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Best Poems Written by Jasen Ridley

Below are the all-time best Jasen Ridley poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Leap of Faith

Follow me to a ledge inside my mind & observe
as I leap
Many are very close to the edge but scared to jump
because they're weak
Being afraid to fall isn't the problem, it's only natural
to fear the crash
When you reach the bottom, you see yourself staring
back from a looking glass
Throw all your caution to the wind & feel the air beneath
your wings
A cage bird is free within its mind & you can hear it
when it sings
There are many things to fear in life, but fear itself is the
only cause
Don't be afraid to grow for that stunts your growth &
amplifies all your flaws
Cause & effect is natures law so it must be treated 
with respect
Once I was blind to mothers' rules, but now I see 
in retrospect
Have faith in self & take the leap, you just may be
caught before you fall
Once you let go, you'll see the truth, there was nothing
to fear after all

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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Holy War

We're all fighting the war internally & it manifests
before our eyes
This spiritual battle is apocalyptic, the one that so
many prophesized 
We live in a time of revelations witnessing the lifting
of the veil
Liberation comes when you see you're the reason
that you're locked in mental jail
We're still failing to see that we've been blinded & duped
into fighting with ourselves
Friendly fire comes from an enemy we never expected,
the lower nature of ourselves
Realizations hit like a bomb that's unexpected as we destroy
the physical mentally
This war with the self is a projection upon a screen, there
for all of us to see
I wish all of us could see that we're more alike than one
would think
Rise above the obelus that they've inserted & see that world
is on the brink
It's only the mind we see imploding, but we think the world is
crumbling outside
Realize that we are more powerful when in sync & not divided

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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The Mind That Matters

The mind is all things, the architect of our waking dreams. To dream is to experience real things, they aren't as fake as they seem. It only seems the world is full of things composed of things that don't matter. I argue that everything is relevant in this realm of endless matter. Etherical thoughts solidify constructing the world we see. What's outside is really within, internal thoughts come to be. I'm expressing what's inside of me, so you partake in yourself. We all eat from the same tree; this world is fruit of the self.

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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In Due Time

He came to share his light with one & all
as it was foretold he would shine
The messages keep coming because he was called
to give of himself through his mind
His world is heavy, so he carries the weight 
& this is why he is strong
He was told to be patient, so he had to wait
because the timing was wrong
All things will come in due time so carry on
until your dreams come true
Sometimes the things that you want can take long
but not a thing is overdue
At times divine takes its time to bring you presents
& they will come when you're ready
Just remember to live every moment and stay present
because the past has left us already

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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The Dream

Flaming rocks fell from the sky scorching the earth & boiling the seas. The fall out of the event was truly massive taking the life of living things as far as eyes could see. Smoke hovered in the sky like rain clouds obstructing the view of from where the fireballs came. All I could think is, this is how the world ends, in a hail of destructive fire rain. The flames brought about immeasurable pain & this was evident when I heard the screams. It was a nightmare that I couldn't unsee & so unreal that I thought it to be a dream. Bodies burned like a field of scarecrows as if they were nothing more than sacks of straw. I never imagined that I would ever see this day all the while wanting to forget what I had saw. I awakened in a pool of sweat with tears running from burning eyes. I was shaken but relieved and thankful to be alive for I had dreamt the world had died.

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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The Idea of Love

I'm in love with the idea of love though I feel it's not for me
It's like we're stuck within a game similar to that of hide & seek
We share more than a glance but eye to eye we cannot see
We're on a roller-coaster riding for kicks racing to mountain peaks
Soon after things decline & nosedives to a falling down
When good there's nothing but smiles with beautiful rosy cheeks
What follows is invisible tears accompanied by ugly frowns
Don't shed any tears nor mourn the elusive love for me
I found life along with love deep down within myself
I love me more than another could ever truly offer
This type of selfishness loves to give & is something that always helps
One day I'll find something stronger but built a little softer
On that day I'll offer something more than mere flowers
This is something we'll always share which is something wholly ours

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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The Originality of You

Mirrored reflections offering dubs losing themselves 
trying to be you
The house full of mirrors was never a home & they're
obsessed with the fact they'll never be you
It's true we're the same on multiple levels, but everyone
needs a sense of the self
Imitation is flattery & that's well and good but there's
no substitute for being yourself
Don't copy another for you are original, learn to love
who you are & follow your purpose
When it's all said & done, you'll always be you regardless 
of the image portrayed on the surface

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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Views From Inside the Scope

They try to move on those they believe reside
All the while never knowing they've been surrounded
all along
Behind the scenes games are played to cause confusion
by deflecting things
All they've done is confuse themselves while getting
wrapped in karmic rings
The circle builds with every act until they're lost within
the scene
As the movie wraps, they lose production for crossing
lines they hadn't seen
They were seen and knew it not for on the surface
all was clear
Behind the veil many watched in wait, so now they're
trapped by solid fears
The end of the race is closer than it appears for the
illusions run really deep
It's like they raced to a hidden cliff & couldn't stop, so
they didn't think before they leaped

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023

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New Age Paradox

i heard he was a lamb disguised as beast but
some say it's the other way around
he awakened in the east from a night's rest before
heading west to settle down
a metaphysical riddle on sandy shores overlooking
the sea on a dark night
metaphors sift through his mind like an hourglass 
as his flipped time on its head at midnight
he slipped into a dream from a flow state traveling
through time & birth canal
his birth shrouded in mystery like a game of clue but
the stars knew he'd come around
dark clouds formed on an autumn day setting the stage
for storms & hard rain
on this day it poured like never before as the clouds
tried to shroud the sun in vain
weathervanes spun crazy as every hand on all clocks
spun counter clockwise
the globe had been reset by this anomaly who'd come
into this world thrice wise
born both of the day & night time he was clearly a
new aged paradox
the countdown began with his first breath while above
& below placed bets while the world watched

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2024

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Moments In Time

We must move forward from moments of the past
The rearview portrays a world that no longer is there
A moment in time on the clock that was never meant to last
These are fleeting moments of the mind that everyone shares
Time is a lovely illusion that everyone loves to hate
The clock is a reminder of the vulnerability and limits of time
It continuously moves us forward to our inevitable ultimate fate
Our memories are a way for many to reminisce and press rewind
In this way we travel in time back to the many places we have been
Remembering a life that was there but, in a sense, never really was
Places captured as pictures in our minds that we would love to see again
Hindsight is 20/20 but also a very unforgiving judge
Remember to live each moment as if you'll never see it again
Share your time & yourself with all those you truly love

Copyright © Jasen Ridley | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs