands. Take care.
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