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Best Poems Written by Curtis Moorman

Below are the all-time best Curtis Moorman poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Country Angel


He came dressed in clean pressed jeans
A leather vest and a matching leather hat 
Though he was someone we'd never seen
No one seemed to think much of that

He was carrying a beat-up guitar case
He asked, "Is this where the Bible study is?"
Someone told him, "Yes", downstairs
We'll begin around sevenish

All were gathered, thirty or so
We opened with a word of prayer
The man in the leather vest and hat
Was kindly just standing there

The host asked if he would like to play
The guitar he'd brought along
He answered quietly, "Yes Sir, if I may"
And he began to strum a song

It was a familiar song to everyone
We all sang every word
The man played melodiously
Sweeter music was never heard

Many souls got saved that night
But we never found out his name
He had simply vanished from our sight
We know not from whence he came

We all agreed on this one thing
Just as Scriptures bares
We had heard an angel sing
And entertained him unawares

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2012

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Trimming the Tree


Once a year across the land
A festive time is carefully planned
Part of this time just has to be
The anticipation of trimming the tree

It's always fun to shop and choose
Exactly the tree you wish to use
You take it home and once it's there
You decorate it with loving care

Special ornaments bring great delight
When placed on the tree to reflect the light
Each handmade by a tiny tot
Placed on the tree in a special spot

Kept and cared for all these years
Now hung with memories that bring on tears
You think of Christmases long since past
And marvel that time can move so fast

Those tiny tots now grown and gone
Will soon have children of their own
To teach how special it can be
When the time has come to trim the tree

	13 December 2018

For Christmas Tree Contest sponsored by Shadow Hamilton

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2010

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A Poem Made Up of Cliches


At Poetry Soup we're admonished
Never to use cliches
They provide us an extensive list
For the error of our ways

But one thing you can rely on
Is people just don't pay heed
Like a dog gnawing a ham bone
Poets write stuff unfitten to read

Over and over again
I traverse the road less traveled
No one understands me
I feel worn to a frazzle

When all is said and done
I'll just wish upon a star
Or perhaps I'll follow the sun 
And hope I don't go too far

Since fools rush in 
Where angels fear to trod
And people get under my skin
I'll go by the grace of God

When life takes an unexpected twist
And you're plagued by a multitude of sin
Not making money hand over fist
Misery loves company and broken hearts never mend

You have reached the end of your rope
Tired of waiting for your ship to come in
Don't sit around and mope
'Cause you have fences to mend

Curtis Moorman
30 November 2018

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2018

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The Sounds of a Rose


The Red Rose speaks softly
	with velvety smoothness, it beckons me
	come, hear my song of gladness
	as I sing a lullaby

The Yellow Rose has a sound of authority
	beware the thorns of life as you are
	pricked by unforeseen events
	tread carefully lest you stumble and fall

The Pink Rose is the rose of love shared
	it sighs gently like a lover caressed
	it glistens with dewdrops like tears of bliss
	and seeks to be lovingly cared for

The Purple Rose is a rose easily bruised
	its delicate nature makes it vulnerable
	the aroma it creates is sensuous, yet innocent
	treat it with care lest you crush its tender petals
	love it with a certain purity and it will be yours forever

The White Rose is the symbol of purity
	the voice is that of compassion
	as it pleads with all who see it
	be ye kind one to another

The Black Rose speaks in tones of finality
	as it coaxes one on their death bed
	come to me on your journey to eternity
	where will you spend eternity is his question

Embrace the sounds of the rose
	when each comes your way
	let them engulf you in the special manner
	yes, embrace the sounds of the rose

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2018

Details | Curtis Moorman Poem

I'M a Sheet Slitter


I'm a sheet slitter, I slit sheets
Because I'm the best sheet slitter
That ever slit a sheet

For the contest sponsored by Nina Parmenter

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2020

Details | Curtis Moorman Poem

Veterans Are People


I fought in the trenches of World War I
In the foxholes of World War II
I was in the Korean Conflict
And the rice paddies of Vietnam too

I've been to Afghanistan
Kuwait and Iraq
Spent long months away from home
I've been to hell and back

But the stars and stripes will forever wave
In honor of those who went to their grave
To ensure that America will always be
The home of the brave and the land of the free

The bells of freedom will continue to ring
All across the USA
And it can be said, without a doubt
Our veterans paved the way

24 August 2018

For the contest sponsored by July Morning

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2011

Details | Curtis Moorman Poem

I Will Lift Up My Eyes


I will lift up my eyes unto the hills
To the God of Heaven and seek His will

The Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
Has been my help before my birth

He never slumbers, nor does He sleep
I forever will be in His watchful keep

He is the shade on my right hand
Under His protection, I'll forever stand

I'm preserved from evil, He preserves my soul
I'll trust Him until His face I behold

My going out, and my coming in
Are preserved forever only by Him

One day I'll stand on Heaven's shore
To reign with Him forevermore

	Curtis Moorman
	22 December 2011

For contest: Faith vs Poetry
Based on Psalm 121:1-8

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2011

Details | Curtis Moorman Poem

Corona Virus Cov-19


The Black Death, or bubonic plague, which happened nearly 700 years ago, (in the three year period of 1347 to 1351 in which it lasted) took the lives of an estimated 75 to 200 million people.  It stayed dormant for 300 years.  It then reared its ugly head in Spain and London.  The plague is certainly a devastating entity to be reckoned with.  The attack by terrorists on 9/11 was a dastardly deed perpetrated by cowards and the death toll was horrendous but by comparison, the Black Death is by far the worse catastrophe ever witnessed by mankind.  In Biblical History, leprosy was the most dreaded disease which maimed and killed many.  But rest assured there are days coming that all the combined plagues of history can compare.  In the Book of Matthew 24:6-13 it reads:  "And you will hear of  wars and rumors of wars.  See that  you are not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.  Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake.  And then many  will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another."  There is already great evidence of this taking place in government today and all around the world.  You may ask the question, "What does this have to do with the Corona  Virus (COV-19)?  The Corona Virus can be controlled.  The chaos and devastation of Armageddon cannot be stopped or brought under control.  Therefore, it is an undisputed fact that the world will experience a catastrophe far greater than anything that has ever taken place.  Matthew 6:33-34 reads: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Friday, 13 March 2020
Curtis Moorman
For the Corona Virus (COV-19) contest

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2020

Details | Curtis Moorman Poem

Limerick On Poets


Bob Hinshaw, Tom Cunningham, James Edward Lee, Sr., Russell Sivey, Gordon McConnell,  Greg Barden, Emile Pinet, Silent One, WingedWarrior, Charles Messina, Gershon Wolf, Richard Lamoureux, Joe Flack, Liam McDaid, Rick Parise, Curtis Johnson, Curtis Futch, Jr., Brian Strand, Don Johnson, Jack Ellison, Roblert Lindley, Timothy McGuire, John Gondolf, Arturo Michael, Edward Ibeh, Kevin Shaw, Harry Horsman, Dr. Ram Mehta

They come from all walks of life
Some from countries filled with strife
They wish to convey
Their life in a way
That cuts to the core like a knife

They write words of wisdom, words that inspire
Words of great mirth, and some words of hell fire
Some poems tell a story
On getting to glory
They truly are poets that we can admire

When you read the words they have written
I feel certain that you will be smitten
You may laugh, or you may cry
You may just chuckle, or only sigh
But what they have written is always fittin'

If your name is not here, please forgive me
The list is inexhaustible, you see
It would take many days
To give everyone praise
And on that, I think you'll agree

Curtis Moorman
7 August 2019

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2019

Details | Curtis Moorman Poem

The Umbrella of Life


There is an umbrella called life
Spread over all the earth
It contains some strife
But it also has great worth

This red umbrella provides protection
From the problems we all face
We have not been granted perfection
As we run the course of life's race

But we have a Redeemer to look to
When the strife is hard to bear
He will always see us through
With gentle loving care

When the heavy rain is falling
He is there to calm the storm
He hears us when we're calling
And He keeps us from all harm

Call upon Him when storm clouds rise
He will protect you from the strife
He will give you bright blue skies
Underneath the red umbrella of life

31 October 2018
For the contest sponsored by Eve Roper

Copyright © Curtis Moorman | Year Posted 2018


Book: Shattered Sighs