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Best Poems Written by Gerald Dillenbeck

Below are the all-time best Gerald Dillenbeck poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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For Straight White Boys Only

Have you seen a Rockwell 1950's Lemonade Wars?
Two girls, both white of course,
dressed for YoungRepublican success
scowling at each other on a pristine deserted street
of the tree-lined rich suburban variety,
arms folded across their angry 
relentless middle-class chests,
shoulders hunched for their LoseLose anger battle.

Each stands before her lemonade stand,
across the street from one other,
each with a de-escalating sign 
that originally says 10 cents,
but with a bold line across it,
replaced below with a somewhat smaller 5 cents,
also crossed out,
followed by a 2 cents price war notice,
about which the entire neighborhood apparently would not give 2 cents
to get economically
and politically involved.

Would this be less surprising if we were looking at two white boys?
How about two brown-skinned boys?
Does the humor have more of an edge to it?
Or perhaps it's no longer funny at all.
Maybe more about just another racist stereotype
about not having two suburban cents between them,
about what is intelligent 
multiculturally resilient 

Do you think it more likely two girls might have formed a cooperative?
Replaced their two tables into one larger street presence,
invitation present,

Faced their two signs both up and down the street
to better alert oncoming traffic seeking therapy,
splitting their take at the end of a lovely day
chattering away 
with and between more convivial customers,
rather than aiming themselves across the street against each other.
weapons of mutual traumatic disdain,
heading toward long-term unenlightened
and disempowering contempt.

But, probably less likely for two boys from the 50's and 60's.
Today, I'm not so sure.
Perhaps boys and girls, and all between,
are learning a healthier,
more fertile
way of doing the cooperative math,
finding profit through ecopolitical interrelationships.

We have feminist psychology and therapy and medicine
and politics
and theology and history and sociology
and probably anthropology and neurology, for all I know.
Research and theorem proofing and disproofing
more likely to unfold through networking circles
of mutual refolding nurture
than competitive marching in bought-and-sold squares
of irrational spiritual distinctions 
without seminal natural difference.

New Economics is Feminist Peace-Restorative Economics,
about cooperatively nurturing healthy nutritional co-investments
rather than WinLose dyspeptic high risk
divestment competition games.

So, why is New Economics not called Feminist EcoPolitics?
Maybe it is, but not where I live
and not where I have non-womanist read,
but I still hope to see more cooperative non-violent lemonade stands
across suburban and urban and rural divides,
blending gender divides to make lemonade out of,
well,... whatever you have of potential nourishing value,
discarding over-heated presumptions of gotta-have competition,
to pour out equivalent power-assumptions of cooperative investment,
where Golden Rules apply transgenderally
as Golden Ratios reply transculturally co-invested algorithms,
producing Golden Elixirs of inclusive consumer-producer satisfaction;

This day we will have done well
and faithfully,
and trustingly,
and justly,
and not so unlikely
divesting StraightWhiteMale to hell.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2016

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Bipartisan Dissonance

When oppositional cognitive dissonance 
deflects focus from compassion,
I've learned to go back to when I deflected focus from her.
She sends me passive-aggressive messages,
bread crumbs leading back in time 
to where she began to feel alone,

If you don't want a sopping wet tile bathroom floor
because I have thrown all my naked Barbie and Ken parts,
especially their water-filled hollow insides,
and the five saturated pools of stained white washcloths
I took out of that drawer just like you said not to,
and the sudsy soft bar of soap,
then you might want to reconsider leaving the bathroom
during my princess bath.

You might want to think of telling a smelling story
or imagining with my behavioral lectures
I so mercilessly inflict
on the shattered heads of my daughter

Perhaps oppositional cognitive dissonance 
is what conservative bodies have against liberal minds,
and vice versa.

If you abled and empowered adults? 
would be so kind as to return to cooperative civic and civil discussion,
about my intrinsic dignity, royalty perhaps,
sense of anthrosupreme entitlement,
immaculate integrity of your own Sacred Orthodox Experience,
utterly necessary to optimize sustainable and resilient health
for all mindful Americans,
regardless of mature, healthy abilities

(although perhaps not quite sufficient),

Including those who happen to have become embarrassed
by their unhealthy wealth and extravagant disregard
for undercommodified humane values,
like caring and nurturing, loving and therapeutic
co-mentoring relationships,
sacred integrity, 
a moral economy rooted in co-invested compassion,
eco/bio/neuro-logical environ-mental cooperative networks
of bilaterally peaceful communication,

Like the graceful synergy of all natural systems,
most especially religiously reconnecting polycultural values
delivering a unitarian positive 
co-redemptive humility,
that we all created this rapacious
0-sum mess together.

So, please stop leaving the bathroom of discourse,
regardless of how rhetorically insane and polemic,
every time we complain about your nasty attitudes
about wealthy compost and sustainable,
optimized economic growth.

Then you protest,
by voting for the one you hate the least,
as we go right on doing
what we intended to do
while we were throwing water
on your slippery-floor economics
of radical,
reverse-hierarchical interdependence 
and mutual subsidiarity.

Much too "global solidarity" for Republican taste 
as trusted Safe,
much less Just to those who prefer 
their economically entrenched competitive silos

our Democratic family value parents 
hear their oppositionally disordered Republicans
as if they were bionically alien sectarian utilitarians,
like apartheid bumbling bees and red ant hives,
devoid of deductive-inductive co-rational accessibility
of even one unfractured dimension of resonance,
and without capacity to empathize with our well-mentored habit
of continually forgetting we could not restore a higher priority
right now
than retelling our oppositional dependents 
Dr. Seuss's The Lorax

Interpreting each voice as our own Lorax regret,
wondering why we continue competing
to reach a Win-Win Earth Cooperative Game,
and political
and economic
and ecological
and cultural 
and biological healthy and caring finish line,
no longer alone in our polycultural 
yang/yin Paradise.

When I think about it,
I can see that my competitive political
and economic supremacist assumption,
that Win-Win cooperation will not have our final say,
is not ecologically, scientifically,
or even permaculturally, metaphysically
sound, rational, integrated,
sustainably designed to benefit future regenerations,
much less synergetic or holonically comprehensive.

You can't win a P=NP,
4-fractal/spiral non(0)-sum
cooperative economic logistical plan
until everyone else has the freedom
and integrity
and ecotherapeutic orthopraxis comprehension,
to win-win with you, coincidentally.

With this perhaps un-Christian, 
and vaguely irreligious perspective
that Democratic mutual-redeemer culture
is closer to non(0) sum Core Value Balanced Heaven
rationality, inductive+deductive,
than appears to be the case
for our benighted Republican
wealthy fat-cat anthro-supremacist residents of Earth,
we have turned rather too far
our spinning cultural revolution pendulum
away from the racist sin of monocultural monotheism,
poverty and the overpowering commodification of human lives,
and the domestication of other species,
and the stratification of Earth's fire, 
and sky,

Under-producing Her capacity to regenerate fertile maturing seeds,
turning away from sin as sterile isolating insanity,
wild savaging disability,
absence of healthy wilderness love
to now prophesy the sins of monopolistic drenching wealth,
and overly ballistic power;
to notice challenging, dissonant tipping points
within monocultural,
bicamerally competing ecopolitical uncertainty
and ecological dysfunction for all consciousness,
all nations,

All extending families
reconnecting our more humane DNA-informed
bicameral information deep inhaling branch of EcoTribe,
multisystemic and polyculturally Climaxing Community, 
interdependently Beloved
coincidentally straining and stressing to comprehend
Polynomial SpaceTime = Not-Not Polynomial Open Systemic Binomial Prime Relationship Temporal "Now"
as Yang-convex/positive = Yin-concave/negative,
as +1.00% QBit = -(-0)% Soul Core-emergent universal Vertex/Dark unitarian Vortex (Perelman, 1993)

So, yes, democracy, not autocracy, may be somewhat closer
to healthy wealth now,
but closer doesn't count
when playing Win/Win economic ecotherapy.
Donkey clown shoes might also fit elephants.

Speaking of elephants in too-narrow-minded oppositional spaces, 
where was I?
Oh, yes, she’s in the bathtub again,
better watch that wild wet floor.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Permaculture Prayer

Redeem flame and fuel
of Climax Communities

Redeem light and warmth
my Climax Inclusiveness

Redeem fire and heat
our Climax Earth-Maintenance
recreating NOW

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Pond Memories

I remember, back before puberty,
and all concomitant complexities,
visiting the pond behind our barn,
to watch water spiders.

I wondered what we would like living on thin transparent skin
between two equally visible universes,
one below, and one above.

life would be somewhat darker
but unlike soil.
I would look down into flowing water space,
watching other little pond insects and amoebas, and lichen,
and occasional predator fish or water snake,
or frog.

I could look up to see flying insects,
and grass forests,
rocks above, as below,
but dry, lighter, easier to maneuver,
to stick to,
to remember.
Again, the occasional predator,
like birds and again those pesky frogs
who also tend to live near life's bicameral surface.

Yet, in a way, this surface,
Boundary Universe skin between two universes,
Prime Relationship limned barrier between air and water universes
has its own specific universal traits,
responding to both air and water flow,
sometimes confluently,
sometimes dissonantly.
My own spidery journey along that surface,
looking in and looking up,
is quite different than looking out,
with confusion as I lose capacity to integrate down and up
while staring toward my independent future.

So, my water spider grows three eyes.
Only supereco eye looks directly toward my future,
interpreting Prime Relationship between my right eye,
looking within water below,
and inside,
while my left eye,
looking up and out,
seeks to understand
what this huge mammal,
a red headed kid,
is doing with our day.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Prurient Interests

Last evening I noticed another disconcerting Trump headline.
This felt and smelled more like a deadline
for disintegration
than a lifeline,
a bootstrap, if you will,
toward integrity of health and regenerative safety,
which I thought was front and center
in our US Constitution
which I remember him swearing to protect
right before he reassured all of us
he is here to listen to everyone;
Republicans and Democrats and Libertarians and Greens,
and whatever other ecopolitical party affiliations
he might be able to discover
and learn from
on his new Presidential executive ordering journey
into twitterland.

the headline was about White House Rumblings
of an assault on the legalized and medicalized marijuana industry.

My first reaction
Why would a federal administration
that has just finished reassuring all fifty States
that where students poop and pee in school should,
by right, rest solely at the state level to regulate,
almost in the next inordinate breath,
also send out this alarming message to all fifty States
that it has become a new federal health and regenerative,
integrative, long-term through short-term, safety assurance issue
that my kids should prefer the alcoholic beverage industry
over the THC industry.

I'm still wrapping my brain around how that could possibly be defended,
sold and also bought,
as a consistent reading of
"listening to everyone"
about their constitutionally protected federal rights
to health and regenerative safety,
to well-integrated,
sane public policy.

I believe it was a congressman,
and not a "prurient interest" judge,
who said he could not define pornography,
but he knew it when he saw it.

This Administration, to date,
has brought us not only our first twitteringly Naked Disintegrative President,
but now his fascist federalist tendencies
begin to look more like jacking off in public,
like pursuing his personal prurient exhibitionist fear-mongering agenda
instead of paying even lip service
to his true mandate,
the health and regenerative safety Original Intent
of not only the U.S. Constitution, 
but also the Bible he laid his right dominant hand on,
and the economic and political act of active listening
to a healthy-wealthy regenerative multicultural society
of humane citizenry
doing our best to follow our Golden Rule intentions
to at least do no alcoholic-buzzed harm,
cause no further dis-integrity,
and, whenever and wherever possible,
to follow a path of regenerative health,
and multiculturing prosperity.

As for DT2 himself,
I suspect he would improve his governing outcomes
by easing off the alcohol
and investing more in some reefer madness,
preferably while among a large,
extended family, picnic,
a multiculturing,
multi-generational banquet.

But, DT2 aside,
this White House has already become the home of nakedly prurient interests,
rather than federal and state health and integrative safety policies
and procedures,
regenerative planning and design,
rather than degenerative reacting and assault and wall-building.

Prurient--marked by arousing
unwholesome (unhealthy, unsafe, unredemptive, non-therapeutic)
investment in desire.

With pornographic performance,
we speak of a whole lot of immodest sexual desire,
but with the current Executive Branch of ecopolitically competitive,
rape and pillage, performance,
we speak of a whole lot of immodest fear and war-mongering desire.
The rampant raging desire
to play WinLose games
of naked competition for elitist supremacy
on a WinWin Constitutional and Biblical and planetary climate stage.

The key operative governance, administrative, executive skills,
word here is "unwholesome" v "wholesome."
Certainly we aren't intending to legislate what is
"marked by arousing, sometimes even immodestly so,
but still wholesome investments in regenerative desire."
Wholesome is about regenerative multiculturing natural evolutionary,
sacred nurturing revolutionary,
healthy choices,
even as these will inevitably lead, sometimes,
on our best days,
toward dopamine ecstasies.

This, to me,
and for my extending multi-generational,
multi-cultural family,
sounds more like a mandate to co-invest
in health and safety industries,
with or without THC,
rather than investing further in the prurient, vaguely alcoholic,
unwholesomeness of Nakedly Elitist AllWhite Houses.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2017

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Stuff I Wonder

What does it feel like to wake up into your skin?
Your day?
What do you feel first most days?
Is it in any way influenced by gratitude,
or totally given over to worry,
or, worse, anticipating 
shortness of healthy time
and insufficiency of safe space?
Is this life the one you had in mind as a child?
When did this that you do to fill your days and years become your dream?
Or is it your nightmare?
Or something in between?
If so, which parts are closest to your dream
and what were you doing
with whom 
and why
as this became your thick sweet cream?

Were these relationships good dream mentors
inside this morning's you
emerging from outside 
last night's view?

How did you get to this day, 
this place, 
this non-vacation vocation?
When did your boring lonely nightmare start?
if it has
and is this something more than fear
of your own shadow dream's
disembodied loss?

Too late
this chance to live
with unmitigated love.
What is that one thing that sets you apart,
that is your unique character imprint?
How is your identity unique from all others amusing now,
or still speaking from the past,
or listening for future's healthiest wealth?
EarthMuse community regenerations.

And, if your uniqueness is no one thing,
but a constellation of empowering attributes,
enlightening characteristics, 
musing dreams, 
fusing fears, 
amusing wisdom,
silent aspirations, 
cooperative relationships, 
co-invested memories,
nonverbal peace communications,
warrior miscommunications,
severed discommunions,
then how is any one of those unique to you?

If none is,
after due consideration,
then how are you not part of me
and all that is related to 
negative and positive
traumatized and therapeutic you

Like Us,
Me/We co-related with Others
apart from Othering
less directly felt within you
as you are
and have been
on back to emergent peaks and valleys 
of flowing 
open memory, 
capacity to reimagine
Our resonantly resilient 
EarthMother neurosystems
unconditionally regarding
as part of Other
in Earth's continuous 
ecofeminist circles 
and patriarchal posts

Spiraling regenerating cycles
of seasons 
and lunar light 
empowering reasons.
What do you imagine was that first star memory?
Do you think it was of longing 
or belonging,
or somehow both?
anticipated contentment 
waiting within harmonically anxious contention
inside complex resolution 
waving toward our near resolving future 
outside violating revolution
still daily co-arising in noncontentious 
personal woke up background
Is contentment intuited as informing ionic flow,
nonlanguaged syntax of sequentially reasonal glow,
to know and love nature's wise resolving resolutions
resonance within, as resiient without

Pantheistic below, 
before monotheistic above?

Evolution and Revolution each grow, respectively,
Yintegral time and Yang space resolved,
slow and fast-paced placed momentum
optimizing balanced incoming polymorphic form,
polyculturing function,
with outside memory-folded contentment,
confluent reflowing peak and valley wonder
preflowing polyvagal awe.
Could prime health-culturing balance,
optimize re-ligion's meaning
by minimizing future's monoculturally rapacious dissonance?
severance from bold body encultured wonder,
immortal terror 
climaxing revolutionary mind-spirit shock,
distrusting co-passionate cosmic awe,
unconditional sacred bipartisan regard.

What does it feel like to reawake into your skin?
This new benighted ecopolitical day?
What do you feel liberating first love
and conserving least risk?
Is it in any way influenced by anticipating gratitude,
or totally given over to worry,
anxiety about our secularized 
insufficient shortness 
of what had eternally promised 
to heal formerly sacred 
EarthTribe time.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Ecotherapist Conventions

Truth is a feather 
pushed off to the other side.

Truths are a body of feathers
within which our bodies reside.

OK, students of life’s healthiest purposes and meanings,
it’s time to regather, if you would be so kind.



[My EcoTherapist is trying to recall our bicameral minds with ecological bodies.]

[More kinda creepy silence.]

[I wonder if I have time for a cigarette.]

How do you understand “mind” as other than “body”?

[OK, she leads with a dualist assumption
for a session advertised as nondualist,
so the correct answer must be,
I don’t.]

Which, mind or body, do you believe came first,
or do you believe,
as I do,
consciousness and biosystems co-arise nondually?

[I knew it!
Biosystems are self-identifying consciousness-rememory 
DNA-encoded systems, or RNA, if you’re a tree or something green,
from before the time when physical root systems
transubstantiated into metaphysical regenerate root bilateral,
then bipedal, 
then bicamerally balancing,
eco-political systems.
I remember our history of biological evolution co-mentoring sessions,
out on the coral reefs of time’s surfing copresence.]

If mind emerges from reiterative and redundant and resonant neural-cellular development,
in these, and probably other, senses co-arising nondually,
then what do you think could survive of your Ego identity
upon total biosystemic flatline demise of your natural-chemically elementary cellular body?

From where would sensory consciousness and memory emerge?
From when, and for how long?

[Hang on there now. I’m stuck back on the where question, 
which I think should probably default as Nowhere,
Ego emerges from nowhere?
No, no, If dead,
then Ego as sensory consciousness and memory is nowhere
at that time, and on into the future of EarthTribal evolutionary history.
No such phenomenon.
No such experience within continuous Earth-spinning Time.
I think?
But only as long as I dance this Ego-consciousness string
I am]

As your mindbody decomposes,
is this really still your Ego’s story?
In that future time of opportunities for health and relationship
and transactions,
capacities for ongoing communication,
you struggle to face their mortal loss now, projecting forward,
we struggle together to find faith 
these lost opportunities are not your post-critical event
of loss, decay, absence, inevitable physical and mental defeat.

[I don’t even have faith that anyone will think that day
has come even one day too soon.
Nor would I care to invest in such an unwise faith.]

in the face of this inevitable termination of Ego’s mindbody story,
do you, 
as unfolding conscious memory-string of continuous information,
transform into your nutritionally reiterating responses and contributions
yet reverberating within EarthTribe’s ReGeneration Story?

Is your Ego expanding out toward Earth’s Story?
pregnant pregenetic, nearly timeless Creation Story,
out and yet deeply into this Elder (0)Riginal Intent.

Body memory transforming within ecopolitical truths of post-taoist beauty,
ecologic of Ego/Eco balancing
embryonic bicameral
dipolar cognitive/affective neural emergence
(0) CommonsCentered DNA/RNA code—syntax
healthy reverse development instructions
for normative natural/spiritual
mind/body elational resonant resolutions
giving oneself birth into this body’s time
as giving ourselves freedom
for time’s codependent love of light ourselves.

[My self-image emerges rather far toward the depressive side
of love as ecoconscious light myselves.
Oh, wait, maybe that connection between agape as Basic Attendance,
understory of all those relational dramas, and nonrelational boredoms,
and fears,
and angers,

dissonance and dismay,
feelings of elation and relation,
love and hate,
anger and fear,
all Ego’s products,
as Ego, in turn, is produced
by unfolding DNA instructions
within a nurturing DNA-developed warm embryonic pronoic womb
living in this specific time
within  Earth’s evolution of continuing ecosystemic health-consciousness.

[Oh, I get it, health as therapy-consciousness.
Puts a postmillennial twist on post-doctoral medicinal sciences.
Kind of self-serving, though, 
unless all humane-nature is for ecotherapeutic vocations,
in dying as in living,
in living as optimally visible through mortality’s timeless lens.]

What we inherited from Elder wombs of Time’s incarnation
is what Ego becomes
to cherish as responsible authority
rooted within teleologically exegetical historic evidence
unveiling regenerative evolutions as cooperative nested-networks,
and to let go free as a last pay-it-forward gift
to nurture future healthy regenerations of time
bilaterally echoing
fractal-polypathic light,

[Why do I feel like I could use a bath
more than a cigarette?]

deepdense Ego-Ecohypnotic co-elational learning bright,
white octaving night,
protons merging eco-lateral binomial electronically issuing waves
as Yes! reweaves notnot 
WinWin embryonic-yet.

[I’m wondering if there is something in Taoist water
that regenerates this wu wei balance
spinning through my bicamerally revolving mind
as body?]

Could you become as curious about other’s Ego development stories
as you have obsessed about your own?

[Wait a minute,
when did I give you the OK to label me as self-obsessed?
Or maybe the balance point here 
invites comparisons between obsessive curiosities,
in which case
perhaps my own Ego health constant revival
does indeed lie most mortally on my failing mind.]

If so,
please note differences
but memorize Earth’s natural systemic similarities,
especially about what we all want our end to say
one day's capacities for love as peace,
about gradually subsiding incapacities of anger Ego losses
and fear of/for future Earth as sacred compost, 
transubstantiating post-climatic residency.


Oh wait,
was I supposed to write that out loud?]

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2016

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Aquarian Age

Did our Age of Aquarius evaporate,
fail to regenerate,
to resonate,
fall too far short of what our parents
knew we should anticipate?
Free love could not sustain
weak non-violent resolutions against
whatever busyness was for.

Yet, if love invites synergy,
mutual gravity,
and creation evokes compassion's transregeneration,
how could love cost more than free?
How could co-redemption not invest everything
in learning how to cooperatively Be,
free of enslaving supremacist becoming,
free to come together 
as ecological We?

Those who stop to count these costs of love,
look for ways to divest of co-investment,
ignoring Earth's mentoring economy
of light's photosynthetic comprehension,
of neutral's dark unconsciousness,
a fog bank evaporating 
doubly unbinding timeless spaciousnest
patterned mystery
absent of color 
flowing free love intention.

If Time's eternal unfolding presence is 0-dimensional,
and AnthroNature's bicameral perception i
s 2-dimensional line
and 4-dimensioned time
recreating bicameral form with function,
ego emerging from eco,
yang incarnating binomial yintegrity
reiterating communicating neuro-processors
borrow RNA's decomposing 3-space with 1-time prime bilateral dimensions,
equivalent seasons;

Shy winterish Uracil of Universal freely decomposing love
greets Cytosine's full summer-formed regeneration,
as objectives greet their past and future subjects;
while Adenine painlessly springs
for Guanine's lavishly com-posted integrative harvest,
as verbs form fractal-recycling nouns,
verbal con-science revolutions,
relearning Earth's organic language,
by echoing universal polypathic syntax.

Universal Anthro-cultural 
verbal power of co-governance
becomes a Left-brained dominant and reductive tyrant,
an Emperor reified of clothes
to cool His naked Ego-thirst.

when power remains integral within co-passionate
climatic health,
co-gravitational integrity of wealth,
synergetic uniting cooperatism,
then naked 1-power conjoins dark yin-time 0-rations,
shy bigendering romantic convex/concave camouflage,
re-birthing this post-millennial 
Age of co-binary Aquarius.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Therapeutic Democracy

Democracy is what we do
and breathe together
to empower ourselves.

Some would say the same of prayer
and holy communion
and secular communication
and healthy relationships.

Democracy seems like an empowering experience
of equality and interdependence
before it became an anti-royalist political philosophy.

Which may serve as a humbling reminder
that great abstract theories
so left-brain universally fascinating
derive from whole mindbody experience
of individual egos,
healthy or other-unwise.

If no ego-experience,
then no ecosystemic consciousness
of democracy
or autocracy
or kleptocracy
or plutocracy
or oligarchy
or capitalocracy
or theocracy
or patriarchy
or even warm accompanying matriarchy.

Multiculturing democracy,
a hybrid of egalitarian aspirations
and interdependent respirations,
requires organized
win/win ego/theo-logical communication,
health wealthy ecological relationships.

Disorganized communication
is an oxymoron,
like enriching divestment
and disturbing attachment
and democratic capitalism
and resilient win/lose compassion.

Democracy is what we win/win breathe
develop together
to empower egohealth identities
and wealthy ecosystems.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2020

Details | Gerald Dillenbeck Poem

Yangtruth With Yintegralbeauties

Beauty, like Truth,
speaks eternal promise
of timeless decomposition.

Flexing Grace
effects empathic Truth
optimizing promise prophets past
reiterating Golden Mythic Creation Stories.

Many have mentioned strength of compassion
and tenacious flexibility of mutual mindfulness
as Two Horses to effective political-economic
natural-spiritual sufficiency.

Most dominant Yang encultured poli-economic operators
require less YangTruth voice
and more cooperative listening Yintegrity,
less powering over by opting first for powering cooperatively 
WinWin toward truly engaging, multiculturally embracing, outcomes.

Yang speaks integrity of fertile passion,
often urgent.
Yin is aptic-optic-empathic,
yet also can step up to polypathic,
mindful selfless, and too spineless, flexibility
for more competitive deductive-reductive exercises.

Too Yin oppressing cultural feelings,
absence of Yang SelfPassion singing in harmony with CoPassion,
brings depression
about oppressive Yang's nondual pouting doubting absence.

Passionate integrity Left
with grateful flexibility Right,
can bring mindfully optimal strength 
to face conflict,
even climatic boundary issues and situations,
tipping toward nutritional doors needing further opening,
tipping away from toxic possibilities 
currently trending toward more monoculturally closed-door competitive stink,
decay finalizing cay's original embryonic promise
toward polyculturing health.

Love's strength is coordinated integrity,
cooperative flexibiity,
promising mutually mindful gratitude outcomes
for endless generations of Earth's Tribes.

Balanced together,
truth and beauty as passion with multiculturing flexibility,
both universalist Yang and unitarian Yin
synergetically square-dancing bilateral capacities
for receiving love
and for loving influence, production,
articulation within co-arising Now's invitations
into further evolving Grace.

Optimal health/wealth strength in each Eternal Moment
dynamically balances integrity and flexibility,
confluence and yet also the glad-joy memories
of dissonance lost, with gratitude, for strengths of flexibility,
curiosity, empathy.
Old School gut polyculturing wisdoms.
New Economics political ecotherapeutic optimization,
EcoConscious CoOperating ReGenesis.

A new (0)-Core PostMillennial health/pathology ruddered threshold
establishing to pursue and play further WinWin deviance
into ecological norms
re-membering evolutionary/revolutionary calibrations past,
more deductively inclusive of other organic polynomials,
balancing positive with double-negative polypathic variables,
moments equivalently between past and future
co-evolving systems;
political power positives,
economic co-investment in therapeutic futures
with long-term slow-growth
nutritionally cooperative 
(0)Riginal Health EnCulturing Intent.

Prophesying evolutionary outcomes 
among still-emergent polyculturing EarthTribes,
to date,
save for those already passed entirely away,
harbingers of what we are invited to cooperatively change.

Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things