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Best Poems Written by Marugu Mo

Below are the all-time best Marugu Mo poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Into the Shadows

I will slowly fade into a shadow
Without essence without breadth
You will not understand me
I will follow you and watch you
But I, that once was, won't

I will fade into my shadow
A solid relic, a light reflection
I will be, but in the shadows
To follow you  and to watch you
But I, will be long gone

I will be with the shadows
With those arduous soles who trod
Murky dusks avant-garde
For they are now long gone
Into solitary recluse

I will sometimes reach out
To whisper to you and uplift you
And you will reach out
But I, will be long gone...

Into the shadows

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2019

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I Spied A Valley Low-POTD

I spied a valley low Across the road from the cemetery A Columbus monkey swinging by The trees of the valley Stood tall and forlorn Observing the crematorium Covered in light gray smoke As morning traffic streamed by Giraffe reached for the tallest bough And I thought I heard the leopards growl By the road was a troop of baboons As people walked on by And a few yards away, Was the army garrison A regiment trooped on by, And a sounder was grazing idly by As people walked on by Yes I spied a valley low Where life carried on slow Across the road from the cemetery Where footsteps were dull and hollow A funeral procession was going on Yes the trees of the vale Were tall and forlorn The sun hung high and lorn As were the clouds of dawn As I drove along that road Away from that valley low

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2024

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The Aberdare Ranges Kenya

Dawn, when silence falters
And the trees of the range- 
Are tucked in a bucket of fog
Marching dawn, whose beauty never alters,
I tuck myself in blankets like a log
At the Treetops Hotel upon the range
Dainty dreams upon dawn’s altar

The dappled peacock dazes the dawn
While the African crowned eagle 
Will soar, prowling for prey
And tourists peep and picture the fawn
While their eyes prowl the breakfast tray
Jacaranda festooned fashion regal
Its blue flowers blue snowfall upon dawn

Elephants trudge to the watering hole
Buffalo follow, even the bush buck
The warthog always walks silly,
The big five will steal your soul
At the Ark's perch, you will be stuck
The water adorned by the pond lily
The range's serenity, waters your soul

Pristine streams gush from the moorlands
The Hagenia, decked in velvet green
The sword lily, sheathed in fibrous tunic
And as the Karuru falls hit land
True love will pierce to the gene
For pristine nature, is the true cupid.
Breaths bated as lovers hold hand

Further, nestled nigh in the blue skies
The Kinangop peak, peeking through
The closer I get, the further it hides
A sun bird chatters, along my trail's high
My eyes in tune, such wondrous hillsides 
I sweat as I head towards the bamboo
I am among the butterflies

Ringlets in a dance, oh! Surreal world
Monkeys swing, tree to tree, a trail of imagination
A reed buck is openly grazing
A canvas of the grassland in its gold
I spot a Serval cat, in hiding
On a safari truck, the breeze is an inspiration 
Beauty flows in the altitudes that I behold

At dusk the steeped villages prepare for sleep
The Nyandarua range, yawns its last
Fabled home of the Kikuyu god
Curtain like shadows befall the steep
And this wonderland begins to nod
As the women fluff off days dust fast
Men’s ears wide open as it darkens deep

Wild animals are known to visit
Roving around, excitement for the young
But the animals are known to visit hungry
The locals know too well, memories vivid
An elephant’s wrath is meted out bluntly
Protection for man and beast not far flung 
Conservation and nurture is the spirit

As Mount Satima watches her watered floors,
She knows the heart goes deep

 Collaboration with njeri hunjeri who is a wonderful poet

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2019

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You Fell Like October Rain

You fell in October, like autumn leaves Funny it was a hot day. The avocado tree was budding. I knew you only a short while, But it broke me to see your mother cry. She was inconsolable. And I thought I was strong, But my tears could not be kept at bay. Your friends gathered by your side, Oh what love they had for you. Your lover had mourned all he could, He was the strongest, Not one tear. They built you a house in the ground, So they said. They built you a bed, never to rise So I said. And in love they gathered around you. And laid you in it. That was the hardest, Interred you in red loam. And this was the finality, Who would have known? That your laughter would be so short, Thirty and one years?. They said we had to embrace death. Even come to love and desire it. He visits one and all. His cynical finality. It was hot and sunny today, But you fell like October rain. When heaven heaved in storm clouds, As they entrenched you underground.

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2024

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The Drive

We cut the miles
Like a blade-bent
On homicide. 
As the tar serpent
Rises readying its hood
In heated passion
Sashaying in its midday heat
Playing water mirages
Of dark shimmers
As we sink in its glistening
Endless asphalt river 
While the waft of heated rubber
Rises and rises... 
Until we are no more 
No longer living 
In the everyday regulated regular miles. 
We are stars 
As this rocket-ship transverses 
Potholes of ash to a distant far

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2017

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Longing For You

Your hazel eyes ask how long I have waited and longed for you Ask the raven, how many times I asked to borrow his wings How many times I have longed to fly to you, beyond the sky

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2019

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Leaving Is Such a Trivial Thing

Leaving is such a trivial thing
You call it injustice, wont stand for it
Departure imminent.

Your daily bits and bytes
No longer.
What will be left of you
Some ghosts in a search engine?

Empty emotion, empty spaces
Zapped wisdom, but maybe the spirit

Well, leaving is such a trivial thing
One byte away, one click
Your soul and spirit,
Words and critique,
Hard truths, left in limbo

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2017

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Long Winding Road

Many miles, untraveled, along this empty road Long and winding forest road, deep wooded , whose end I do not know And a fork leads to a wooded vale low, that I call home

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2018

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I could have stood out there in the darkness
Close my eyes and wait for the light of day
There were those things that you knew about me
I wasn't comfortable in that glaring light
I had walked both broad and narrow roads
And it felt like I was all alone

I wanted to stay out there in the dark
I wanted the night, the falling dew to cover me
Then maybe I wouldn't feel so incomplete
I didn't mean to spurn that open door
From where your solitary light streamed
I was in love but I felt so alone

You smiled, opened my eyes, I hadn't seen you
You were sure, but had your fears, I was afraid
You took my words, those unworthy trinkets
Made them into everything great and quaint
Don't close that door, I will come in when sure
Just smile and I am not alone

Written on 03/16/2017
Removed it, now am reposting it

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2019

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The Soldier and the Poet

By the roadside sat two men
One a soldier and the other a poet
One a warrior among men, 
The other a warrior of the pen
One sculpted by war, 
The other, by horrors of the soul

Each had fought a war. 
For their souls
One had killed in jungles cold.
The other in pages cold
Each to save their soul.

These warriors of old
Sat by that road
Where it got clammy and cold
Each in their own thoughts
Each recounting days gone.
When their souls were lost
One to the gun
The other to the pen

But don’t think the poet a lesser man.
For as a boy he became a man
The pages were real death.
Forced to kill those ugly men that took his soul.
It was just a dynamite stick.
And the fuse went boom!!
No more turns
Or being passed around like a cigarette by those men.
There was just no more cigarette-smoke breath.

And don’t think the soldier,
Anything less
They were just orders.
“Kill them!”
It was just war.
“Kill them!”
The enemy must learn,
Here we mean business.

So, the two warriors
Sat side by side
And stared blankly,
Across the cold dreary road
And in the distance
A storm cloud formed, 

Then sudden thunder.

Each warrior ducked.

Copyright © Marugu Mo | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs