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Best Poems Written by Timothy Ray

Below are the all-time best Timothy Ray poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Never Wonder Why I Love You

i never wonder why i love you
why animals can migrate with no map 
why do some moths as well as butterflies
able to choose wings up or down
yet they never vary in their species 
the sun rises in the East
the full moon is gravid with romance
birds innately build nests without a blueprint
nary a lesson, born with their own song
all of these things point to a natural order
of what is and meant to be
that which is tried and true 
what has worked thru the ages
what most of all endures
when i am holding you
my arms feel filled beyond measure
everything in this world is where it belongs
i love you because i belong with you
as does the evening's song to the nightingale
come morning the lark's duty to sing dawns' glory
the roosters claim upon the rising sun
a mockingbird's mating call fills the darkness
i see the natural order that surrounds my life
i never feel a reason to wonder why
you belong with me and i with you
the Earth and Moon, lip to lip
in a celestial dance, lost in each others' gaze
insouciant to a surrounding universe
it is said that if you never had a question
you will never need an answer
and when i look into your eyes
i never see a why i see every reason
of why i love you 

   9/18   Kismet

There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the One, to the One
Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there is no one else above you

written by Van Morrison
from the song
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

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When I Pass

when i pass
i will linger on in a few memories
a few nanoseconds in man's history
place no stone above me
with some name easily forgotten
never bury me in the earth
in some hollowed-out cavity
waiting for some delusional day
when cemeteries reach some prophecy
looking like a Wack-A-Mole celebration
cremate me and scatter the ashes
in some pleasant meadow
where i may luxuriate in bathing
in the Bose-Einstein condensation
as the sun rises with the solar wind
perchance an ash lights upon a blossom
a bee gathers pollen 
i cling to its toil and escape in flight
hither and dither on the hives path
let me spend a full moon
in silvery shadows that dance
amidst the mockingbirds' song of the night
or rejoice in a tempest roaring
as the trees dance in God's metronome
His power dancing across the sky
in a glorious burst of light
please a meadow of promised halcyon days
where the mortal is scattered in gratitude
of what was so miraculous
to touch, to see, to taste, to smell
blessed with the senses
yet the grandest of them all
for i was given an entitlement
graced with the gift to love
in that first breath was my eternity
when the sun runs dry and expands
all have perished at Jupiter's gates
let my mortal existence return 
from which it sprang
the fruition of that breath is home
where space and time harbor no path
where it was commanded
let there be light

   OKC   9/22

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

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She Is An Exquisite Dinner

she is an exquisite dinner
awakens taste with beguiling smiles
a platter of kindness
wrapped in delicate crepes
lips that promise
a selection of wines
set for any course you so desire
a delicate glass never empty
a macedoine salad
stolen from the garden 
of some goddess
a bewitching soup 
dipped from a cauldron
enchantment in every spoon
that reaches the palate
fruits that have come from far
and forbidden shores
an intoxicating sweetness that consumes
all of the senses
and finally the piece de resistance
what drove Greek sculptors to stone
she is sitting across the table

   OKC   06/22

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

Details | Timothy Ray Poem

I Have Had Moments In Life

i have had moments in life
where the vortex becomes silent
those minutes spent in halcyon rapture
away from the maelstrom of hours
when the soul must be refreshed
to pause in the wonder of it all
listen to the soft murmuring sounds
as doves nearby roost
oh i could easily give wings
return to the hurried world
but these minutes as i listen
i know well their place in the order
of life's duties calls
a respite to refresh the soul
with a heaven-sent cooing
and as Emily did note
they asked nothing of me
joyous in the nobody we are
leaving me treasures in song
minutes that make tolerable the hours
more so the width of life, its song
to breathe the breath given to us all
the euphoria in a dove's murmurings 

   OKC   6/22

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

Details | Timothy Ray Poem

Annus Mirabilis-1905

March is a time of transition
winter and spring commence their struggle
between moments of ice and mud
a robin appears heralding the inevitable
life stumbling from its slumber
it was in such a period of change in 1905
that the House of Physics
would see its Newtonian axioms
of an ordered universe collapse
into a new frontier
where the divisions of time and space
matter and energy
were to blend as rain and wind
in a storm that broke loose
within the mind of Albert Einstein
where Brownian motion danced
seen and unseen, a random walk
that became his papers marching through science
reshaping the very fabric of the universe
we have come to know
we all share a common ancestor
a star long lost in the eons of memory
and yet in that commonality
nature demands a permutation
a perchance genetic roll of the dice
which births a new vision
lifting us temporarily from the mystery
exposing some of the roots of our existence
only to raise a plethora of more questions
as did the papers of Einstein in 1905

   SAN DIEGO 9/05   Philosophy of Science Portal 
   Tim Ray   Poet Colleague
i was working as a "Stringer" for the above blog searching the Internet for articles on physics and philosophy and was asked to write this as part of a celebration of the 100-year mark of Einstein's papers. i do not do requests but i conceded for reasons. my claim to fame herein is a poke at Einstein's statement that God does not play with dice, however, was not he a permutation in the scheme of things? and lest we forget he objected to the Big Bang theory holding onto the Steady State with other scientists because it was too much like Genesis. and lost to Bohr over Quantum Entanglement, settled by John Stewart Bell...but who is counting? and these peccadillos stand in little shadows of those papers in 1905.

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

Details | Timothy Ray Poem



the fire has become embers
light has succumbed into shadows
a Spanish guitar now whispers
where moments ago we were lost
in a tango of passion
reeling in a cascade of desiring limbs
captivated universes
dancing in each other's eyes
now your head enveloped in quietude
upon my breast
wandering in the land of nod
hair perfumes the air
while i listen to each breath
every heartbeat
envelops my body in serenity
it is in moments such as this
i touch the bliss
a destiny for us within eternity
the empyreal fields of her lips
are my earthly paradise
where i wait in anticipation
of forevermore 

3/15/22   OKC

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

Details | Timothy Ray Poem


death can never cease to exist
what lives in my every moment
the softness within her eyes
a light brush of a hand
taking my breath away
lips as doves landing
upon mine
a smile bequeathing me purest of joy
become eyes shuttered in ecstasy
death cannot take away
what heaven will return to me
for an eternity
it becomes awaiting the dream
a day closer to you
death will never perish
my reason for living
ask Mrs. Muir who waits on the balcony
if matter never perishes
what more can i add to the gift 
that lives forever within love
or in my every heartbeat

   OKC 2/18/22

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

Details | Timothy Ray Poem

My Judas

when my thoughts trail down
those wooded paths we tread, i wonder
what there was to see in you
other than the beauty of any beast
wisdom dictates never befriend physical attraction
nothing is expected of friendship
other than the love it is
analysis, fools rush in, live, and learn
you saw in me a kindness to your needs
someone on whom you could depend, moments
when the soul lies distraught
the world walks on by, as i have learned
then for some reason, perhaps an innate evil
lurking in all of us
my kindness you perceived, a weakness
this did not leave me, bright position
prognosis, this too shall pass

in this discourse, leaves have fallen
winter always takes its toll
yet spring returns, life begins anew
yes there are frail branches
in the strength of this tree 
they have learned to bend
let go, survive my judas
find your salvation therein

   Phoenix   87   The Patient Stones

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022

Details | Timothy Ray Poem

Holding Abigail In My Arms

holding Abigail in my arms
my cat is treated to lessons mother
passed on to me
bury your face in her neck
and gently rub your cheek
she will arch backward into the nuzzling
chew softly on her ears
the more you pay attention
to the back of the head
the brain will fire neuropathways
and the memories of mother
will come thru
she pulls back into that look
where we take turns rubbing cheeks
cheek to cheek we declare we belong
to one another
Anatole France noted until you
have loved an animal
you are only a half soul
sometimes my nights need a bit more
to settle the day's dust
the little bottle in the bathroom
comes in the same pink box
i remember wrapping at Christmas
the joy in that present for her
and that is all it takes
full concentration for the night's list
of those in my deepest prayer
one little spray from that bottle
and i am in church next to my mother
lost in the wonderment of a congregation
devoted to the good of mankind
united in prayer and song
such are the neuropathways of mother
God's creatures are blessed as such
mother and a single spray
of White Shoulders

   OKC   2/23

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2023

Details | Timothy Ray Poem

Behold Beatrice, Pitcairn

Behold Beatrice, Pitcairn
the paradise sunsets lie in Tahiti
sunrise, the folly of Easter
islands, sanitoriums, deluded, denuded
limbos and purgatories, the never evermore
Polynesian metaphors transmigrate my mind
O to graze with the deer, dear
the tree never falls silently
lizards scatter, birds scurry to flight
i could never buy into falling silence
let alone fate of Galileo's descending weights
church theologians preferring an atheist Aristhrottle
forgive me for being sententious dear
no pity for Cyrano
the hidden Darcy 
in another failed Benedick in port
without Dante's delusions
love with no embrace
Service, woman, a slightly tainted saint
Tennyson's wound that never heals
Petrarch, Augustine, it grows insane
ah the vicissitudes, where was i
yes, leaving metaphors and literate men

your laughter starts in those ignescent eyes
ignition, brush fires of rippling ballerinas
facial muscles lost in abandonment
to some elfish music i see, never hear
lips widening, bursting rubaiyat pandemonium
i adore your infectious risibility
it is your amatory smile i love most
demure, candles gamboling in the moonlight
i am a moth lost in the flames
of your demanding timidity
it is then i see in your eyes
the dove gracing your hands
the beast who serves your lust
this is why the Norsemen
fear nothing but women
swords once ready, berserkers, Odin
now lie silent volcanoes in my heart, Freya
the seas are without headstones
and i am wondering again terricolous
all of this are the clouds overhead
it is the heavens i see in your eyes
not the red dawn i fear
we see the jungle, its' song, inevitable war
the struggle to stand in the light

possibly besotted, erratum
the seas have long not cared
with you, i learn, heal
we are undeniably humanity
we are paradise lost
the hells of yesterday
need not rule the heavens of today
your arms gravid with red sunsets
fill my deepest hopes of all morrows  
its' ultimate price is gladly paid

   Miramar   94   The Patient Stones
   Revised   5/22   OKC
see on Youtube
Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 Is Not What It Seems
there are certain words in here common in 19th Century literature that always remind me....besotted with Jane Austen

Copyright © Timothy Ray | Year Posted 2022


Book: Reflection on the Important Things