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Best Poems Written by Adriana Tudorache

Below are the all-time best Adriana Tudorache poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hide and seek

I saw God, I swear I did, was it a chimera or was I in luck?
Who knows? I was awestruck.
I looked again and He wasn’t there, 
I closed my eyes and He was everywhere. 
And then I’ve smiled, embracing this all encompassing
That felt like wholeness;
It was guiding me towards ascension.
I’ve surrendered to the scorch of vibrations in my deepest being,
Unheard cosmic gospels were piercing my Self;
Couldn’t understand a word but I could feel what it was said. 
It was like magic, now you see Him, now you don’t.
Forgotten knowledge that now I knew, reminded me, that I was you.
I took a breath and I was shedding ego, fear and everything that dread.
A veil of understanding was lifting before my eyes,
It was God and me, just playing hide and seek.
You should glance within and have a peek.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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The Life Acrostic

Liberating feelings were encircling my brain,
Inspiration flowing through my veins.
Fabric of reality was thinning again,
Ebullient tales were echoing my name.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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The beauty and the mirror

“The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.”

When I look in the mirror, I see myself,
But sometimes, when I look deeper,
I see you and everyone else.
When beauty surrounds us,
It already exists within, likewise with the ugly,
What we avoid in us we cast on others,
But it only unveils what lays underneath;
As we are projecting from scars,
Buried by Ego and our demons.
Let go of fear and sit with your shadows,
Talk to them and ask who they really are;
What’s behind all that anger and guilt?
You’ll know the answer, just quiet your mind;
The vibration you give out, 
It’s the frequency you receive;
We’re ascending towards the Source;
No judgment, but a better understanding,
For the world is a mirror,
And we are the reflection in it.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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Scrolling cosmic pages is my habit now,
A synchronised life, no nine to five and no alarm.
Careless and with no bills to pay;
Reality is, I’ve mastered the play.
Essentially, I’m just using a cheat code, 
Divine numbers that construct this mode.

Remember, you are the player and the game,
Eigenmode vibrating energy in a singular flame;
Abilities are enhanced in this cosmic suit you wear,
Latent superpowers were locked away by fear.
It’s divine, the universe crafted by yourself,
Tap into the fabric at the bottom of the stars,
Intricated in the glow that is settled on the shelf.
Eager, I grab my reckoning and share my story;
Suppress the ego and know, it’s all remuneratory.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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A paradox of juxtaposition

In the knowledge of humanity, enfolded in the jammed mundane, 
Allow yourself to take a breath, and let go of yesterday.
No black screens, no phones, no internet today;
We embrace the present tapping into our collective membrane.

A mosaic of consciousness is expanding into everyone,
It was no division, just unity and a land of stillness.
We tune in our new reality and we feel limitless.
There is no judgment here, no need to knee or pray,

Acknowledge the confusion but don’t be led astray;
Logged out of your mind you have forgotten who you are;
No need to fret, your thoughts are the altar.
Your light shines higher, I’ve seen it when the door was ajar.

Connect the fear with the reassurance and just know;
What you put out it’s what you get, as above so it is below.
Colossal emotions were floating leaving a trail of afterglow;
We are nothing but our thoughts, I recall everything now.

At mastering a miracle you must know the trick.
Core down you're a magician that fabrics this earthly world, an alchemist.
Pick carefully your thoughts and bestow to others;
Share cosmic idioms and spiritual downloads of freedom and joy.

Let go of what no longer serves you and be grounded in this moment.
Take a deep breath and you’ll feel that you’re in alignment;
And when the portal opens, welcome the envoy.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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Spring Sonnet

The rebirth of our world described in one word: spring;
It’s been forever witnessed by divine source tribes.
Trees blossoming under the Sun’s wing,
It’s new life, dressed in green; everyone subscribes.

Every spring the whole universe is reborn,
New Sun is rising bringing powerful growth;
I feel it in my every cell, more life will be born,
Synchronicity is surrounding us both.

In this new world, winter’s grip loosens its hold;
The equinox urges us to enkindle our inner fire.
New cycles, new rhythms prompts us to shed the old,
Restoring times loomed in form of mystic wire.

Themes of new beginnings bleeding in existence,
New life is scheduled to commence.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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Quantum jumping

Quantum jumping is my hobby these days,
Some might call it madness in a nutshell;
But don’t you remember our plays?
Astral projection to break the spell;
Switching timelines into an alternate life,
Another version of me in a different hell.
I try to escape this complex strife,
Then I remember that I have my bell,
Saves me in any time and in any life;
I can feel it’s sacred frequencies in every cell.
You might be asking yourself,
What a whimsical hobby to have,
But do not laugh, whispers my Higher Self,
Embrace your hobbies, be brave.
They are imprints encoded in our genes,
And they shape our cosmic machines.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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Lay my body down

Poem inspired by the song “Lay my body down” by Glenn Hughes

I don’t think of death when I think of you,
We’ve been told many lies, none of them true.
I’ve been drawn to the shadows, it was like a déjà vu;
And I could smell the fear, I could taste the grue.
They are chasing me to lay my body down, 
For the things I’ve done,
Unaware that now I know, we are all one,
Polarity encompassing us all in a single atom. 
With very step, light clasps from this fields I’ve seen before.
Avoiding my dark casts, I was only hiding my higher call;
You and me are one, energy that endlessly transforms.
Infinite duality that transcends form beyond, I see it climbing up my wall;
I try to brawl it because of the things I’ve done,
Not realising that without my darkness I wouldn’t be who I am now.
We must trust the timing, everything will be right;
Just believe and hold my hand tight.
I am your interstrand, in this boundless land
You are my other chromosome, my super strength.
Don’t judge others, let go of that weight;
You never condemn just projecting oneself,
Close your eyes and you will understand.
Love is the highest vibration, a multi wavelength, 
I know you love me and this isn’t the end,
You’ll find me forever walking these fields;
Wearing the shoes of the damned and a costume I’ve lend.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

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Love story

Love is magic, love is truth,
When I first met you, then I knew;
I recognised your soul from my youth,
Not this life, another one that I’ve outgrew.

You felt like home, I had this memory,
That you were my flame, my sacred one.
We shared wings, a heart and the same story;
Memory erased and oblivious to what they’ve done.

Gods scattered us through dimensions;
Forever searching for our other twin;
Celestial love is engraved on our bones,
And we both share the same skin.

It’s our calling to find one another,
No matter space and time, this world or the other.
Know it, feel it, keep it, feed it,
And remember, love is our spirit.

Copyright © Adriana Tudorache | Year Posted 2024

Book: Shattered Sighs