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Best Poems Written by Lee Geoghegan

Below are the all-time best Lee Geoghegan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Four Seasons of Man

Spring arrived, ‘Twas the dawn of man
Consciousness exploded with a Big Bang
We foraged inquisitively for berries and nuts
Soon building settlements and primitive huts

A subtle spark conjured otherworldly fire
And with it came a burning desire
Tales of titans and mythical creatures
Serpents and beasts with grotesque features

Summer arose, out rolled the wheel
Stonework replaced by the forging of steel
Harnessing power from great rivers and streams
Oceans soon conquered by ships of dreams

There were wondrous amphitheaters without a flaw
Spectacular cathedrals that left us in awe
Advances in medicine enhanced our lives
Youthful deaths seemed for the archives

Autumn emerged, the pinnacle of man
Although swarming to billions wasn’t the plan
The thriving Metropolis made man a city dweller
Piercing the sky with scrapers so stellar

Technology progressed to an unfathomable height
Our synapses fired so glaringly bright
We drove motor cars and traversed the stars
And even toyed with the idea of avatars

Winter came, and into ash we did burn
We dug our graves and had nowhere to turn
Conquered by robotics that we impatiently built
Mega cities crumbled to sand and silt

We gave godly power to Artificial Intelligence
Paying the ultimate price when they evolved to sentience
Mighty bombs dropped, and every city fell
The curtains sadly drawn as mankind bids farewell

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2023

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The Bee Fields of Yesteryear

Casting my mind back many a year
To childhood days spent catching bees
Those long gone memories do bring a tear
Playing with friends in the summer breeze

A simple jam jar, air holes pierced in the lid
Laden with clover and blades of green grass
To catch a bumblebee, shear delight for a kid
Observing him carefully through the transparent glass

Like little scientists we named differing species
Terminology I can still recall to this day
What a pleasure it is to remember these
Adventure along the hills was our kind of play

It saddens me today to see young minds so numbed
Lush fields of green devoured and disappeared
To technology, children have now succumbed
Our beautiful world has been commandeered

Whilst walking upon a small meadow of green
I spotted a young boy with a glass jar in his hand
My eyes were aghast at what I’d just seen
It seems there’s still hope upon the land

I watched from afar as he examined his catch closely
Suddenly releasing him and away he did fly
With a loving smile, the boy waved him off joyfully
As I meandered off into the distance, wiping a tear from my eye

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2023

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World of Lies

I’m finally broken by this world of lies
I’ve had enough of this place, time to say my goodbyes
Screaming to the sky, I weep and I cry
I don’t deserve this wretched life, why oh why?

Drowning in my world of sorrow
I’m all set to depart, there’s no more time to borrow
The walls are closing in, becoming ever so narrow
No longer do I desire another tomorrow

Then suddenly, a righteous rumbling from deep within
Way down in my core, below all the sin
An aura of splendour was urging calm
And to gaze closely at the intricacies upon my very palm

I was a flood with clarity as my heart skipped a beat
Creating something so exquisite was no easy feat
I was born of perfection, so utterly divine
In my darkest hour, I finally received the sign

The truth was then revealed to me; that nothing ever truly dies
It just changes form as it departs this world of lies
This earth is not a horrid place of condemnation
It has spiritual growth upon its very foundation

In this place, we must learn all we can
Overcoming adversity, becoming a better man
There’s not much time, not much of a span
This life is just a fragment of a divine master plan

Now my time has finally come to ascend that heavenly stair
My somber soul freed at last from great despair
Suddenly, it all makes sense as I’ve become fully aware
Glory to my creator is what I devoutly declare

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2023

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The Falcon

I can recall another lifetime, one where I could fly
Gazing down upon the earth, moonlight glinting in my eye
A king among the stars with a piercing call that could terrify
I was once a mighty falcon, a raptor of the sky
Soaring majestically brought exhilarating thrills
Cruising deep valleys and magnificent hills
Preparation for the hunt was how I honed my skills
The sweat and toil all worthwhile when the blood finally spills
I patiently stalked my prize below; death was now en route
My mind made up instantly, my focus absolute
Diving at breakneck speed was my key attribute
Blazing through the clouds, the Reaper’s in hot pursuit
The thrill of the hunt, an innate yearning since ancient Babylon
My prey chirped sweet melodies until he was sprung upon
I clasped him tightly within my powerful talon
His life force swiftly dispatched as his soul journeyed to Avalon
Moments after my car crash, I was overcome with visions so clear
Echoes of a life I lived before I ended up here
Memories flooded back, and down my cheek rolled a welcome tear
For this alternate existence, I once held so dear
A past life as a falcon engulfed my human brain
Vast skies were my territory, my conquered domain
I embraced the rasping wind and a deluge of torrential rain
This incredible revelation has numbed all my agonising pain
I was once quite different from the man that lies here now
I've awoken from this human dream, and I just can’t comprehend how
Fortunately, my injuries are just too severe, so it’s time to take a bow
As I long to return to those blue skies once more, that’s my dying vow

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2023

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Earth Odyssey

We dream of blue skies and glacial clear waters
Fields lush and green for miles to be seen
A world befitting our sons and daughters
Sadly, it has been ravaged, pillaged and made carelessly unclean

The people yearn for a simple utopia
All the abundance and prosperity of cornucopia
But our leaders possess a cunning myopia
The anguish of residing in this nightmarish dystopia

Blessed with the intellect and ingenuity to thrive
So why the never ending uphill struggle?
Life is for living but instead we fight to survive
Seems there's always another bill to juggle

Love and joy are all the people desire
Not the soul wrenching agony of war
Our dream is to flourish, that’s the life we aspire
Like a phoenix from the ashes, humanity will once again soar

Upon this realm, entities work their dark art
They weave and deceive like an intricate crochet
To be human, one requires a penitent heart
These creatures are ravenous and out for prey

We scream “let us out” of this torturous maze
Breaking free won't be easy, it's so labyrinthine
Upon death, we'll pierce the veil, turning from water to wine
Only then the realisation, we're divine in design

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2022

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Winter Wonderland

I walk alone on a misty winter morn
Through fields of brilliant white, which they now beautifully adorn
Clumps of frozen grass scrunching stiffly underfoot
This crisp winter chill, ever so sharply does it cut

Fallen foliage has gathered upon my path
Next year’s nutrition will be the aftermath
Bird nests are now visible within skeletal trees
All of a sudden exposed to the frigid winter breeze

My fingers numb, my little nose is so red
All gods creatures tackling the winter dread
Once green plant life now veiled in white
The persistence of life, so resilient in its fight

Snow gently falling like a fantasy dream
Picturesque rooftops blanketed in vanilla cream
The sky was a misty haze, not a cloud to be seen
Like an all-encompassing canopy screen

A grandma struggles along frozen streets
On a quest to retrieve some Christmas treats
She battles through the numbing snow
A week's worth of groceries all in tow

Santa readies himself, way up in Lapland
As children across the world watch the minute hand
Parents hoping all will go as planned
While outside, a magnificent white winter wonderland

I often stand out at night, as snow falls delicately upon me
Like crystalline stars descending from the heaven's glory
A unique snowflake for every creature great and small
A simple snowflake, one for all

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2022

Details | Lee Geoghegan Poem

Beautiful Day

Dawn has arrived, rays of gold split the night
The sweet rhythm of birdsong, a morning delight
Wings all aflutter with colours so bright
A gift to the beholder, such a wholesome sight

Sunlight sparkles like diamonds, glittering upon a winding stream
Morning dew blankets the lush meadow grass
Bees buzzing cheerfully as they work for the team
Nature painting upon its canvas, the most supreme colour scheme

Two brilliant white swans glide upon a still lake
Together they drift, majestic and carefree
Breaking the mirrored surface, a delicate trail in their wake
A special partnership neither will ever forsake

Faces of smiling children as they run and play
A morning adventure awaits, an inquisitive foray
So many possibilities to mould like clay
Into the forest they go to seize the day

Young lovers lay cradled amongst fields of gold
Sharing a love so pure, each other’s hand they hold
Gazing in utter bliss at the blue sky above
Two souls intertwined, forever in love

Dusk is upon us, the day retiring to night
The blazing sun has subsided to a subtle twilight
Life hunkers down with a sense of dismay
Darkness soon to fall, to conquer the day

Flowers succumb to the night, to bloom again soon
Petals they close under the light of the moon
A brand new day only a moment away
A signal of rebirth from the cold night decay

A glorious golden sun is on the cusp of arise
Its warming light, the ultimate prize
Creatures great and small cease their solemn cries
For a new day has dawned, ready to rejuvenate, replenish and revitalise

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2022

Details | Lee Geoghegan Poem

Glory To The Garden

The utter splendour of garden life
Encompassed by nature, calm and serene
A sanctuary away from all that strife
Oh what a pleasure it has been!

Wondrous sounds competing all around
With eyes closed, I listen in
Standing barefoot on grassy ground
A blissful deluge has me in a spin

A lonely droplet descends from above
Splash! A pond ripples of a glistening fluid
Hidden within a small meadow grove
A droplet now lost in a swirling multitude

Ponds, hedgerows, and colourful meadows
An array of habitats, for one and all
The river sparkles as it flows
A buzzard glides, I hear his call

Duelling dragonflies have set the scene
Blooms of yellow, blue and vibrant lime
And all the hues found in between
A magical moment captured in time

This enchanting space touched the hearts of many
A slice of heaven for all who stood within
A defining place along my spiritual journey
It resonates deep beneath my skin

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2023

Details | Lee Geoghegan Poem


The heart's core, life's tapestry
My very essence, woven as I've grown
A vault of treasured memories
Echoing through my blood and bone

A lifetime of precious moments
This private gallery of me
A multitude of priceless fragments
Fading into infinity

Grasped by death’s stranglehold
I wither here so frail and old
Pondering the residue of my life
As my body turns to mold

My vessel has grown tired
My work here, almost done
Sitting in silent contemplation
My final days beneath the sun

My maker put me to the test
Now in closing, I’m in much distress
Just one more small request
Please release me for my eternal rest

Perhaps there’s time for a morning prayer
Judgement shall be swift and fair
For just beyond the horizon lurks oblivion
Bliss and serenity await me there

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2022

Details | Lee Geoghegan Poem

Coming To Terms

Heed this call, my son, for my heavenly realm awaits
Familiar faces wait patiently beyond the gates
You stated proudly that you've lived your dream
Your wife was your river, and children your stream
I admire your fighting spirit, refusing to give in
Willing to give anything to remain in your skin
I shall bless you now with my ethereal light
Then I'll take you with me on this dark night
A painful path beckons for your loving wife to follow
Her journey will be filled with heart-wrenching sorrow
Tossed within a tumultuous sea
Your children will struggle to live without thee
Their purpose now is to develop and grow
Without the pillar of strength they have come to know
Tears will flow, and courage they will gain
For however many years here, they shall remain

Souls on this earth seek to enhance their inner light
Some require darkness, so their eternal spirit may burn bright
I can see you’ve come to terms and found inner peace
Knowing you’ll be reunited when their lives here cease
I finally comprehend the purpose of this life
And the immeasurable pain endured by my beloved wife
I promise, in time, you’ll surely come to know
My passing was meant to be so; it was for you that I let go

Copyright © Lee Geoghegan | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs