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Best Poems Written by Dr. Padmashree R P

Below are the all-time best Dr. Padmashree R P poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Labourer's Hand

Calloused canvas, etched with sun and rain,
A map of toil, where muscles speak their pain.
No crown adorns it, nor scepter's gilded shine,
But in its grip, a legacy entwines.

Not pharaohs' monuments, nor empires vast,
But fields that nourish, homes that rise at last.
Bricks laid true, with sweat for mortar's hold,
A city's pulse, in stories yet untold.

No artist's brush, nor poet's lyric grace,
But hammers tapping, leaving their own trace.
Steel forged and shaped, with fire's ardent kiss,
A symphony of sparks, where dreams don't miss.

Not ruler's scepter, nor scholar's quill,
But thread spun fine, with patient, practiced skill.
Garments woven, warmth against the cold,
A mother's love, in stitches neatly told.

No warrior's blade, nor priest's anointed hand,
But seeds that sprout, at farmer's wise command.
Land nurtured, yielding life anew,
A cycle's dance, beneath a sky so blue.

No sculptor's chisel, nor architect's grand plan,
But tools that mend, held by a steady hand.
Machines repaired, with rhythmic, whirring hum,
A world kept turning, never truly numb.

Not surgeon's scalpel, nor teacher's guiding pen,
But streets swept clean, where children play again.
Invisible threads, that bind a community,
A hand unseen, yet vital, you can see.

So raise your gaze, beyond the gilded frame,
To hands that build, the ones without a name.
For in their toil, a nation's spirit thrives,
A tapestry of labour, where humanity survives.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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The Elephant's Grandeur

Where sun-kissed savannahs endlessly sweep,
And acacia crowns the skies, a verdant keep,
A titan walks, with earth-shaking tread,
A monument of grace, with wisdom bred.

Oh, Elephant, colossal and wise,
Your eyes, like embers, gleam beneath the skies.
Your ivory tusks, like sun-bleached spears,
Pierce the heavens, dispelling all our fears.

Through emerald depths, you silently stride,
A living fortress, with nature as your guide.
Your trunk, a trumpet, blasts a rhythmic call,
Echoing through valleys, grand and tall.

With a gentle touch, you pluck a leafy prize,
Nourishing your form, beneath the sunlit skies.
Matriarch wise, with love unbound,
You lead your herd, on sacred, ancient ground.

Oh, Elephant, guardian of the plains,
Your ears, like maps, etched with wisdom's gains.
You listen to the whispers of the earth,
Guiding your steps, is a testament to your worth.

But shadows lurk, a darkness cast afar,
Where greed and folly wage a callous war.
Forests recede, and poachers stalk the night,
Threatening your future, with a consuming blight.

Let us stand tall, and raise a voice so strong,
To shield these giants, where they rightfully belong.
For in their presence, we find our guiding light,
A mirror to our soul, a future ever bright.

So let us cherish them, these titans of the land,
Protecting their haven, with a caring hand.
For in their grandeur, a truth we come to see,
Respect for all creatures, eternally.

Oh, Elephant, may you forever roam,
In lands untamed, your true and sacred home.
A timeless emblem, of strength and majesty,
Forever etched, in Earth's tapestry.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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Hearts Like Flowers

Out of the crack, a life did rise, 
A fragile bloom beneath the skies. 
No gentle rain, no nurturing hand, 
Just broken stones, a barren land.

But still, it fought, it clawed its way, 
Toward the sun, it longed for day. 
A tiny shoot, a will to grow,
A heart that hope would never forgo.

Like fragile souls, with spirits strong, 
Who weather hardship all life long. 
Though lost and lonely, cast aside,
Their dreams still bloom, a source of pride.

So let them rise, these broken hearts, 
And find their strength in scattered parts.
For even roses, cracked and torn, 
Can fill the world with beauty, born.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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Ode to the Selfless Woman

Alluring kindness in a gentle, caring gaze,
Altruistic spirit, a beacon in a maze.
Anchor in the storm, a whisper, soft and strong,
As she walks among us, righting every wrong.

Anchored by humility, a beacon ever bright,
Brave spirit, championing justice with gentle might.
Considerate whispers mend a heart that's torn and frayed,
Down-to-earth laughter chases shadows, unafraid.
Empathy's embrace, a refuge warm and wide,
Fiercely compassionate, with burdens she confides.
Grounded in reality, dreams take graceful flight,
Humility, a crown she wears, a gentle, guiding light.
Integrity is her compass, on life's untrodden ways,
Joyful spirit, lighting paths through darkest, stormiest days.
Kindred souls she welcomes, with an open, accepting mind,
Lifting spirits with a touch, a solace they can find.
Modest triumphs whisper tales of battles fought and won,
Nurturing the vulnerable, 'til hope's new day has begun.
Open-minded to all voices, a symphony untold,
Passionate for a better world, a story yet unfolds.
Quiet strength, a steady hand, on life's ever-changing ledge,
Realistic dreams ignite a spark, defying every pledge.
Respectful gaze meets every eye, a bridge across the divide,
Selfless acts, a silent song, with love as her guide.
Tenacious spirit, breaking down the walls of fear,
Unassuming confidence, a whisper, loud and clear.
Vulnerable openness, a tapestry so bright,
Wisdom's gentle whispers guide her through the darkest night.
Yearning for a brighter dawn, her passion burns so true,
Zealous for justice, a warrior bathed in gentle dew.

Zealous for a brighter world, a warrior bathed in light,
Zest for life, a beacon burning ever bright.
Zenith of compassion, a heart forever true,
A song unsung, a tribute just for you.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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The Power Within : Embracing Challenges with Confidence

O Captain! my Captain!

In the face of darkness and despair,
I stand tall with unwavering might.
With courage and strength, I declare,
I fear no hardship, no fright.

Through the storms of life, I stride,
With a heart filled with determination.
No matter what may betide,
I am the master of my creation.

The horrors that may come my way,
These are but challenges for me to overcome.
I embrace them without dismay,
For I am the chosen one.

With every step, I grow stronger,
Defying the odds, I rise above.
In the face of adversity, I conquer,
With the power of unwavering love.

So fear not, my friend, the trials ahead,
For I am here, a beacon of light.
With courage and strength, I tread,
Guided by my inner might.

O Captain! my Captain!
I am the embodiment of resilience.
With unwavering determination, I reckon,
I am the master of my existence.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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Hand in Hand - Let Minds Ignite and Children Sing

With ink and mind, a future bright,
In education's noble fight.
For every child, a chance to soar,
Equity's flame, forevermore.

The curriculum, a vibrant stream,
With skills for life, a modern dream.
Assessment's lens, a wider view,
Beyond the test, a world anew.

From home to school, a hand to hold,
Engage the young, their stories told.
Empowering teachers, hearts ablaze,
With knowledge shared, in countless ways.

Early seeds of literacy sown,
A love of reading, fully grown.
Mentorship's bridge, a helping hand,
Connecting minds across the land.

After the bell, the learning thrives,
With extra help where knowledge strives.
Reading's joy, a treasure sought,
In cozy corners, battles are fought.

Bridging the gap, a digital quest,
For all to learn, and put it to the test.
Data's compass, a guiding light,
To shape the future, ever bright.

Together strong, hand in hand,
With partners joined across the land.
The public voice, a chorus raised,
For education's cause, forever praised.

Let minds ignite, let voices ring,
In Literacy's Land, the children sing.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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Feathery clouds, cotton candy castles, whispery wind,
My heart craves for the state of mind and existence as Clouds.
Giants asleep, guardians of valleys, backbones of earth,
My wisdom craves for the state of persona as Mountains.

Whispers through canyons, the lifeblood of the land, journeys without end,
My energy craves to embrace life like gushing Rivers.
Sapphire  giants, cradles of life, canvases for sunset,
My passion craves for the whispers so deep as Oceans. 

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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Laughter in the Shadows

In chambers filled with laughter, light, and carefree sound,
A discordant echo hangs, heavy and unbound.
A specter in the corner, draped in deep shadows,
A chilling truth the merry words refuse to keep.

The body lies unseen, a weight upon the air,
A stark reminder whispered, a burden hard to bear.
Yet mirthful sounds erupt, a careless, joyous cry,
A dissonance of spirit, a question in the eye.

Is laughter then a traitor, a mask we wear with ease,
To shield the fragile heart from truths that bring unease?
Or is it life's rhythm, a counterpoint to pain,
A flickering, fleeting candle in the pouring rain?

Perhaps we are a canvas, where darkness meets the light,
A tapestry of sorrow woven with threads of brightness.
The human heart, a vessel for joy and despair,
A dance of contradictions, a burden all must share.

Do we compartmentalise, these feelings we possess,
Divide the light and shadow, finding fleeting peace?
Or does this laughter echo, a truth we can't deny,
The fundamental fracture, the question in our cry?

The echo lingers long, a memory bittersweet,
A testament to duality, a balance incomplete.
For even in the face of loss, where sorrow reigns supreme,
The heart, it seeks a solace, a fleeting, joyful dream.

So let the laughter linger, a reminder bittersweet,
Of life's complexities, the sorrow, and the fleet.
We carry both within us, the darkness and the light,
A dance of contradictions, forever in our sight.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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The Tree of Life

Rooted in the depths of time,
Where sunlight dances, shadows climb,
A verdant giant, strong and old,
A story in its bark unfolds.

Branches reach for heavens high,
Whispering secrets to the sky,
Leaves like emeralds, shimmer bright,
Catching dreams in the morning light.

Blossoms burst in vibrant hues,
Promises whispered, soft dews,
A tapestry of life's design,
Where every thread with fate entwines.

Beneath the boughs, a haven lies,
Where creatures crawl and spirits rise,
A sanctuary from mortal strife,
Embracing all in vibrant life.

Roots dig deep in fertile ground,
Through whispered secrets, wisdom found,
Connecting past and present time,
In nature's grand and vast design.

The Tree of Life, a symbol bold,
Of strength, resilience, stories told,
A universe in every leaf,
A testament to life's sweet grief.

So let us stand in reverence near,
And feel the pulse of life held dear,
For in the branches, whispers blow,
"Though seasons change, life still will flow.”

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024

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Dreams Dancing

In realms where clocks dissolve like mist,
And galaxies pirouette on strings,
My dreams take flight, a kaleidoscope kissed,
By stardust whispers, lunar flings.

Through meadows painted with lunar light,
I chase the shadows of fireflies,
Their wings are like constellations, bright,
Leading me through cosmic skies.

On rivers spun from nebulae,
I sail in boats of moonlit bone,
Past planets sculpted from reverie,
Where echoes of forgotten songs are sown.

With trees that bloom in stardust showers,
And leaves that sing in comet's fire,
I climb the stairs to Stolen Hours,
Where time itself becomes a liar.

In whispering caves of amethyst,
Where dreams like sleeping dragons lie,
I steal a kiss from the shadows,
And watch the stars paint sunrise on the sky.

So let me dance in time's embrace,
Where logic crumbles, reason sleeps,
In dreams that paint a surreal space,
Where every secret softly weeps.

For in this world of moonlit rhyme,
Where shadows whisper, stars ignite,
My soul takes flight, transcends the chime,
And dreams become the purest light.

Copyright © Dr. Padmashree R P | Year Posted 2024


Book: Shattered Sighs