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Best Poems Written by Adna Demiri

Below are the all-time best Adna Demiri poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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logic god gave us

,,logic god gave us", I heard from you every while, when people were asking you: ,,Why did your prophet have so many woman?"
You still looked at them with a smile, 
even though I saw you had tired eyes.
Still, the amount of patient you had.
,,So, I could also marry so many woman?", 
,,you can, but it is not recommended", and they all laughed.
,,He did not marry them out of Lust.
I am saddend of how low you guys think of our prophet.
In the past women had no money, nothing.
So our prophet chose to help these women out to marry them and give them everything they hadn't, because he had a big heart of Gold.
Yet again, centuries ago was another time. 
*God gave us logic, to see the historical cause*".

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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Admiration covered in blanket

As I walked up the window your smile reflects the sun, remembered me of Saturday morning walk during run, me enjoying doing jokes and fun.

Changing after hearing: ,,you talk too much", but you seem not caring the words of sucks'.

Months developed, delved in mind. ,,Say something, should I?" I, rough thing solved: ,,*Hide*"

But you pure soul, covered a mole, by saying:,,You are really creative". 

Now I am 5 walking next to my mom: ,, You too sensitive you too ''persepective".

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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When sorry shut you up

When your Hand came by, felt like lingering tie...
,,Sigh", knew it would die high in the sky.
Cause even the love you had for the body (my) you made, 
was betrayed into hate, left me moody into flade, felt disgusting every 30 hours I awaked.
But though that, the sorry I snaked, filled with shade I hoped briefly when you explore, you won't talk backs and think like attacks, but still think good of me, cause i would never be like she.

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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How I hate this sentence still

Dismissive I got, not answering your calls anymore.
It's sad that you don't know the Signal.
No, you don't need to look what is hiding behind it.
You have no right.

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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Nervously taking a

When the heartbeats, are turning into apart streets.
,,Since every sideway you looked", people might thought, no, I watched my feet.
My feet.
I watched.
No i looked at them.
Yes, I wasn't searching in scare anymore.
Since, the streets are filled with owow trees.
And a lot of bees.
They hurt.
But why do they hurt when they later die? 
Ah, to enjoy the taste, shall I too?

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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Is the sky a shield of layer that covers us?

I sat beneath my bench near my bed, drew a picture for Ms. Pale I wanted to give her.
Mommy came in:,, Honey, for what is that for?"
,, Ms. Pale"
My mom said she was my favorite teacher back then.
Rarely I remembared anything of her.
,, She was like a mother figure for you"
I wonder why.
Cause I do not at all.

But remember I do, is that I drew a man next to her Holding her hand.
This man should protect her.
On the corner is the half of the sun, a little dog on the ground and a pretty pink house.
All smiling, all happy.

What I do remember but ofcourse, is what happend last year.
My 8 year old brother asked me:,, What happens when mommy and daddy are gone?", I knew that question would come.
My mom said:,, that would never happen, that could never happen"

Mother lie it is.
Doesn't want to hurt her son but spreads untruth.
I took him to the side:,, The sky you see? It brings light, darkness, water to drink and even elctricity"
,, And snow to play for!"
I smiled:,, Oh, yeah it does"
The sky is like a layer of protection.
Magical the World isn't it?
Someone decorated the stars, because of what is it Held?

We will be protected, don't worry.
World is so magical, that there needs to be an other magical too

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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I chose the wrong key and glued it with tape

Red cheeks burning, butterflies turning, I saw you beneath my swearing.
Heard the yearning: ,,Watch out! He's returning", didn't understood the doubt, didn't wanna know churning after hearing *what route he took*, i just did overlook.

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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I knew it would happen one day but

I really wished we people would forget easily.
Not everything, but daily choices we did which resulted in consquences.
You won't get hurted in double.
Because now I don't need just to explain myself.
Acting like I don't care.
But why is it so hard? 
I hope I don't need to lie again.

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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I don't care I am just human

The poem will not been published on its name.
Fee forthem fill pot mean garnished yawn, sits same.

The reminder that we will be in the same class 3 years leaves me unsure.
But I don't suffer from uncontrolling heartbeats anymore, sour tears that will burn my face and speaking that creeps me out.

At that time though going through the hurt Was like needing to sleep under the bed.
Restricted but filled with puppies.
Used as pillows of the Brand muppies.
And not caring anymore of the dirt on ground.
Because i love the night of Sound.

Calm I try to maintain myself.

Every day was still like an other, in sports class we just paid attention and did or thing, some together some alone.
But somehow you are curious and wanna know, but from my answers being brief yours now got ignored.
Me staring in your face full of confusion, a raised eyebrow and madness and staying.

Not anymore stepping away.

Still it left me embarrassed, sended you a message you unread Set.

But I didn't care at all anymore, I was just left embarassed so I Adressed it.

I spoke to the point and when you disrespect it is your stories made up i guess.

I don't care I am just Human.

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024

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I hope I can give you the money back, dad

Since the Hard work you did, 
siblings of you still called you "mid", 
because their jealousy was full of shi** , 
and they are all behaving like a kid.

Too young you thought I was, 
so every memory will somehow last, 
but only if you knew how my mind was running fast,
and how I regret when I still remember the past.

The argue we had felt like needing my dry throut filling with water, 
while kids on streets are dying later.

I know that the failings you did, 
heavyed your like a kit that didn't fit.

Since the day I remember you cried, 
I never saw you like that just that night, 
and when you saw me you gathered your full might, 
and kiss me for a good night.

I remember you saying: ,,Who are you to not forgive when even god can?", when mom was just getting blame from your little brother.
But you still cared for him like a mother.
While he stepped on you like a poorly father.

Dad, I wish you could see yourself how I see you, 
cause you did indeed a few.
And I know I inherited your lack of true.
Which makes me copy peoples view.

Copyright © Adna Demiri | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs