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Best Poems Written by Monty Rocke

Below are the all-time best Monty Rocke poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Mah Nex Wife

my next wife I'm gonna let God pick her and I'm gonna stick to picking watermelons and continue to not be a felon n' stop being don juan.  when I look at my wife of some now many years late I wonder why she never got a nose job to make it a little more straight and I'll chuckle cause I promised and never did lose that weight.  mah nex wife when she think-bananas, that's what I'll hand her cause I answer to her every whim and want if not what's the point?  the point is like I said before my next wife umma let God pick her, somebody was saying something about everything nice n' sugar n' spice not with my other wives.  I don't think I have to take this more  far cause mah nex wife I'm gonna let God pick har'

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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Ah Pen To Fathers Day

The R&R's of  marvin, 1st rule you will go to sunday school and every sunday n' for goodness sake don't say I gotta headache.  growing up in poppa marvin's world was a daily mindblower it seemed he was in a mode of raisin' us good and like I say-daily.  he had a way of showing affection with each one of us and there was 10 of us.  one day we's all in the front yard looking for daddy to come around the corner on his bicycle getting off from work, it was beautifully wicked, daddy comes around the corner and pulls up in the driveway and we all said it at the same time-we gotta car! daddy justa smiling knowing he once again did real well for his family, we all hopped into daddy's 1952 powerglide Chevrolet. I googled it-powerglide, 2 gear automatic.  special events there was always an associated scent wit it, made for impressions.  my special one on one event wit daddy I was the only kid he would let hop into mr. Hamilton's stinky cigar funeral car and ride down to the local radio station for the Hamilton's family hour and they would tell the listeners who they plan to bury that week.  daddy would start the program singing: have I given anything today..impressions probably why I became a radio personality.  poppa marvin, man that guy was special, we would go on these sunday school picnics to different places, I remember swimming way out in this pool and wow, an undercurrent in ah swimming pool!  daddy was so cool he was right there and lead me to safety and he never mentioned it.  I took many clues from daddy on how to treat a woman with his interactions with my momma gladys, one evening I hear momma in a very concerned tone-marvin let's go to our room we never argue in front of these children-another R of the R&R's of marvin, not only give counsel but take counsel.  I loved growing up in the south wit my daddy he had good rules, the town I grew up in had good rules especially for teenagers we had some adult privleges real early.  the day I looked at that highway patrolman wit this wide brim hat on his head as he handed me my north Carolina drivers license in my daddy's 1952 powerglide Chevrolet-I was only 13..i miss you poppa.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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Faith As Ah Mustard Seed

you wanna bump and trump the trump philosophy and tweek u.s. bankruptcy.  faith as a mustard that what you're after?  if I have faith as a mustard seed ,can I stop bugging God for what I need?.  we must recognize the phenomenal, last night I looked in the cupboard for a potatoe to bake and low and behold I find the goldfish I had bought and thought I had lost after leaving the pet shop..when I got home I assumed I had dropped it..very sad and disappointed, this was over a month and a half ago and still alive? what a stunt! I scrambled, um delighted and this beautiful very much alive goldfish I now call angel said to me,unconcious do you have faith as ah mustard seed?  I did!..I do!
be delightfully surprised when events of the divine touch your asked to be a tuning in and the win-wind is at your back..they can holler please,please,please, you and me-we have faith, faith as ah mustard.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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Be That Easy

not like a dream come true..that is not easy.  when my mother died, the tears came easy, be that easy.  big ole town keep giving me small ends.  when you left I wept, yeah again..since I can't get a hold on what it takes to make it right, please come back 'n be like swallowing sweet pancakes and that easy.
like slipping on a brand new pair of brand name tennis that easy.
Cause I studied for it passing the written test at DMV was a breeze be that easy.
Cause the power that pushed the waves to shore is the same might that takes them back again..again.. and again.
be that easy.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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I Am Not From Lancaster

I am not from Lancaster ain't no tumbleweed rollin through my backyard or brain.  when those beautiful snow capped mountains show up in the morning on my front lawn in a not me.
rollin down the dark highway road a sudden thud-a crash into a wild boar crossing the many times do I have to say, that's not me. course I will admit the lightning bugs at night sho nuff are a sight to see and the crickets chirping in the early morn mo pleasant than any alarm clock I know.sometimes the going down of the evening sun provides a skyline that's simply breathtaking, course when I pass the pig farm down the road..i keep my breath whew! and that says it in a nutshell why um not from Lancaster. when my wife  said let's move to Lancaster I said  whoa now, let's rent a spot for a week 'n the events of that week matriculated to a conclusion..
that's not me.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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Ah Bus Wit No Windows

I cannot believe what I just saw, naw  a bus wit no windows? can this be  a bus soley for the blind or could this be a new thought educational bus for those with eyes that see but their minds cannot so you don't need to ride a bus wit windows, the past events in your life shows mostly negativity, no insight on how you might make your life one of purpose no you just been sightseeing. so you and you and hey you over there wit yo pants  hangin down below your butt, pull your pants up and climb on up on this bus, close your eyes and think Change, you should have had enough of sightseeing and you still cant see daylight and it shows so ride this bus wit no windows.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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Dees Roses-Cover Letter

Im sending you these roses from dees ah hip hop flower shop in Beverly hills.  I thought I would write you a letter cause you are so special and it occurred to me you are in a hip hop shop, ask the lady hip hop is very creative and she handed me this and I read-you are now in Beverly hills where the flavor of hip hop is alive and real and if you shop til' you drop you're in to hip hop and I love to put a lil' skip in my hip hop to the mailbox to see if I got another letter from you.  smell the roses my dearest these roses are from dees they grow the faddist,baddist roses in the west and I must say I am impressed with your apparent decision to truly love me a resulting increase in my self esteem and I gleam daily with admiration and thoughts of you.  when I get back let's go shop til' we drop and I will be bop and you hip hop to the beat, sounds so neat you think it was something to eat, what do you think baby beau, remember mah love is true and this is the cover letter of the covenant in which my heart is operating with life support on a love train for ever wit you.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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The Orange Crush Bottle and the Rosebud

one morning or should I say the evening before I proceed to clip a rosebud whose bud was questionable to being cut too soon and the rosebud says to me if you cut me too soon I will not bloom but I clipped it any way and I say to the rosebud are you  going to grow or wither and to both our dismay I will come and throw you away.  the next morning looking for every event of the day to be exciting I rushed to the rosebud under the lighting and this beautiful red rose says to me hello my friend how art thou look at me ,smell me and I did and the beautiful rose continued last night when you lay down to sleep and cut the light out I knew without a doubt in the morning I will blossom for you cause you dipped me in mr. good stuff the orange crush bottle and I mused as we looked at each other the rose and me-I thought the rose is telling me this bud is for you! then said the orange crush bottle, I still am making um holla, then I said well let me get on up from here and try to make a dollar, let me hear you holla for the orange crush bottle!

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015

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Bells Are Ringing

Church bells are ringing and today ain't sunday,what day will you say bye bye..o' lord why? I wonder if my youngest brother Dave gonna cry..I used to whip his butt.everyday,hmmmn,well at least I made it into heaven cause over there i see a seven eleven.oh my God there's Nina Simone long gone still singing her favorite be young gifted and black that's where it's at,oh no not reverend rich,I used to swear no way in hell. that woman chaser will make it into heaven,huh oh.where am I let's see if I can fly ain't grown no wings yet oh lord why, I always wondered what it was like to be up here in heaven,not that I was in a hurry,I want to know if I get tired of flying around all day,can I say Shazam and I will be right back down on earth in life checking things out for a minute or will I have to fly up here through eternity, daily eat caviar ,have Minnie Riperton serenade my dinner table every evening with something melodic and pleasing..look at them they can't wait for this wake to end so they can drink a lot of gin lick some fried chicken and laugh a lot why I lay frozen stiff in this box over in plot c wit. 6 feet of dirt piled on top of me tomorrow I will hop into my spanking new convertible Mustang and push the pedal to the medal..I won't die I can fly.anyways back to the church and what's this stuff oozing through my veins,I requested to be cremated my brother thaddeus was so faded..tomorrow I'm gonna fly straight over to seven eleven and get me a gallon of cold-cold Gatorade in case it starts to get hot up in here.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2017

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Welcome Back Stray Cat

so I flip from the pain of missin you to the joy of seeing you again and I speak to the universe-is my life no more worth than the pen you have placed in my hand to chronicle the devastating, wonderful events you continuously place in front of me so I always have something to write about like my cat-welcome back stray cat.  Can I git you some milk or has your recent adventure through the dark alleys and street changed your palate, certain things you don't have a taste for anymore I just hope those mean streets haven't made you too aggressive and you don't have anything cooking in the oven-no let's drop the pen and poetic stuff-you are not pregnant, is you?  I missed sittin on the steps and rubbing your back..when you would let me..them cats you never know what they's really thinking and that's a fact..welcome back stray cat.

Copyright © Monty Rocke | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs