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Best Poems Written by Loch David Crane

Below are the all-time best Loch David Crane poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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from Loch
March 5, 1990

I fell in love in a biker bar
	with a girl in chocolate hair.
It swept around her like a smoky fire
	and woke up the beast in my lair.

Her bright eyes twinkled like brilliant stars
	at the end of the moonless road--
they called to me like a siren song
	to lay down my heavy load.

Tall she was like a square rigged ship
	like a mast shrouded in clouds; 
and she could dance like a foamy wave,
	making Neptune cry out loud.

But the path of a ship is a bubble
	and suddenly she was gone--
her chocolate hair and vanilla neck
	are moments in my sad song.

This siren's memory seizes me
	like cinnamon schnapps and a grin
which warm the body from the inside out
	and settle a smile on your chin.

Her dancing hair drove my clouds away
	and opened an azure sky;
and all I asked was a tall, thin ship
	and two stars to steer me by.

Among all the women I've danced with
	none are remembered so fair
as a girl who walked like a tall ship,
	and had waves of chocolate hair.

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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The Cyber Nymph

The Cyber Nymph
Loch David Crane
August 18, 1997

Lie back--expose your belly ring		
up unto the sky. . .
I just hope when I get down close
it won't put out my eye!

That summer I was 48 
and she pert 25;
I left Prozac in the cupboard 
and Reality went Live.

I shoulda taken time to stop
and used the vorpal rubber
But 48 he couldn't wait 
to find another lover.

So while the Sun was merciless
to sand and skin and sea
"If she swells I'm sure she'll tell,
returning then to me."

I must admit I got her drunk--
I used her just for sex:
Blue and blond with freckles,
suntanned buns and pecs.

But she revealed computer skills
That took away my breath.
Her dancing cyber fingers sang;
I soon saw who was best.

Ol' 48 could bare compute
"Not very fast" she said;
"I've practiced years not to be fast"
gasped I, collapsed in bed.

Then the Sun warmed up the honey--
it dripped twice more in a row.
Ulysses' "rosy-fingered dawn"
beheld her frown, dress, and go.

That freshly-flossed feeling
reverberates my spine
A smile wells up from deep inside
and stays there all the time.

At play I watched this cyber nymph
on Netscape and E-mail;
Her eyes flashed, fingers flying,
shaking golden ponytail.

"You're kinda slow," she grumbled,
terrifying 48;
"But I like that in a man," she grinned,
making me feel great.

My old 12 color monitor
was not enough for her;
More movies, GIFs, and videos
flew by me in a blur.

But 48 he had a trick:
while she stared at the screen
I spoke in her ear, nibbled her neck,
and adored her like a Queen.

I kissed and bit and licked and squirmed
'til wrists and spine went quiet--
The way a mouse's legs go still
when python's on his diet.

And then the honey dripped once more,
the Sun was past its rise.
I felt its rosy hug and knew
that love was in my eyes.

I asked her for her address,	
she wrote with @ in code;
I said "I'm too old fashioned"
and asked for her telephone.

So when you dream, sweet 25,
tall cyber nymph of mine,
remember please old 48
who isn't past his prime.

And as the honey of the Sun
drips down into the sea
I'll recall my Cyber Nymph
and she will undelete me.

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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Patriot Guard Funeral Escort

Patriot Guard funeral Escort
Loch David Crane
August, 2008

Today is sunny: with three dozen bikes,
some decorated cars,  a pair of trikes,
two dozen Marines: all of the family
and toddlers to set their Daddy free
into the Great Beyond beyond the sky
where loved ones send their veterans who die.
Below our feet the stones give way to grass
where they are neatly trimmed; and as we pass
the names of strangers stare into the air
and we look back, wondering who lies there.
I won't step on a grave--I'll walk around
so not to insult those within the ground.
	We ride at funerals honoring those vets,
	brave men and women we have never met.

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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America Is Not a Free Buffet

America is not a Free Buffet
Loch David Crane, M. Ed.
Border Patrol Auxiliary
22 September 2008

America is not a free buffet
for benefit of those from far away.
We have our borders, customs, laws, and rules
securing our posterity from fools,
criminals, diseased people, and those
who mean us harm and carry bombs.
Malaria and leprosy are brought
by the undocumented who aren't caught.
The dumb, the desperate, or the diseased,
those lacking skills and schooling from "back home,"
all feel entitled through our fence to roam.
They break in here, and that's why we're displeased.
	But those who choose to come here legally
	have done it right,   deserving to be free.

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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The Christmas Rapper

The Christmas Rapper
Loch David Crane
December 7, 1989

Hello there Virginia,
	and welcome too--
here's an answer to the question
	posed by you.

You ask "who's Santa Claus?"
	here he is--there!
The question is
	 not WHO but WHERE.

Santa's not found 
	in the beard or the hair;
the place you find Santa
	is in your heart--there.

You've got to see Santa's
	symbolic side--
of his charitable visits,
	of his midnight ride.

He's hospitality 
	and traveller's aid--
and he's the fulfillment
	of wishes made.

Santa is the symbol
	of a child you see--
the child in you,
	the child in me.

The light of curiosity
	in children's eyes
brightens into pleasure
	at each gift or prize.

Santa Claus lives
	in a puppy's wet nose,
in a coveted toy,
	in the right sized clothes,

In the love of a parent,
	in the eyes of a child,
in the empty boxes
	and wrappings wild.

He's not in a cash gift
	or a plastic card –
but you hear him a'caroling	
	in someone's front yard.

Santa Claus is
	a place in your heart –
he's a state of mind,
	he’s a form of Art.

He's the spirit of joy,
	he’s the spirit of giving,
he’s the spirit of Love
	we should all be living.

You'll discover when Santa
	you set out to find –
he's not here on Earth:
	he resides in your mind.

And now comes the echo
	of Santa's World flight:
"Merry Christmas to all
	and to all a good night!"

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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Santas Responsibility Rap

Santa’s Responsibility Rap
Loch David Crane 
July 2, 2006

Santa's jolly all year long
	he’s such a happy soul;
but if ya ever cross him
	he’ll put you in a hole.

Santa’s very red and white
	he knows who's good and bad.
His character assessment
	shows us what a life you’ve had.

So obey your Mums and Daddies
	and the helpful officers too
then we can jail the bad guys
	and help each other through.

We write laws to protect us all,
	both powerful and least;
 treat others as you treat yourself,
	respecting all, is best.

But if you sass your Daddy,
	or the officer ignore,
expect a swat upon your rump
	or SWAT outside your door.

Ol' Santa reads the crime reports
	on a computer he refused
to deliver to a bad boy
	whose trust had been abused.

He's read your blog on Facebook
	and he knows what's in your heart:
so "you better be good for goodness’ sake"
	or your gifts will all depart.

Santa doesn't like bad boys
	or messes on the floor.
He doesn't have to forgive you
	and he doesn't have to bring more.

For Santa reflects what you give to others
	and whom you choose to be;
because only a pleasant person 	
	gets dreams beneath his tree.

A loud, or stubborn, or spoiled child
	sees an empty cactus tree;
a helpful, cheerful, giving kid
	is a joy that Santa sees.

You must think as much of others
	as you do just for yourself
if you want to see those goodies
	coming towards you off the shelf.

 'Cause Santa isn't Jesus,
	that's why he keeps a list
of happy little readers
	and those in whom he's disappointed.	

Santa doesn't love you all
	or listen when you pray--
just good behavior is the key
	for toys on Xmas day.

"What's the X in Xmas?"
	trembling little voices cry.
X is an unknown value
	until you steal or lie.

For Santa isn't Jesus,
	he's an atheist you see –
he dispenses voluntary gifts
	underneath his pagan tree.

He doesn't owe you anything,
	 his gifts are from the heart..
He judges your behavior
	and each year is a new start.

As you behave, so shall you be	
	rewarded by St. Nick;
but if you're bad the year before
	then coal will be his trick.

What goes around comes back around
	and what was old is new;
When you give respect to others
 	it returns increased to you.

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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Breaking In To America On a Snowy Evening

Breaking in to America on a Snowy Evening
Loch David Crane
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps member
May 2, 2006

Whose land this is I think I know–    
    America, where all things glow.
They will not see me stopping here
    because response time is so slow.

My coyote (who hopes I’m queer)
    returns for more throughout the year.
We won’t fix up old Mexico,    
    we’ll steal it all from folks up here.            

Help Mexico?  Don’t give me grief.
    That takes some effort—I’m a thief!
I won’t vote or help my town,
    I’d rather sign up for relief.

Entitlement is what I feel:
    now that I’m here, I want to steal
free welfare benefits, emergency health care, in-state school tuition, and a drivers’ license
    denied me by my birthplace deal.

Your lifestyle here is what I’ll take—
    I think that I deserve a break!
We stole this land from Indians
    and later sold it to the States.

We won’t learn to speak or write
    English–which compounds our plight.
We all believe Aztlan will rise,
    assimilation isn’t right.

Americans are really dumb
    to leave an open door for bums.
Full amnesty is our desire
    that’s why eleven  million run.    
The night is lovely, dark and deep;    
    at the North star I love to peep.
My booties aid my midnight creep. . .
    I’ll shuffle miles while all you sleep! 

(booties are carpet overshoes which leave a poor trail)

(AND your FORMS do not include POLITICAL or SATIRE...why not?)

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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Three Atheistic Limericks

Three Atheist limericks 
	for April Fools' Day 2006

Dear Mrs. Schiavo: Goodbye. 
Dear Mrs. Schiavo:  Goodbye.
Fifteen years was a long time to die.
   Your husband was brave
   To withstand the wave
Of inedible pie in the sky.  

Why San Diegans remove Crosses from public Land

The SD City Council must hold strong:
Those mountaintop Christians are wrong.
   Crucifixion's the sign
   Of insensitive minds
Not the Native Americans' song.

Unrequited Faith

Dear Judeo-Christian God:
Your behavior's exceedingly odd.
   You let Hitler misbehave
   Then killed thousands with waves
And can't keep your priests' hands  off  kids'  bods!

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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Bike To Work Day: Escorting the Funeral of Marine Albrak Omar

Bike to Work day:  escorting the funeral of Marine Albrak Omar
Loch David Crane
Patriot Guard Riders
September 2009

No more classes now that I've been fired!
Patriotism is my job: I’m retired.
The Patriot Guard rides almost every day
to bring a flapping flag line on display.
We ride to work with combustion and chrome
to bring the bodies of our brave troops home.
In a strange twist for love of our country
This Arab Albrak was a volunteer
who gave America his youthful years
to make Iraqui people finally free.
He gave his life:  I give my afternoon
remembering our heroes at high noon.
	Packed in ice, he came home to his Mom;
	his body was prepared by an Imam.

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014

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My Heart Beats Faster When I Touch My Gun

My Heart beats faster when I touch my Gun
Loch David Crane, 
Border Patrol Auxiliary
26 January  2010

We track illegal aliens in the snow.
It's easy to see where their booties go.
But "huddled masses yearning to breathe free"
should wait in line and come here legally.
Your thievery dishonors those who came
here legally, but have Latino names.
If you, like others, waited patiently
we'd welcome you "from sea to shining sea."
"Observe, report, direct" and document:
these lawful practices are our intent.
On nights like this, lit brightly by the Moon,
I monitor the freqs from our comms room.
	My heart beats faster when I touch my gun:
	it's in the holster empty, safety on.

(freqs are frequencies on the radio in the Communications center.)

Copyright © Loch David Crane | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs