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Best Poems Written by Judy Bausch

Below are the all-time best Judy Bausch poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Time Machine

The Time Machine

Graying hair and aching knees
It’s time for a drive among hills and trees 
There is magic encased in a Chevy V-8
Gotta take a drive before it’s too late
Shift in reverse
Time does the same
Before she knows it
A young woman remains
She’s getting old
But not quite yet
She’s a sweet young thing
In her Chevy Corvette
The car is magic
And for a brief while
She feels younger and
Freer with every mile 
Rag top down 
Hair in the wind
Classic rock thumping
She remembers when
The lines on her face 
Had not begun to show
The breasts on her chest
Didn’t droop so very low
 She doesn’t drive fast but neither too slow
She’s just so happy to be on the go
The engine rumbles
Her pain becomes numb
She tends to forget
The age she’s become
She’s getting old
But not quite yet
Cruising the mountains before the sun sets
Not too many dreams
That haven’t been met
She’s a little old lady in her Chevy Corvette.

                                       ~  Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

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A Mother's Prayer

The present darkness threatens.
Why can’t I see the light?
And yet my faith still lingers
Like a flame of candlelight.
The weakened short wick struggles
And nearly smothers out
While prayers of love 
Fall softly from a mother’s mouth.

Though my flickering faith still falters,
I know HE loves us still.
There is no darkness in Him
Let’s try to do His will.
Hang in there, my sweet Daughter;
Cast your cares upon the cross.
Your Savior has your best in mind
It isn’t for your loss.

He doesn’t want for you to dwell
On things that make you sad.
Toss away those trigger thoughts
That tend to make you mad.
Think on these things, the Bible says, 
That are worthy, good and true
Claim the blessing God has in store
That is assigned to you.

The enemy wants nothing more
Than to halt your walk with Christ.
He’ll throw every bad thing your way:
Lies, deception, vice.
He’ll tempt you and he’ll nourish 
Your insecurities and fears 
He’ll deafen you with maze-like thoughts
To make it hard to hear
The voice of our God calling,

Child, look up at me.
Open your sweet eyes, 
Look up at me and see.
I love you with a true love;
You belong to me.
Put your trust and hope in me
And I will set you free.

At least that’s what I think He’d say
In your mother’s prayer.
There’s got to be a better way
You’ve got to feel His care.
Sometimes the only comfort
Has to come from God above.
It’s going to take His healing 
And His holy love.

I wish that I could fix things
Your Daddy wishes, too
Like God above, your Dad and I
We wish the best for you.
Please put your life in God’s hands;
Ask Him to take command
To fill you with the strength and faith
You need to take a stand
Against our fiery enemy
Who attacks you when you’re ill.
He says that you deserve it;
Say NO and just be still.
Whisper to your Savior,
And listen for His voice.
It’s not your fault 
That you are sick
You didn’t have a choice.

                    ~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

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We used to go shopping you and I.
Sometimes remembering I start to cry.
Those happy times, the fun of the past,
I didn’t realize it wouldn’t last.
I miss you, the YOU that was you
Not this distant lost soul I can’t even talk to
To share my opinion on the news of the day.
You think its best if I stay away.
If I made you worse it’d be a shame,
and I hate it you think your mother’s to blame
For some of your sickness, your state of despair.
Is it all because I rolled your hair?
This all sounds trivial and yet
As your mom, I have regrets.
If I could do over, I surely would;
I would be better, I know I could,
And we’d go shopping like we used to do.
We’d look at jeans, we’d look at shoes,
And we’d enjoy the bond we share.
You’d know I love you; I’ll always care.
Until then, I’ll step back, stay out of your way
Hoping you’ll invite me to go
Shopping one day.

                      ~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem


We used to go shopping, you and I.
Dressing room privacy, Mom corner-facing
Then turn, you turn, front and back,
A view from every side.
Ooos  and ahs . . .
So pretty, Mom’s pretty daughter.
What fun we had, you and I,
When we used to go shopping.
“Put this one in the MAYBE pile,” you said,
“But, oh, it’s so pretty,” said I.
“Does it make my butt look big?”
“Not at all,” I replied.
“Oh, crap!  I’ll have to pass on it then.”
Giggle Giggle Chuckle
There was room for Laughter,
Room for Fun,
Before HEALTH turned her back on you.
And egg shells filled the space between you and me,
I’ve never been a careful stepper.
It’s best, I’m told, if I stay out of the nest.
But once upon a time
In the not so distant past
We enjoyed retail excursions
My beautiful daughter and I
When we used to go shopping.

    ~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem

The Freedom Caucus

The Freedom Caucus

Like staunch sentinels they stand 
Around a center speaker, a white-haired man 
With microphone poised and voice steady
To speak of a vote and not being ready.

“We have bad news regarding the bill
To fund more corruption, more dirty deals,
Just one more attack and another red pill.
We’re the Freedom Caucus,” says the man.
“We’re here today to take a stand
For a different outcome from the expected
By those falsely elected
For positive action instead of reaction
To blackmail, corruption, and greed.
They talk their big talk and lie well indeed.
Traitorous dealers, enemy’s seed.
We hate to say that it’s happened again.
We’re voting for trillions; it’s part of the plan.
Just some of the bad news regarding the bill.
The news is upsetting, another red pill.
Everything about it is wrong,
But we expected that all along.
Nothing about it is right.
We get a thousand-page bill in the middle of the night.
No time to read it, no time to fight.
We Remember Nancy, the twinkle in her eye,
‘You’ve got to pass it to read it. How dare question WHY!’”

Advance to the podium another one moves.
His chance for the camera looking all smooth.
He raises his voice and continues with passion
Stating his sorrow in satirical fashion,
“It’s sad that it has to be this way.
It’s time for a change we always say,
But here we are doing it again.
If we always surrender, we’ll never win.
There are some who legislate in disguise
Who pretend to be patriots on our side.
They talk a big talk, but it’s only for show.
They vote with the others and don’t want you to know.
Those are the ones who need to go.
We’re the Freedom Caucus; we mean what we say.
Watch who’s voting how at the House vote today.
Watch for the fake ones, the sly on-the-take ones
Listen carefully to their lies, false promises and compromise.
They’re a blackmailed body we recognize.”

The next speaker continues, but we know the drill
He offers us promises they’ll never fulfill.
“Reelect us and we will change things.
Reshape, renew and rearrange things.”

Yet it seems the Republi-CANS Cannot,
And the Republic’s sick from actions wrought.
Through deceptive means our freedoms spent.
We’ll look back and wonder where they all went.
They offer little hope for a different outcome.
Spreading like cancer into what we’ve become.
The land of the free, a dystopian nightmare,
A 1984 Orwellian fright scare.
How did we lose it? What does it all mean?
Whatever happened to the American dream?
                                     ~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem

First Draft

First Draft

Classroom creativity
Ebb and flow
Teaching the things
I know I know
Investigating others
For a much better skill
To teach to spark hunger
And never to kill
The desire to grow, create and fulfill
Dreams and goals
In the language of life
With the music of poetry
And literary device.

      ~  Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem

Morning Emergency

Morning Emergency

The siren didn’t sound;
There was no alarm,
But an emergency there was,
And it had caused some harm.
The pull-up was pulled down 
Removed and even thrown.
Danger! Danger!
Poo poo bomb!
Detonated in the home.

Sister soundly sleeping,
Didn’t even flinch,
As poo poo air goes wafting.
Oh, my! What a stench!

Poo poo in the bed.
Poo poo on the floor.
Poo poo on the wall.
Poo poo by the door.

Baby laughs and dances,
Fanny brownly bare.
She doesn’t seem to smell it,
Poo poo in the air.

“I’m up,” she yells
With delight,
“Mama come and see.
Hurry up and get me,
I think I have to pee.”

~ Judy Bausch 

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem

Deathbed Prayer

Deathbed Prayer

I asked my pastor to pray
At the deathbed of my uncle
With my aunt and me
He shuffled his feet and
Looked away in an awkward
And most uncomfortable way
I, too, was uneasy
But not for the same reasons
My tears flowed freely
As my heart was breaking
He bowed his head 
And said a quick prayer
Why would he be
Awkward with me
Or with God
I wondered then
Now I understand
He was a Preacher
But not a Pastor

~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem

Intimate Stranger

A stranger shared my thoughts
Without knowledge of same
In the midst of another conversation
Spoken quickly out of context
I know you, I think;
You are just like me
United in love
By one risen Savior.

~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024

Details | Judy Bausch Poem

Sitting With Winnie

Sitting with Winnie

Running from MiMi in polka dots 
Makes me giggle at haughty tots
Who don’t want to use their potty pots.
I’m now thinking of tequila shots
And other things I oughta nots.

       ~ Judy Bausch

Copyright © Judy Bausch | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs