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Best Poems Written by David Meade

Below are the all-time best David Meade poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Wind From the Sea

Inspired by Andrew Wyeth Watercolor Painting -- Wind From the Sea, 1947

Standing in the old house
A strange mixture of feelings erupt within me
My roommates Depression, Loneliness, and Hopelessness
Greet me with strangling arms and leering grins
I don’t fight them anymore – somehow they are a part me
So together, in this house, in this room
We endure the somber solitude of the day

A sudden chill fills the room
Death enters – its foul breath chokes me
My three companions prostrate themselves
Pressure builds in my bowels
Bile rises in my throat
A heavy weariness fills my bones
He’s calling – hissing my name
I can’t breath

Death surrounds my soul – crushing me 
I hear groaning  . . .
Strange guttural sound -- it’s coming from me
Deep painful darkness fills me
I beg Death to take me . . .

Through the open window
A gush of wind enters
A sheer curtain hanging comes to life
It’s spirit lifts inwards and up beckoning me to dance 

What is this wonder?
A limp ragged curtain – faded, stained, frail -- has life
Reaching toward me . . .  frayed fingers of thread motioning
Old friends rush to me – Joy, Hope, Love
Death’s grip slips – I gasp a breath
Looking up I see the open window
Boarded by old bare wood, hard with age

I realize it’s daylight now – soft shadows 
A curving road leading to the water
I can taste the saltiness in the wind
Trees in the distance
A calling from the sea
Seagulls, waves, laughter

Joy breaths into my nostrils 
Leave this place – Depression cannot hold you
Simple pleasures I will give you
   Cool breeze on a summer afternoon
   Laughter of friends
   A walk in the garden
   A book
   The Sea . . . 

Depression laughs in my ears
Through that window lies heartache, treachery, poverty, misery
It will chew your insides up – blood will pour from your lips
Pain and suffering awaits if you leave this house
Death waits to take you home 
An end to this constant noise – the peace of total emptiness 

Another breeze and Hope fills my eyes with light
I see colors – vibrant alive filling me with warmth
Leave this place, take a journey to the sea
Let light fill you and be your guide . . . see -- opportunities abound
For laughter, love, forgiveness . . . for life – abundant life
See the rainbow upon the Sea

Hopelessness rushes toward me
Kisses my lips and whispers
Light burns and blinds
Enslaves you
They will see clearly your secrets
Spotlight focus – ridicule scorn . . . ugly disgust . . .  self-hatred

Love rushes in and embraces me
Light, fresh, empowering
My heart leaps with pleasure
Arm and arm she leads me to the window
Much pain and sorrow – yes . . .  also Love
A powerful love that transforms, refreshes . . . frees
Breathe deeply of the Sea air – fill your lungs
Go – you are loved deeply and completely

Looking out Looking in

David Meade

Live Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2015

Details | David Meade Poem

Love In the Silence of the Soul

As a young boy
Sitting in a pew
The winter darkness pressing down
Candlelight waves from hidden drafts
Shadows danced on the walls

I heard the words destined to me
“Be still . . . know that I am God”
So I listen  . . . eyes open
“The Passion of Christ”
I was gone . . . 

I saw eyes . . . 
Judas under the olive trees - Gethsemane
His eyes  . . . cold, darting  . . . filled with manic evil
Torchlights hissing  . . . turning eyes yellow
Then a kiss and chaos erupts
I closed my eyes  . . . suddenly afraid

Now I see a set of eyes  . . . filled with burning hate
A High Priest screaming . . .    B-L-A-S-S-P-H-E-M-Y ! ! ! ! !
All around ugly eyes staring with dripping contempt
Old men spitting with bared rotting teeth
Then I noticed . . . and . . . 
And my heart ached . . . 
Jesus . . . standing quietly with closed eyes

Then we were off to Roman authority -- Pontius Pilate
I saw his slanted eyes . . . squinting as if too much sunlight
Loud voices yelling outside . . .  “Crucify him!”
In my heart, I cursed these people – but his eyes
His eyes were dark, soft – forgiving
A hand washing and we are walking . . . 

To a hillside, a place called Golgotha – the skull
Empty eye sockets . . . a place of death
The eyes of soldiers hard, focused  . . . 
Spikes, woods – his sad eyes burning my heart
Closing my eyes, I heard a sharp gasp . . . soldiers yelling

As I opened my eyes – I was looking out with his eyes
We were seeing the same things
Angry faces with eyes of burning ashes
Taunting and jeering – a wave of hysteria hitting us
I heard and felt a deep groan 
Fear gripping me – I knew instantly we needed to go

Men, women, soldiers, slaves, leaders, teachers 
Eyes filled with blood lust
Evil, hatred . . . . I can’t breath
Death coming with the darkness
Jesus!        Can’t you see . . . 
Then I heard him whisper
 “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”

My heart sank realizing with horror
Jesus is staying . . . dying
I felt his purposeful breathing
Muscles, bones, joints aching with a searing pain
My eyes filled with tears

I saw another set of bloodshot eyes
A voice next to me yelling
“If you’re the Christ, get down from the cross
And take me too!  Let’s go!”
NO, NO!!!  . . . What is he saying
Those are my words – I am sick
My stomach seizes  . . . guilt fills me
I close my eyes

Another voice – on our right speaks
“Lord, remember me . . . “
Jesus painfully turns, twisting his body . . . looking . . . 
He sees blue eyes – my eyes
I am hanging next to Jesus
“Today you will be with me in Paradise”

We were one – together . . . one body
Now separate crosses . . . I feel crushed by loneliness
But his words . . . “Paradise” . . . “today”
He loves me – I see him looking at me
His eyes illuminating my soul . . . it hurts
I tried crying out – I love you . . . 
But only a sob squeaks out

Gravity pulling down pulling down
Eyes straining against the pain
Joints and ribs stretching . . .  popping
Chest heaving for each breath
Body convulsing against wood
Head back . . . eyes wide open . . . he screams
“My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?”

No one answers . . . surprised eyes
In my tears I felt the agony of the cross
The bleakness . . .  hell
Dead eyes

Back in the pew
I heard the preacher 
“He died for you”
What . . . why . . . no . . . 
No, I don’t want you dead


Hey, wait for me – slow down
Running hard, breathing deeply
I stuck my head in empty tomb – hum??? . . . . 
I sat quietly next to Mary Magdalene . . . wondering
The gardener spoke – “Mary”
But he was looking at me – bright eyes
He said . . . “David”
“David, I love you”

Yes!!  Woo Hoo . . . 
Look at me . . . I am dancing
With shinning eyes 
“I love you too”
“I love you”
“Lord Jesus”
“I do”

David Meade

Love Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2015

Details | David Meade Poem

Love One Another

“Peace I leave with you
           my peace I give you
           I do not give to you as the world gives 
           Do not let your hearts be troubled
                 do not be afraid”  (John 14:27)

But I am scared
      Blood runs down streets
      Hatred, rage, violence dance 
            In a chaotic frenzy performance
                     of evil malice . . . 

What do your words mean?
      Are they void – empty promises?
Where is the peace in deafening explosions?
  In the cacophony of rapid gun fire?
     Screams of horror?
           Tears of death???

“I am the resurrection and the life 
     The one who believes in me will live 
                 even though they die 
     and whoever lives by believing in me will never die 
     Do you believe this?”  John 25:26

Yes, I want too . . .
     But fear creeps around my heart
     Its cancerous fibers sinking deep – choking me
     Doubts greet me in the morning
     Panic sleeps in my bed
     I am weak
     Hear my cries of desperation      

“Be strong and courageous
       Do not be afraid 
       do not be discouraged 
          for the Lord your God will be with you 
                wherever you go”   (Joshua 1:9)

Stay close – fill me
     I cannot see – 
     Darkness surrounds me
     Death, destruction, desecration, depression
     Blood, bitterness, bile, blight 

“I have come into the world as a light
              so that no one who believes in me 
             should stay in darkness
             If anyone hears my words but does not keep them
             I do not judge that person
             For I did not come to judge the world
                        but to save the world” (John 12:46-47)

I cannot begin to fathom this
         How great is this love
               Forgiveness over revenge
	           Peace over violence
	                Life over death
	                        Love over hate
                  Help me I pray

“A new command I give you 
              Love one another
             As I have loved you
             so you must love one another”  (John 13:34)

Love one another . . . 

David Meade

Love Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2015

Details | David Meade Poem

Magic Beans

Our first awareness
      falling through time
      through blood-rain, pure white snow, green vegetation 
      down into deep earth
      warm sunshine
      cool wind
      soaking rain

Energy flowing-up through our pod
      each day we grew bigger
      snug together with brothers and sisters
      bursting our little cozy shell
      then one day
      a father and daughter
      plucked us from the vine
      stripped – we lay bare upon a tray
      disorientated and tender but alive  
      a life force deep inside us
      our skin soft but hardening 
      then sleep . . . waiting for the one

Daddy!!  Come see the beans
They changed colors
I see brown ones with white specks
      Yellow with black dots
      Orange with blue stripes 
But wait  . . .  there are three larger beans that seem to glow and vibrate
      one is blood-red
      another . . .  brilliant white
      the last . . .  forest green
What does this mean daddy?
Is it evil?

No my sweet darling
These are special beans
Descended from an ancient garden long ago . . . 
      no longer of this world
It was a place of love and light
No death but a deep communion between mother earth and us
The three beans are:  Peace, Purity, Prosperity 

These beans will feed a starving world 
      Bring healing to the hurting
      Laughter to the downtrodden   
      Hope to the desolate 
      Love to the unloved   
      Life to the dead
These beans hold deep magic

How do they work Daddy?
      a worthy woman is chosen
      who is humble of heart
      strong in spirit
      wise in love 

Who is this lady?
      the magic beans choose
      they only appear to the one female
      you, my darling . . .  you are the one

Me?  I am only a girl
I have none of these things . . . 
      the beans see deep within a soul
      they never lie
      they have chosen you 
      together you will change the world!

Daddy, I am scared . . .
I am shaking 
I am not worthy
      breathe deeply, close your eyes 
      put the beans in your mouth

Daddy, I taste sweetness
Molasses, ginger, caramel . . . now chocolate 
I see visions upon the wind
Blood, wars, rage, yelling . . . unbearable things
      yes, darling the evil is strong here
      let the blood from the red bean flow
      let it mingle with your love
      it will defeat this evil and bring
      healing and forgiveness . . . peace

The white bean is singing with my voice – Daddy!
Sweet is her song
I see merriment, laugher, dancing . . . 
People hugging and holding hands
My tears are falling
Filling rivers with waters of light, love and purity
Joy reverberates from mountains peaks

From my open lips runs rich green sap
Deep does the earth drink
Big drafts of life and love
I see fields flowing with
Cream, honey, and wine
Trees waving to the sun
The earth is rejoicing

I see beans being planted 
In a garden
A man and a little girl
      yes, my Little One, soar now
      fill the world with your love
      fill the wind with your song
      love generously 

Such is the magic of these colored beans

David Meade

Love Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2015

Details | David Meade Poem

Love Gift

I saw Love climb upon the wind
Heard the laughter in the breeze
Tasted lilacs, jasmine, and honeysuckle
With a turn and twist Love caressed my skin
The scent of dark chocolate filled my nose 
        A deep longing-hunger arose within me

Love was off again gathering the rain clouds
A shower of tears . . . refreshing
My parched soul drank deeply
Sweetness spread across my tongue
My body filled with Love’s offering 
         Now joyful tears fell from my eyes

A drowsiness overcame me and I slept
Love slipped into my dreams
Warm light cocooned me and filled my lungs
Bright colors danced upon my fantasies
An incredible energy pulsated throughout my body
          Love took my hand and laughing -- we chased the light

Breathing hard I asked Love . . . this precious gift, why me?  I am unworthy
Love answered:  I Am the whisper in the wind
The Spirit of truth seeking and restoring . . . you are wholly loved
Of the mighty Kings  --  Faith, Hope and Love
I Am the greatest . . . and you are worthy to Me
         Go now and be Love . . . and know, I Am with you always

  @        @  /
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David Meade

Live Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2014

Details | David Meade Poem

In the Moment

Sitting by his bed
Labored breathing
Time is short 
Holding his hand
A prayer – for him, for me
Be strong and courageous
Eyes blink open for a moment
Then nothing – gone
Tears flow 
Skin relaxes
Death pallor forms
Alone in the moment

Cell Phone rings
My daughter in a panic
Fear spikes my heart
Dad – there are ants in the bathroom
Relief – exhaling
Death in the moment
But also Life

Goodbye dear friend
Our time over
Your precious love and wisdom 
I take 
To guide my moments
My moments 

To love
To forgive
To encourage
To live
Each day
Each person
In every situation
In every moment


David Meade

Live Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2014

Details | David Meade Poem

Thirsty Love

As a young boy
    I watch with interest the small man
   Wolf Hunter - a wise father of the hunt

He begins an old ritual
   coating his knife blade 
   rich animal blood and tallow fat

Wolf Hunter adds another blood-tallow layer
   and another – freeze

A frozen tallow-blood knife

Wolf Hunter knowing the wolf
    fixes his knife in ground
    blade up  
    prays and leaves . . .

Grey wolf sniffs air and begins to run
    blood is on the wind  
    he licks, tasting the delicious blood-tallow

He howls into the night and licks faster
   a blood lust building 
   lapping the blade until the sharp edge bites 

Feverishly now, faster and harder 
   Grey wolf licks the blade in the arctic night
   great is his craving for blood

The insatiable blood-thirst 
    now being satisfied by his own warm blood 
    the naked blade biting his tongue
    his carnivorous appetite devouring 

In the pale morning light
    Wolf Hunter finds Grey Wolf
    dead in the snow
    stooping down he picks up his knife

 I stand . . . frozen  – sicken by the sight
    Wolf Hunter looking at me says
    . . .  to be consumed by your own desire
                    is a dangerous and deadly foe 

Years later
    staring at the bottle
    hands shaking -- eyes filled with lust
    a vison: a grey wolf consumed . . . dead
    the howl of the wolf-wind beseeching 

To be consumed by your own desire is a dangerous and deadly foe

                          /\      /\

David Meade

Live Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2014

Details | David Meade Poem

Haiku 30 Rock Love

running to the rock

                                              a strong tower against foes

                                                                    her love a refuge

To strong women and their love

David Meade
Live Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2014

Details | David Meade Poem

A Choice

A vulture and owl
                        Solitary and predatory
                        Watch and wait

                 The wastelands
                         Scarred by driving winds
                         Baked hard by an abusive sun
                         Void of life, a deep emptiness
                         The silence of desolation

                 Eyes down, he enters
                       Withering in self-pity
                       Cut-off from intimacy
                       Breath reeking of desperation
                       Bones cleaving to his skin

                            Has A choice
                      w                           b
                     a                               i      
                   s                                  g
                  t                                     c
                 e                                        o
                l                                            u
              a                                               r
             n                                                 a
           d                                                     g
          s                                                        e

Kill the pain                                           Face the pain
Bondage                                                Freedom                        
Bed of piss and vomit                             Bed of hope and redemption
Alone – Death                                        Together – Life

                             What will he do . . . ?

A vulture and owl
      Solitary and predatory
      Watch and wait

To the struggling -- never give up hope!

David Meade

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2014

Details | David Meade Poem

Haiku 32 Color Love

golden earth tones 
              brown - sky blue - red yellow leaves
                           your love colors me

David Meade
Live Generously

Copyright © David Meade | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things